Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 497 My Brother Is A Sick 47

Chapter 497 My Brother Is A Sick 47
When she came back, Lan Fenfang told her directly that she had taken a nap just now, and that her mobile phone was stolen by that short-sighted thief, and that she would buy a new one for her when she arrived in England...

Although this excuse was fake, Song Yan didn't say a word, because maybe by breaking their connection a little bit more cleanly, she could forget him faster...

Time flies, seven years have passed by...

Over the years, her mother severed all contact with Song Zichen.

Although at the beginning, she was in pain, thinking about him every day, and sometimes she couldn't sleep because of thinking about him, but as time went by, the deep-rooted longing slowly settled down...

"Yanyan, mom has something to do and needs to go back to China, so these days, you just stay here obediently and wait for me to come back," Lan Fenfang said to her while packing her things.

"Okay, Mom," Song Yan watched Lan Fenfang leave the house, then turned on the computer, and there was an email from yesterday.

There is only a simple sentence on it, "Song Zuhao is sick".

These years, Lan Fenfang stayed with her most of the time, and if there was no urgent matter, she would not leave her easily.

Therefore, the authenticity of this email is worth pondering.

And her mother hurried out early this morning. If it wasn't for this incident, she couldn't think of anything else that would make her mother, who regarded her as a "prisoner", leave without knowing the date of return.

Speaking of which, it has been seven years, and she should go home, no matter whether her father is sick or not, she should go back and have a look...


Song Yan wore Shiatzy.Chen style clothes and walked out of the station dragging a purple lockbox...

Just walking to the side of the road, a low-key luxury car stopped in front of her...

Song Yan looked at the car suspiciously, thinking, is this specially here to pick her up?

But this time she returned to China in secret and didn't tell anyone! "

"Sister, what are you looking at? Hurry up and get in the car!" The voice that was familiar to the bone, from the original softness to the current hoarse and sexy voice came...

Song Yan felt as if she had been given a body-fixing spell, but a turbulent sea arose in her heart...

How could it be him.

How did he know she was back.

Seven years, they met for the first time, what should they say.

Would she blame her for leaving without saying goodbye?

Or, he has already let go of the feelings he had back then, and now, he really regards her as a real "sister", that's all.

However, if this was the case, a sense of pain would inevitably arise in her heart.

At this moment, she wanted to escape, but also wanted to see him. After all, they hadn't seen each other for so many years.

Originally, she thought that when she saw him again, she should be able to face him calmly, but at this moment, she realized that she still overestimated herself.

No matter what Song Yan thought, the car door opened in response...

This man, in his memory, seems to be the young and immature boy back then, but now he has grown up, his appearance is even more peerless, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of seductive and seductive amorous feelings, which makes people have to fall in love with him obsessed……

"Zichen," Song Yan twitched her lips and called out his name softly, looking at this man who was so good-looking that people wanted to violate her.

(End of this chapter)

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