Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 149 What to do if you get swollen by a beast 1

Chapter 149 What to do if you get swollen by a beast 46
"Well," Ye Yuran frowned and thought for a moment, then replied: "I shouldn't have gone out without your permission, I shouldn't have attended a classmate's birthday party, I shouldn't..."

When it came to the third "shouldn't", Ye Yuran was stuck. She thought hard for a long time, since she didn't know what to say next.

Therefore, she was silent for a long time because of this, and frowned in distress, and it was Di Xiao who said that sentence on her behalf.

"You shouldn't have ignored my words and violated your promise to me," Di Xiao tilted his head slightly and whispered in her ear, his warm and seductive breath radiating from her sensitive parts.

It made her heart feel like being scratched by a light feather, and it was so itchy that she couldn't help trembling.

"Di Xiao," Ye Yuran called him softly, then moved his body impatiently, as if he wanted to get rid of the itching just now.

"Well," his charming and magnetic voice sounded in Ye Yuran's ears.

The itchy feeling on Ye Yuran's body not only didn't decrease because of this, but it became more and more intense, which made her feel extremely tortured.

"Di Xiao, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!" Ye Yuran put her arms around his neck, and apologized to him in a soft, coquettish voice.

Facing the somewhat unreasonable, even paranoid Di Xiao, Ye Yuran had obviously figured out a way to deal with him.

That is showing weakness, acting like a baby, actively kissing him, speaking softly, and even actively seducing him...

Ye Yuran has tried these methods repeatedly, because the effect of using these methods to deal with Di Xiao is really good. Every time Ye Yuran does this, Di Xiao will choose to forgive her in all likelihood, regardless of those things, but every time he does this, it is inevitable. He was bullied severely by Di Xiao.

Although Ye Yuran didn't think she was wrong, but she knew a truth very clearly, that is, there is no reason in front of Di Xiao, if he thinks you are wrong, then you are wrong.

If you argue with him, get angry, lose your temper, or even fight him, it will undoubtedly be you who will end up miserable.

Originally, the two of them were already old couples, so why bother to make them unhappy because of some trivial matters that are not worth mentioning?
Love, isn't it mutual tolerance and understanding?What does it matter who is right and who is wrong?
"Forgive you, it's not impossible, but..." The corner of Di Xiao's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, the meaning was self-evident.

I know, you only have this in your mind every day, Ye Yuran snorted, and then covered God Xiao's thin lips, like a dragonfly touches water.

Her joking behavior made Di Xiao very dissatisfied, even with a bit of desire and dissatisfaction in his eyes, "That's it,"

"Otherwise," Ye Yuran's red lips parted slightly, with a smirk that had succeeded in plotting, and she exhaled in Di Xiao's ear, "Besides, you are a little wet, you should change into clean clothes. take a bath,"

Di Xiao stared at Ye Yuran steadily for a few seconds, a few traces of warmth flashed across his eyes quickly, and then a smile that could make the world eclipsed was drawn on the corners of his lips, it was breathtaking, and it was as gorgeous as the revival of all things in the world .

Ye Yuran looked at Di Xiao with bright eyes, almost distracted by his sudden smile, as if he was in a smoky fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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