Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 240 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world68

Chapter 240 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world68
The boy gave a soft "hmm," and put the medicine bottle in his arms with great care, his eyes fell on her from time to time...

But Ye Yuran didn't notice the boy's eyes, and just kept urging: "Eat quickly! If you don't finish so many things quickly, the taste will be greatly reduced after it cools down."

And, she directly picked up a chicken leg from the plate and stuffed it into the boy's dirty hands,

Afterwards, the two children, one clean and tidy, the other dirty and messy, ate happily there...

"I'm so full!" After eating, Ye Yuran lay lazily on the green grass, and burped by the way.

At this moment, Shui Shui's voice came to his ears, "It's time to go,"

"Isn't there a puppet doll? There is no need to be in such a hurry!"

"Why don't you need it? It seems that I have to popularize the knowledge for you, so that you don't have to worry about it and don't take the rules seriously,"

What follows is Shui Shui's long speech...

"Every novel world has its own set of rules for its own operation. As a tasker, you must not go beyond these rules. Otherwise, once you are discovered, you will be rejected by the rules of this world, or even expelled. In severe cases, you may even be banned. obliterate..."

To obliterate, Ye Yuran choked on her saliva and patted her heart. Fortunately, she had never done anything outrageous before, otherwise it would be miserable.

Seeing Ye Yuran's lingering fear, Shui Shui continued to smile and said, "So, no matter which novel world you are in, you can't use things that are beyond the limits of this world,"

"That means that in ordinary youth campus novels, you can't use magic, and in the world of fairy tales, you can't use mobile phones... Is this what you mean?" Ye Yuran communicated with Shuishui.

"In principle, this is true, but there are also some special circumstances. For example, those who wear the past and the present, and those who wear the ancient world... It is okay for them to harbor things that do not belong to that world. ,"

Doesn't that mean that no matter which world I enter, I have to act according to the rules of that world, and I can't use those abilities that don't belong to that world, otherwise it's game over...

Therefore, whether it is a puppet doll, teleportation, disguise, or invisibility, they are all allowed to exist in this world, so she can use them...

However, these things seem to have a bad feature, that is, there is a time limit.

Shuishui seemed to know what Ye Yuran was thinking at the moment, so he explained, "The reason why these abilities have time limits is because they are not abilities that come with the original owner. Therefore, in order not to be discovered, they are restricted by the rules of this world." I noticed that, that’s why there was this restriction,”

"Okay!" Sure enough, superpowers are not that easy to use. Ye Yuran stood up from the green grass helplessly.

"Are you leaving?" The little beggar tugged at the corner of her clothes, his tone was full of uneasiness and panic, and even his eyes seemed to lose their luster.

The boy stared at her with pleading eyes, causing Ye Yuran to feel a sense of guilt for no reason, as if he was a villain who abandoned his husband and son.

At this moment, she wanted to shake her head and stay with the boy, but...

In the end, she could only nod, because of her current status...

She is the saint of Tianchu Kingdom, plus, the puppet doll can't last long, so she must rush back as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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