Chapter 452 My Brother Is A Sick 1
Name: Ye Yuran
Level: 17 (full level 100)

Points: 26735
Soul Hearts: 8
Black Fairy Tale: The main quest and side quests are completed, 4000 points have been credited, and 200 points have been automatically exchanged for the rose bracelet.

"I'm back, Xiaoran, are you happy, happy, excited..." As soon as Ye Yuran returned to the system space, Shui Shui happily surrounded her, circling many times...

"Hey! Why don't you speak, you are still dumb, and you are indifferent to my return. It's too much. The boat of friendship capsizes." .

At this moment, a certain kitty finally felt that something was wrong.

This woman Ye Yuran, although occasionally she doesn't bother to talk to her, but she disappeared for such a long time, it doesn't make sense, after she comes back, she just doesn't say a word, don't say a word!

Could it be that something bad happened in the mission world? It counted, and it seemed that her return this time was the earliest time she had ever come back. The time before and after added up, it was only about two months ...

It's over, it's over, looking at her like this, she must have not lived with that man for a while, otherwise, the black air on her head would not be so strong...

"Xiao Ran! Don't you be sad? Next time, next time, you can still meet him. Then, you can be together for a long time! "

Ye Yuran already has a human-like phantom in the system space, so when she raised her head, her expression was sad, and even her eyes were red.

"Xiao Ran, don't be sad, don't be sad. Just like I said just now, do you still have an afterlife? If this life is not perfect, the next life will be perfect."

After saying these words, Ye Yuran still seemed to be in a bad mood, so Shuishui flew into the sky and made faces for her one after another...

At first, Ye Yuran didn't feel anything special, but when Shui Shui's belly swelled, her eyes were gurgling, her little tail was wagging, and she was floating in the air like a balloon, she laughed "puchi" get up...

Oh my God!Shuishui finally burst into laughter. At this moment, Shuishui was so happy!

"Shui Shui, thank you. My mood has improved a lot," Ye Yuran thanked Shui Shui.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." After Shuishui regained her cute look, she took out a mirror out of thin air and muttered while looking at it, "I wonder if you messed up my hair."

Why didn't I know that it is so stinky besides sleeping?Ye Yuran stroked his forehead, then walked to the mission wheel, ready to start the next mission world, and meet him sooner...

But at this moment, Shui Shui stopped her action...

"Xiaoran, now that you have condensed your incorporeal body, do you want to consider another way to complete the task?"

"Another way, what do you mean?" Also, I actually have an incorporeal body. Ye Yuran raised her hand to look at it, and found that she actually has a hand. Although the hand is transparent, it is enough to make her We were surprised.

"That is, why don't you imitate other people's amnesia, and then completely regard yourself as a person from that world?"

(End of this chapter)

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