Chapter 268
There was just a heavy rain yesterday, and this morning, the bright sunshine shone into the dilapidated temple piecemeal. For the 5-year-old Bei Mingmo, it was another difficult day...

He climbed up from the wet straw in tattered clothes, and beside the straw, there were still wet bloodstains.

He skillfully dragged this brand-new but horrific corpse to the back mountain of the ruined temple, dug a hole in an orderly manner, buried people and filled the hole, and his movements were done in one go. Obviously, he had done such things many times before. Already numb.

To Bei Mingmo, this was just another person who wanted to die.

I don't know whose turn it is after going out today?The corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl into a creepy smile.

He is obviously only a five-year-old child, but the aura emanating from his whole body makes people feel extremely strange, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, if anyone provokes him, he will gnaw this person until there is not even a bone left .

He originally thought that such a boring but boring day would last for a long time...

Until that day, everything changed...

That day, he was misunderstood by a few gangsters for stealing something from the First Floor of the World, and he was surrounded and beaten severely by them.

At that time, he had already sentenced these big men to death in his heart, and he had even thought of no less than ten punishments in his mind that would torture them to death.

But at this moment, stones flew out of the void one after another, and without any effort, they forced back those big guys who beat him up.

"Are you okay!" This was the first sentence she said to him, and her voice was as melodious as a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, with a cleansing holiness.

For the first time in normal times, he tasted the feeling of being cared for by others. He didn't feel disgusted or disgusted, nor was he insulted or beaten...

The moment he looked up at the girl, he seemed to see a fairy falling from the sky, beautiful, kind, holy, gentle... It seemed that all the beautiful words in the world were not enough to describe her beauty.

Maybe, at that moment, this girl had quietly slipped into his heart when he was unprepared, and from then on, she could never be driven away...

People who have been walking in the dark all year round, once they encounter the warmth they want to hold, they will do whatever they can, even if they are bruised and bruised, they will have no regrets...

So, from the moment he met her, he had already started planning.

And he, who has seen through everything long ago, has always known that this girl is either rich or noble, and her status is extremely high, but he did not expect that he is actually that high-ranking saint who is admired by everyone.

From the moment he knew about it, he swore that no matter what the price was, one day, he would stand by her side and own her openly.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Everything, since the strange disease spread rapidly, it was too late...

That was their last meeting, and he saw the helplessness in her eyes and her reluctance for him.

His premonitions have always been very accurate, and it was this kind of premonition that made him predictable again and again, avoiding many disasters, but at that moment, he hated this premonition, hated this feeling of powerlessness.

Because, no matter how restless he was and how afraid he was of losing her to the extreme, no matter how hard he tried, he was finally stopped by a powerful force, watching her step by step on the road to death.

(End of this chapter)

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