Chapter 84 Different Antibodies 10
The 1125th day of the last days.

Three years passed in a flash, and during these three years, Zihua was not in a hurry to find Baihui.

One is that the Seventh District has not yet been established, and the other is that the world is too big, and she really can't find where she is staying. It would be better to meet her in the Seventh District by chance. Besides, the "belt" in the wish is not important, it is important The only thing to do is to subject her to the experiment.

【So that's why you lived here for three years?】

0718's tone was full of contempt. Since she found this place three years ago, she has never moved away or stepped out of the door of this building. She is tired of seeing the scenery here. her daily life.

Get up at seven o'clock every day, do morning exercises, breakfast, read, lunch, nap, hang out, eat meals, and sleep.

Life is so regular that it can figure out what she will do in the next second.

At this moment, Zihua was lying on the recliner. After listening to it, she closed her eyes and was too lazy to continue talking to it.

The place she is currently in is called Century Mall. From her memory, it can be seen that this place was once the most prosperous center of Z City.

It can be said that as a person, everything you need can be bought here.

Century Mall has abundant supplies on one side and a bustling environment on the other.

The day when the IFI virus broke out happened to be Saturday, and it was the peak shopping period here, so there were still a lot of zombies outside the venue at this moment, so many that even people with sufficient weapons and ammunition would not dare to take the risk here. It was well preserved.

Since Zihua knew that those zombies were afraid of her, she set fire to cook hot food in this shopping mall, and her life can be described as enjoyable.

However, no matter how much material there is, it cannot withstand three years of consumption.

Zihua has lived here for three years, and has almost eaten up all the food here. Now there is only a bag of rice and a bag of dried fish left here, which means that she should leave for the seventh district.

Different from the previous life, this time she will no longer enter as an antibody, but as a guard.

Anyway, zombies are afraid of her, so it shouldn't be difficult for her to act as a guard, and she guesses that her antibodies are unavailable, which is probably related to this reason, but she doesn't know if Bai Hui will be immune to zombie attacks like her.

While Zihua was thinking this way, she stood in front of the shelves to choose clothes. After she had picked out the clothes and changed into a neat attire, she began to pack her luggage, carrying only a small backpack, and left Century Mall without looking back.

There were still so many zombies in front of the door, but when they saw her, even if they crowded each other, they all made way to look at her.

Under the watchful eyes of the zombie hordes, she walked along the wide avenue, passing broken cars. She didn't stop until she met the original culprit who crushed them to pieces, a large truck.

The steps on the right side of the big truck were a bit broken, so she grabbed a zombie, bent it, stepped on its back, and stepped into the passenger seat.

The zombie in the driver's seat roared a few times, not knowing whether it was fear or joy.

She glanced at its blue face, threw it out of the car door, sat in the driver's seat, closed the door, and started the engine.

The bottom of the bright yellow truck made a pleasant "boom" sound.

The sound is twice as loud as an ordinary car, and there are occasional noises underground, but given her special physique, she is not afraid of attracting zombies. It is just that the feeling of driving a truck is different from driving a car. with.

All the way to the location where the seventh district will be established, passing through a place similar to a pasture, but the surrounding area is so empty and desolate, she didn't see the flock of sheep.

There is a sign in front of it that says "Please help me!".

Zihua thought that this was a trap, or that the person who wrote these four words was no longer there, so he didn't stop and drove straight past the sign.

Unexpectedly, just as she passed the sign, an old man suddenly jumped out from the side of the road in front of the car. She hurriedly turned the steering wheel to turn left and turned to the edge of the grassland, so as not to run over the man.

The big truck stopped, and she looked at the grassland in shock. A bald eagle flew through the air, and the sound of glass windows being knocked happened just at this moment, tearing apart the tranquility of the grassland.

She turned her head and saw an old woman standing outside the window. Although her eyeballs were cloudy, they didn't look like they were covered with lard.

She was right, she was not a zombie, she was a person, a living person.

"Girl, can you do me a favor?"

The old woman was wearing a floral shirt, with a stooped back and gray hair. She looked over 60 years old.

It's just a miracle that he is still alive in this last world at such an age.

Fearing fraud, Zihua took off the gun pinned to his waist and stuffed it into his boots before getting out of the car.

Seeing that she was willing to help, the old woman seemed very happy. She grinned, showing a gold tooth, and took her to her home with a smile.

The old lady's house was just a very ordinary house, single-story, with bright yellow tiles on the walls and green tiles on the roof. From a distance, it looked like an open book, covered in a on a baguette.

A big banyan tree was planted next to the house, and the house was surrounded by a wall made of wire. She guessed that there should be electricity on it to resist zombies.

But when she looked at this vast grassland with such a house standing there, it felt extremely strange no matter how she looked at it.

She couldn't help slowing down her pace.

The old woman seemed to see her hesitation, and explained with a look of embarrassment: "Is it a bit strange that there is only such a house on such a large plain?"

Seeing Zihua nodding, she went on to say: "Actually, there were other wooden houses before, but there was a typhoon the year before last, and all those wooden houses were blown down, so only this house with strange colors was left. After all, it was my wife. Aesthetically peculiar..."

The old woman walked up the steps with some difficulty, talking non-stop, babbling about her son, until Zihua interrupted her and asked her if there was anything she could do to help, then she stopped talking about this topic.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want you to help me find the sheep. There are only five of them. In fact, my son has already gone out to look for them, but he couldn't find them after two days of searching. Don't worry, if you help me find them, I will give them to you. You will be rewarded accordingly.”

Zihua took the water handed by the old woman, her face did not fluctuate when she heard the word "payment", anyway, she had everything on the truck, and she was about to join the escort team of the seventh district, food and so on , of course there is no shortage.

But she felt that she still had to help with this favor, maybe it would be of some use in the future.

She stared at the old woman's family portrait, to be precise, it was the man with wheat complexion, the future lieutenant of District [-] - Li Xuan.

She expressed her willingness to help, and everything was negotiated. The old woman was afraid that she would encounter zombies, so she gave her a shotgun for self-defense. She didn't refuse, and walked down the plain slope with the shotgun.

All the way along the sparse trees and through the bushes, she didn't pay attention to whether there were any zombies nearby, but only carefully checked whether there were any white sheep.

(End of this chapter)

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