Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 178 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world3

Chapter 178 The ultimate big boss who wants to destroy the world3
Although she really wants to accept the plot now, and learn about the current situation by the way, but there is a very dangerous person around Naihe, who is staring at her and watching her every move. unfavorable.

Therefore, she can only respond to all changes with the same, take it lightly, and wait until she leaves the sight of the man in black before accepting the plot.

The carriage stopped quickly, and the girl next to her took her hand and said kindly, "Sister Bing, we are here,"

When they arrived, Ye Yuran couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and took a quick glance outside, only to find that the carriage was parked outside the inn where a family was coming and going.

"Xi'er, put your luggage in the inn first. I have something to tell you, Sister Bing." After the three got out of the car, the man in black sent the girl away with these words.

The girl looked at Ye Yuran, then at the man in black, and walked into the inn with her luggage alone.

After the girl's figure completely disappeared from the sight of the two, the extremely cold voice of the man in black rang in Ye Yuran's ears.

"Bai Bingran, don't forget your identity and the task I gave you," the moment those words came out, a gloomy aura spread around Ye Yuran, which was astonishingly cold, unlike the gentle voice he said to the girl just now. The language is quite different.

Although his aura is very cold and intimidating, but Ye Yuran has seen men who are thousands of times colder and scarier than him, so naturally he will not be intimidated by him.

But judging from the current situation, the only answer is "yes,"

Afterwards, Ye Yuran and the man in black entered the inn together. The man in black gave a few words to the girl named Xi'er, then gave her a threatening look, and left cleanly.

"Sister Bing, what did the elder say to you just now!" The girl said with a smile, her face full of curiosity.

"I didn't say anything, I just wanted me to take good care of you," Ye Yuran could only speak expressionlessly in order to maintain the image of the iceberg beauty, which was really painful for her who always loves to smile and has rich facial expressions Errands.

It's just that she made this world by herself, and she will finish it even if she dies.

"Okay, I'm a little tired and want to take a rest." In order to absorb the plot as quickly as possible, Ye Yuran could only think of a reason to send this girl away.

"I've already booked a room, Sister Bing, come with me," the girl affectionately took Ye Yuran's hand and walked upstairs.

The room the girl booked was an upper room, which was clean and quiet. After entering, the noise outside instantly decreased a lot.

To be able to book such a room in an inn full of people, it seems that the girl has put in a lot of effort.

"Sister Bing, I know you like quietness, so I specially booked such a room, do you like it?" The girl's big watery eyes fluttered, looking like she was asking for praise, and she was amazingly beautiful.

"I like it, thank you Xi'er," Ye Yuran extended his hand to stroke her soft hair in order to express his gratitude.

The girl smiled slightly, like a fairy descending to the mortal world, and let Ye Yuran touch her, obviously enjoying her closeness.

"Okay, Xi'er, you should go and have a rest too!" Ye Yuran pushed the girl's shoulder and said softly.

"Alright then!" The girl raised her eyebrows and smiled, then walked out of the room and closed the door by the way.

Ye Yuran quickly sat down and began to accept the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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