Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 49 The Phoenix is ​​the Beautiful Man 1 Basket 3

Chapter 49 The Phoenix is ​​All Over the World, A Basket of Beautiful Men 3
But none of these can change the fact that she is a completely tragic female partner, especially that she loves Song Qianchen deeply, and even sacrificed her life many times in order to be with him, but Song Qianchen doesn't care about her at all. She didn't even move her promise of being a couple for life.

You must know that in this world where women are superior to men, there are few incidents in which one can make a promise of being a couple for a lifetime, and one can give up a large forest for one person, even in the past and present. This shows how much the original owner really likes him.

But what's the use of liking or loving, if others don't like you, no matter how much you give, it's all in vain.

But the original owner just didn't understand this truth, so he pestered Song Qianchen endlessly, and made the hostess secretly hate her.

Who is the heroine, a murderous, ruthless killer in the 21st century, no matter who offends her, she will die in the end, not to mention the man who covets her, how tragic the ending will be.

As for the original owner, it can be said that she challenged her Ni Lin to all odds, offended her thoroughly, not only coveted her man, but also robbed her of the throne, and even disrupted her plan many times, trapping her in the world. In dire straits, this monstrous hatred caused the original owner to die a miserable death in the end.

But everything the original owner did was for Song Qianchen, whether it was fighting for the throne or fighting against Wu Ningxue, everything was for Song Qianchen.

Even when Song Qianchen was in danger or desperate situation many times because of the heroine, she was the one who risked her life and tried her best to save him. For Song Qianchen, she suffered a lot, suffered a lot, and was heartbroken. Even once, in order to save him, the original owner was poisoned by heartbroken grass. This poisonous grass is very poisonous. When it attacks, it is worse than death. It is like thousands of arrows piercing the heart and thousands of ants biting the bones.

But Song Qianchen couldn't see her sacrifices at all, and even dismissed them. Even if Wu Xixue had never done anything for him, he only had Wu Ningxue in his heart from the beginning to the end.

Even so, the original owner still loved him deeply, and even hid behind him all the time, giving silently.

She thought that even if Song Qianchen didn't love him, at least he still had some gratitude towards her, and at least he wouldn't betray her to her death.

But until she was imprisoned in death row and tortured by countless tortures until she could not survive.

The woman came, and she looked at her covered in blood on the ground with light eyes, and she was in a mess, and then slowly swallowed a truth that made her heartbroken.

"Do you know why your hiding place and your overall plan were discovered by me, or even destroyed?"

"Because Qianchen told me all this," she said close to her ear, with infinite sarcasm in her tone, looking at her as if she were a pitiful clown, or... A clown who never gets a look back from that person no matter what he does.

When the original owner heard this sentence, there was a lot of disbelief and sadness in his eyes. It turned out that all his sacrifices, all his trust and love were worthless in his eyes, and they were even used by him to use and hurt her. Sharp tool, it turns out that the man I have been in love with all this time is such a wolf-hearted, beautiful and ugly man.

(End of this chapter)

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