Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 195 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world20

Chapter 195 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world20
"Looking at your appearance just now, I guessed it," Bei Mingmo told a lie without squinting, without blushing and heartbeat, making it hard to tell the truth from the fake.

Although Ye Yuran felt that this explanation seemed a bit far-fetched, but thinking that he was the omnipotent hero, and she had an almost blind trust in him, she reluctantly believed his words.

The Cangmo tribe is undoubtedly a paradise on earth. After all, you can see the elegant houses, tall and straight trees, and beautiful and rare flowers and plants dotted among them. It is really beautiful.

Ye Yuran walked all the way, and she had a panoramic view of these refreshing scenery. She couldn't help but sigh, if this place is developed into a tourist attraction, I believe it will become popular all over the world.

Not long after, Ye Yuran came to the solemn and sacred altar of the Cangmo tribe.

Altar, as the name suggests, is a unique building used in ancient times to worship gods and pray for blessings.

But she didn't understand why the Great Elder wanted the original owner to come here every three months,
And every time, she was asked to sit cross-legged in the center of the altar, with her eyes closed to rest her mind, and stay there for a full 12 hours, and every time, no more or no less.

The first person the original owner saw...

It was this gloomy and unrevealing Great Elder, so she had always regarded the Great Elder as her reborn parents, and always obeyed his words and never disobeyed.

Therefore, no matter what the Great Elder did to her, she would never think of the bad side...

At first, she thought that her body was different from that of ordinary people, and the chief elder did this for the sake of her body, hoping that she would be protected by the gods.

But over time...

Her body and spirit became worse and worse, her skin began to fester to varying degrees, and her heartbeat suddenly stopped from time to time...

As time goes by, various signs appear frequently. No matter how much she respects and trusts the great elder...

I couldn't help but have a little doubt, the elder, let her go to the altar every three months, is it really for her own good, or there is something else hidden.

But it's a pity that the complete plot is more than halfway through, and it is so tragic that it is gone, otherwise Ye Yuran would know the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Even so, Ye Yuran clearly smelled a conspiracy.

This great elder is definitely not simple. As for this altar, there should be some unknown secrets hidden there.

Also, the lost memory of the original owner, his previous identity, his past, his physical condition that is different from ordinary people...

It is definitely not simple, and it may involve a lot.

Ye Yuran has an intuition that if he understands all these secrets and reveals the secret of the original owner's life experience, then the result must be shocking.
"Come on, come up!" The Great Elder, who was still wrapped in black, said uncomfortably gloomy words.

Ye Yuran immediately came out of her thoughts, then pursed her lips, and walked up to the altar unhurriedly.

Taking a closer look, Ye Yuran couldn't help being slightly surprised.

In his memory, there was something in the hands of the great elder who always had nothing, an orb that looked ancient and mysterious, and something seemed to be moving inside.

But before she could take a closer look, she casually asked Shui Shui what it was, and the Great Elder's sharp eyes swept towards her like a sharp knife, not showing off his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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