Chapter 520
Therefore, in the face of interests, women are just...

The delivered goods can be discarded at will.

Moreover, since ancient times, no matter how beautiful a woman is, there will always be a day of old age and fading. At that time, the emperor who used to be tender to her in every possible way will definitely like the new and hate the old.

Even within a few days, this person might have been forgotten.

If Chu Qingxiang was the only person she wanted to take revenge on, then it wouldn't be too much trouble. After all, Chu Qingxiang is not in a good position now, and she can crush her to death with one finger.

The key is……

She also wanted to take revenge on that high-ranking emperor, let his crown fall to the ground, and live a miserable life. In this way, she had more things to consider.

Although, with her beauty and means, it is not difficult to make the king not go to court early from now on.

But in this way, the title of Demon Fairy Who Disasters the Country must be inseparable from her.

After all, she has not forgotten that in her previous life, it was only because she was so beautiful that she caused disasters to the country and the people, and made the emperor obsessed with her beauty all day long, thus ruining the government. Those annoying ministers jointly wrote a letter saying that Burn her to death, and return Tianqiong Kingdom to a bright future.

At that time, her peerless beauty was not destroyed, so Tian Yangnan was reluctant to let her die, but he did not dare to disregard the opinions of the ministers and offend these pillars.

Therefore, after thinking twice, he sent her to a quiet courtyard and asked her to go out to avoid the limelight, but this time, he gave Chu Qingxiang the opportunity to murder her.

From then on, that gorgeous Chu Qingyan was replaced by an ugly monster.

Suffered so much pain that she could never imagine...

"Female benefactor, what's the matter with you? If you have any troubles, can you tell me one or two? Although the poor monk's ability is limited, he will definitely do his best to relieve your worries."

Seeing that Chu Qingyan seemed to have fallen into some kind of demonic obstacle, there was obvious pain in her eyes, so sad, yet so hateful...

Yichen didn't know why, but his heart ached in an instant, and he really wanted to help her solve her problems.

"Master won't understand my sorrow." Chu Qingyan withdrew her thoughts, then pointed to the big hole in the roof and said, "It's late at night, so let's go back the way Master came here!"

Yichen looked at the hole, then at Chu Qingyan, his lips twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he was still speechless.

Just after Yichen left...

The eunuch's male and female voices came from outside the door, "The emperor is here."

I really can't wait!Chu Qingyan smiled sarcastically, but it was just in time, and I hope that the big meal she prepared will not scare him to death in the future.

Seeing the bright yellow figure approaching from far to near, Chu Qingyan put the veil on her face again, blessed her body slightly and said: "My concubine sees the emperor,"

"Aifei please get up quickly," Tian Yangnan grabbed her arm and helped her up.

Chu Qingyan frowned slightly, and quietly withdrew her arm...

"My concubine, I heard that your roof collapsed, but you are injured," Tian Yangnan didn't care about these details, but looked at her with concern and asked.

In that way, it is like a husband who loves his wife and cares for his wife, lest he bump into each other.

But his tenderness only made Chu Qingyan feel sick, and goosebumps fell all over the ground...

It's just that, no matter how disgusting she is, she still has to make false claims with this man, otherwise, how will her revenge plan unfold...

(End of this chapter)

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