Quick time travel mission: The male god is addicted

Chapter 145 What to do if you get swollen by a beast 1

Chapter 145 What to do if you get swollen by a beast 41
Ye Yuran was out of place sitting here, no one wanted to pay attention to her, and she didn't want to pay attention to others, so she went to the bathroom alone.

Ye Yuran came to the bathroom, just washed her hands and turned off the tap...

A shadow suddenly appeared behind her, looking at this shadow clearly visible by the light, Ye Yuran thought it was Xie Xiaona who wanted to deal with her?

But after waiting for a while, since the figure was still here, motionless.

Ye Yuran frowned slightly, turned her head, and since she saw an unexpected person, she called out in surprise, "Sang Jinchu, and then asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"So, I have something to tell you," Sang Jinchu stared at her without blinking, his eyes were even more complex and difficult to distinguish, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

"I don't think there should be anything to say between me and you! And what should be said has already been said that day, so please step aside, I want to go out," Ye Yuran looked at Sang Jinchu who was blocking her way, There was a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"Well, let's talk," Sang Jinchu's face seemed to have a thick wall at the moment, no matter what Ye Yuran said, he would not move like a mountain, and would never give up until he reached his goal.

"You..." Ye Yuran gave him an annoyed look, then took a deep breath and agreed.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it here!" After a few minutes, Ye Yuran stood still under the fountain of the hotel and asked directly.

"So, the reason why you are so indifferent to me is because you know about that?"

"That matter," Ye Yuran raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So, I've thought a lot these days, and I know that my past actions have deeply hurt you. Here, I apologize to you," Sang Jinchu bowed to Ye Yuran solemnly, looking at Ye Yuran. Looking at her, she said seriously: "But, I hope you can give me a chance to use the rest of my life to make up for you,"

"Sang Jinchu, are you kidding me!" Ye Yuran looked at him in bewilderment, wondering whether he had taken the wrong medicine or his head was squeezed by the door, otherwise how could he say such a thing.

"I'm very serious. There is absolutely no hint of a joke in what I said." Sang Jinchu's expression was indeed serious, so serious that Ye Yuran felt helpless.

"If you want to make up for me because of guilt, then you don't have to," Ye Yuran twitched the corner of her mouth fiercely, expressing what she understood from his words.

"Not because of guilt, but because of genuine liking," Sang Jinchu was afraid that Ye Yuran might misunderstand him, so he hurriedly expressed his heart.

"Actually, I already have a boyfriend." In order to break Sang Jinchu's mind, Ye Yuran thought for a while, and could only tell him this undeniable fact.

But Sang Jinchu obviously didn't believe her words, but thought she did it on purpose, and the reason was because she still had a grudge against him.

"Yiran, I know you are still blaming me for that incident, so you made up this kind of lie to lie to me, but I promise you, I will treat you well in the future, and I will never let you suffer a little bit." s damage,"

These days, no one would believe the truth. Ye Yuran cast a glance at Sang Jinchu and rubbed her forehead with a headache. She really didn't want this rotten peach blossom.

"I really have a boyfriend," Ye Yuran reiterated helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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