Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 264 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world92

Chapter 264 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world92
"What happened just now," Ye Yuran asked, looking at the person lying on the ground.

Bei Mingmo only replied to her, "He committed suicide,"

Ye Yuran was a little unbelievable that the national teacher actually chose to commit suicide to end her own life. She thought that someone as ambitious as the national teacher, but greedy for life and afraid of death, would try his best to live as long as he could not die. ?Who knew that he would actually choose to commit suicide, a way of death that didn't fit his character.

"The soul is gone, there is no such a person in this world anymore,"

At this moment, everything turned into silence, and there was no more waves.

However, the next moment, Ye Yuran was surprised by what he said, but at the same time was inexplicably delighted, "Of course, let's get married!"

The affectionately staring eyes, the extremely serious tone, the deep and seductive voice, the utterly beautiful face...

When such a perfect man proposes to a woman affectionately, I believe that no one in this world can refuse.

This guy, the proposal is not romantic at all. There are no flowers, no diamond rings, and no big fights...

However, I don't know why, but she was so moved and wanted to cry. To him, they had known each other for 500 years, he had loved her and waited for her for 500 years, but to her, it was just In just a few days, they met again.

She owed him too much, and she could only repay it with the rest of her life, until the end of time and the vicissitudes of life...

When everyone from the Cangmo tribe came to the altar, Ye Yuran and Bei Mingmo had already left.

At this time, the great elder had faintly woke up, but he was just lying there blankly like a wooden man without a soul.

His body was taken away, but his consciousness has not dissipated. He heard clearly everything the national teacher did and every word he said...

It turns out that he has been living in the lies prepared by the national teacher all along, being deceived and used by him...

It turned out that as long as he listened to him, he could resurrect his beloved woman, it was all fake, fake...

It turned out that the woman he had been thinking about for so many years would never come back, and would only become his happy but painful memory forever, and that, the weeping blood ball carrying the only trace of her soul, also followed the national teacher's die to die.

And the man just now, who clearly showed his killing intent towards him, did not kill him, probably because his time is running out!
However, this is also good, he can go to accompany her.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the desperate elder, the patriarch couldn't help but sigh and came to his side.

Yu Qiao missed her and couldn't forget her, but why didn't he miss her day and night?

Mu Xiyan's mother is the most beautiful girl in the Cangmo tribe. She is kind and pure, like a fairy descending to earth. She has captivated the eyes and won the hearts of many people. At the same time, she also won his and Yu Qiao's hearts.

When two brothers fell in love with the same woman, it was doomed that one of them would quit sadly.

And the lucky one favored by God was actually him. When he learned that the woman he loved deeply also liked him, he went crazy with joy and wanted to tell the whole world how happy he was.

So, not long after, he and Xiyan's mother got married, and after marriage, they lived happily, but Yu Qiao disappeared from their lives without a sound and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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