Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 200 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world25

Chapter 200 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world25
The more I think about it, the bigger the secret group becomes, and the more painful my head becomes...

Ye Yuran rubbed her sore temple.

Coincidentally, at this time, the loud bell of the Cangmo tribe came from afar, and it rang three times in a row...

This is the first-level alarm issued by the Cangmo tribe when it is most urgent, or even endangers the survival of the entire tribe.

At this time, most people should have gathered in the meeting hall. Don't have to think about it, just look at the situation around you, and you can guess that this incident is most likely related to the Candle of Return to the Market.

When Ye Yuran came to the conference hall, almost all the patriarchs, elders, and clan members had gathered here.

"Patriarch, now the Candle of Return to the Ruins has been stolen, what should I do!"

One of the elders spoke first with a sad face, and the others also looked worried and flustered.

Patriarch: "Our Cangmo clan has lost the candle of returning to the ruins, everything is withered, and the enchantment is unstable... The consequences are hard to estimate, and we don't know who it is. steal,"

Elder: "Clan leader, we all know what you said, but the most important thing now is to find a way to recapture the Candle of Return to Ruins. Otherwise, our clan will be destroyed sooner or later."

Patriarch: "I am aware of everyone's worries, but it is unknown who this thief is. Therefore, finding the Candle of Huixu is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and the hope is slim,"

Elder: "Why don't you use that secret technique..."

Everyone: "..., what secret technique?"

Patriarch: "It is absolutely impossible,"

Elder: "Does the patriarch have a better way?"

Patriarch: "...," helpless.

Seeing the dispirited and decadent looks on everyone's faces, Ye Yuran could only sigh helplessly. This incident is an indispensable trigger in the plot.

It can be said that everything started from this incident, and the subsequent plot is also closely related to this incident. If there is no disappearance of Candle of Return to the Market, no one knows where the plot will be biased.

However, Ye Yuran knows a thing or two about the secret technique that the elder mentioned. Anyway, she also knows most of the plot.

Candle-seeking technique is an ancient and strange secret technique. It is said that this secret technique is closely related to the candle of returning to the ruins, and is connected by blood.

You can see that its name is the candle-seeking technique, so people think it is used to find the candle of returning to the ruins.

A long time ago, the Candle of Return to the Market also disappeared as it is now. Later, a respected elder in the clan, in a hurry, used this secret technique in trade, although he finally found the Candle of Return to the Market.

But the price paid was huge and tragic.

That day, the ground was stained red with blood, not only did he die tragically on the spot, but even his wife, children and children all survived.

Therefore, using it requires paying a huge price.

I remember that in the original plot, the heroine took the initiative to speak out about this matter, to avoid using this secret technique, and at the same time, she took the initiative to ask Ying to retrieve the sacred object, the Candle of Return to Ruins.

Now, Ye Yuran felt that he was following the heroine's script, and the relationship between the two seemed to be putting the cart before the horse.

Moreover, she already knew the whereabouts of the Guixu Candle. Looking at the current situation, she naturally could not let anyone use this secret technique to cause such tragic consequences, otherwise her sin would be huge.

Of course, she couldn't confess Beimingmo, otherwise these Cangmo people would make trouble for him, which was not what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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