Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 493 My Brother Is A Sick 43

Chapter 493 My Brother Is A Sick 43
"This kid, his physical strength is so damn good, he's so exhausted." After running for nearly an hour, the people who could be called "kidnappers" looked at the black figure in front of them with heavy eyes.

"Boy, if you keep running like this, you might really be able to escape? Why, don't keep running!" Lord Bang, the boss of this group of people, looked at Song Zichen and said.

"Run..., is that necessary?" The corner of the young man's lips slightly raised a mocking arc, and the bewitching voice sounded in the darkness, which made people feel inexplicably terrified.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, you will regret it later," although Master Bang was surprised by the brazenness of the boy, and the creepy feeling.

However, people who have experienced strong winds and waves will not be deterred by these unnecessary things.

The people behind him held iron bars in their hands, and when Lord Bang said the word "Up," they all ran towards the boy in front fiercely...

"Qi Bang, before you do anything, you'd better think about the consequences," the boy's fearless voice came from the front...

Qi Bang immediately yelled "Stop," and immediately, their little brothers stopped the car and looked at their boss blankly.

"Who are you?" Qi Bang asked calmly, pushing aside the younger brother who was blocking the way.

People on the road only know to call him Master Bang, but no one has ever known that his full name is Qi Bang.

Since he committed homicide on impulse 20 years ago and was released from prison after serving his sentence, the name Qi Bang has completely disappeared from the road.

From then on, he called himself Bang Ye, and there were only two people in this city who could call him by his first name and knew that his name was Qi Bang...

One is the controller of the underground mafia gang, and the other is the second in command of the gang who is mysterious and unpredictable. No one knows his appearance, identity, and origin, but he is extremely capable.

Naturally, it is impossible for the leader of the Crazy Gang to appear here, let alone have anything to do with this person named Song Zichen.

But that's not necessarily the case with the mysterious second-in-command of the Crazy Gang.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is..., if you offend me today, then you...," the young man's faint words spit out from his mouth, but what he said afterwards made people feel a piercing pain Coldness swept over the whole body.

"The days to come will be a thousand times more painful than death..."

The reason Qi Bang was able to reach his current high position was naturally not due to brute force and ruthlessness, but the ability to observe words and demeanor and a pair of piercing eyes.

Therefore, when the young man said that sentence, he knew instinctively that this young man could not be offended.

And he will never easily offend a person who makes him feel dangerous...

"I'm offended," Qi Bang said apologetically, after all calculations were made in his mind.

The tone is neither humble nor overbearing, but it makes people feel full of humility.

"Boss, this kid, no matter how you look at it, is a kid from a rich family, don't be intimidated by him,"

"That's right! Boss, the employer gave us a lot of money this time, and the only request is that we teach this kid a good lesson. We don't have to make trouble with the money!"

The employer, Song Zichen raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, his eyes were full of piercing ice.

It seems that that person has repeatedly warned himself that he can't do it, and he can't wait to attack him?
However, this method is too childish.

(End of this chapter)

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