Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 28 God, you are the hero! 29

Chapter 28 God, you are the hero! 29
Wen Yue originally thought that her reckless offending Luo Yiran that day should have spread throughout the school by now, and people would point and point at her, and then Luo Yiran's ruthless revenge would follow.

But unexpectedly, she was restless all day and kept browsing the webpage of the school forum, but since she didn't have anything about today's matter.

"Students, there are still three days left in this semester. Hurry up and hand in the rest of your homework, otherwise the teacher will not open the back door for you if you fail the course," said the intellectually mature beautiful class teacher. With these words, he took the roster and left the classroom.

Ye Yuran was very fortunate at this moment. Fortunately, when she came, the original owner had already finished all the homework assigned by the teacher, and she was only responsible for handing it in.

Since what happened yesterday, Ye Yuran originally thought that she was going to be popular again, but she never expected that since no news was revealed at that time, she was very happy at that time, and she was very grateful that the former Luo Yiran had this special She has a face-saving personality trait, and Tang Qing knows her very well, so she solved this trouble.

Time flies, this semester just passed by like this, and I don't know what happened, since Yu Shengli didn't come to her these few days, it made Ye Yuran a little upset, or Liu Dongxu ran over to tell her one day, Yu Shengli seems to be participating in some competition these days, and he has no free time all day long.

Only then did she feel a lot more comfortable in her heart, but after she realized her abnormal feeling, she was upset again. What happened to her? Did she really like Yu Shengli?

But now when she thinks of Gong Mochen, she still feels a strong affection!Is she the kind of playboy who likes one thing after another? Oh my god, Ye Yuran didn't dare to think about it anymore. She was afraid that if she continued like this, she would go crazy one day.

"Shui Shui, do you think I can give up this mission!" Ye Yuran asked listlessly when he got home and lay on the bed.

"Don't even think about it. If you want to give up this task before it's finished, you'll have to do it later," Shui Shui licked her paw in the white space with a displeased face, and justified her words.

"But if this continues, I'm afraid I'll have to play around sooner or later,"

"Hmph, that doesn't work, and you forgot that there is a penalty for failing the mission?"

"Punishment," Ye Yuran sat up from the bed and asked hastily, "What punishment?"

"Hmph, there are many kinds of punishments, and there are countless tricks, if you don't complete the task well, you will be passive and slow down, just wait for misery!
"Let me tell you!" Ye Yuran asked Shui Shui flatteringly in his mind.

"I won't tell you, it's a punishment that makes you live or die anyway, you can figure it out yourself!" After saying this, Shui Shui shrank into a ball and went to have a date with Zhou Ding, but Ye Yuran No matter how you call it in your mind, it turns a blind eye and ignores it.

At this time, Ye Yuran finally realized the seriousness of the problem. If the task failed, there would be a punishment of life or death, which was simply too terrifying.

But what can she do? The plot has been completely ruined by her and is beyond recognition.

The task is to play the role of the original owner well until the end of the task, ah!ah!ah!In this way, her mission has failed, and her life is suddenly hopeless at this moment. Ye Yuran is horrified when she thinks of the punishment Shuishui said for failing the mission, but what can she do? She can only stay in this world and stay in the plot. Finish.

(End of this chapter)

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