Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 370 The Corpse Emperor is Coming to His Arms 34

Chapter 370 The Corpse Emperor is Coming to His Arms 34
"Also, Xiaoxuan, I have never been a so-called burden. Meeting him is the greatest luck in my life."

It was the first time he saw her defending a man other than him like this, and Han Yuan couldn't help but be shaken.

The girl who was as shy as a peach when she saw her, the girl who regarded him as the whole world, now, he really didn't know him at all.

Before the people around him could speak again, a young man was sweating profusely, rushed into the conference room in panic, and said anxiously, "Zombies are coming in,"

This sentence was like a thunderclap, causing everyone's faces to be solemn.

Of course, among all these people, there is only one person...

An Lingxuan.

"What should we do! Captain Han?" Most people in the conference room turned their attention to Han Yuan, as if Han Yuan was their backbone and life-saving straw.

And in their expressions, they couldn't hide the trembling, panic and despair...

Because, they all know that this time, they are really dead.

After all, with so many zombies attacking, apart from the legendary supernatural beings who can reach level S or above, who else has the ability to escape?
It's just that when people are not really desperate, they always have a fluke mentality and look forward to something called a "miracle".

Han Yuan's complicated eyes lingered on Ye Yuran for a few seconds, and then said to everyone in a deep voice: For the current plan, there is no other way but to fight, "

Upon hearing the word "war", these people could not help shrinking their necks, subconsciously took a few steps back, and leaned forward slightly.

The word "war" can actually be equated with the word "death" at this time.

No one wanted to die, so when Han Yuan said that word, several people had already left quietly, and then more people left quickly without leaving even a single word.

"You,..." Looking at these people who used to look just and awe-inspiring, but now they are greedy for life and afraid of death, and only care about escaping for their lives...

Han Yuan couldn't help being so angry that he stumbled and fell on the table...

Today, besides Su Ran, there are more people who refreshed his cognition...

Could it be that human nature has really been wiped out in this last days?
"Instead of wasting time here, it's better to escape as soon as possible!" Glancing at the decadent man, Ye Yuran gave him the last piece of advice, and then took An Lingxuan's hand and left the conference room...

The small town that originally seemed peaceful...

Now, half of the sky is stained red with blood all over the ground, there are remains of limbs everywhere, and there are those ugly, ferocious, foul-smelling and terrifying zombies who are hunting for food and even chewing corpses in their mouths...

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuran couldn't help but twitched in his stomach, and directly leaned on a pillar to retch...

Although she had been prepared for a long time, she never expected that it would be so bloody and frightening, much more terrifying than the scenes she saw in the movie.

A bunch of trash actually made her uncomfortable.

An Lingxuan patted Ye Yuran's back on the one hand, but on the other hand, he used those dark red eyes to scan the zombies majestically...

Receiving this fatal look, all the zombies, without exception, were trembling with fear.

If An Lingxuan hadn't restrained his terrifying aura, I'm afraid they would all be kneeling on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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