Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 439 Everyone is black but I am the only monologue 35

Chapter 439 Everyone is black but I am the only monologue 35
Hill came up behind her and asked while pushing the swing: "Those so-called relatives of yours are gone,"

"Yeah," Ye Yuran nodded, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Seeing you look so happy, did something good happen?"

"It was originally a bad thing, but I turned it into a good thing."

"Oh!" Hill raised his eyebrows slightly. As far as he knew, her relatives, who had no blood relationship at all, would beat and scold her before, and if they were unhappy, they would take all their anger on her. body.

She is simply the most vicious stepmother and sister in history, bar none.

Originally, he wanted to use the cruelest method in the world to get rid of these people who hurt her, but after this incident, it seems that this matter will be pushed back.

After all, he couldn't just disturb her interest.

Three days later, Ye Yuran and Hill's wedding was put on the agenda. The king was very dissatisfied with this matter, secretly put a lot of pressure on Hill, and even hinted repeatedly to Ye Yuran that it was time to leave...

It's a pity that none of the two of them paid attention to him, and they were still preparing for the wedding on their own...

And on this day, the stepmother and two older sisters came to the palace again, and this time, it happened that Hill was by Ye Yuran's side...

"Your Highness, it's really you," the two sisters entered the palace with veils all the way, but they didn't expect that they were so lucky to see the noble Prince as soon as they arrived.

His Highness the Prince is really handsome, those picturesque eyebrows, that suffocatingly handsome face... It's really ingenious, and when they are combined together, they are so dazzling.

The two elder sisters looked at Hill without blinking, didn't know where to put their hands, their faces were still slightly flushed, shy and timid, and their whole mind was full of enthusiasm.

I really hate their gazes, Ye Yuran's expression turned cold, and then she pulled Hill behind her and said, "What's the matter?"

Now, she didn't even bother to use the honorifics of mother and sister.

But the two elder sisters didn't answer her at all. Instead, they looked at Hill shyly and said, "Your Highness, I am Leila's eldest sister, and my name is..."

Before the eldest sister could say anything, the other one also spoke: "Your Highness, I am Leila's second daughter, my name is...,"

This time, the two sisters didn't say anything, and were interrupted by the other party. As soon as the two sisters got annoyed, they were ready to pinch each other...

How could the stepmother give up such a good opportunity so easily? Immediately, she spoke in a slightly louder voice: "Daughters, covering your face with a veil in front of His Highness is a great crime of disrespect. Why don't you quickly throw down your veil?" Show people your true colors,"

When the two sisters heard this, they immediately gave each other a hard look, and then lowered their veils shyly...

When the true face under the veil was revealed, Ye Yuran almost stopped laughing...

I saw that the scars on the faces of the two sisters were the same as hers, but because they were new, the scars had not formed for a long time, so they looked extremely terrifying, like ghosts...

Seeing this, Ye Yuran could only say one thing, ruthless enough, at this level, the two sisters may have suffered a lot.

After all, these two older sisters were willing to chop off their own heels and toes in the genuine fairy tales. Speaking of which, now, just disfiguring them is nothing more than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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