Chapter 74: A Werewolf 15
No matter what she said was a joke or the truth, Qi Chrome was already taken aback, his chest heaved unsteadily, and fresh blood overflowed between his pale lips.

"You... are... for..."

His breath was like a thread, and the severe pain kept attacking his brain, oppressing all his nerves, and making his thinking disordered.

Qi Chrome finally stopped his heartbeat without knowing what he wanted to ask or what he was talking about.

After his lingering, there were still 10 minutes left in the third game.

His death made everyone understand one thing, that is, the cake was really poisoned.

It's just that they are a little unclear. If they were really poisoned, why did they still have nothing after four rounds of the sequence?
Doesn't it mean that the probability of poisoning is 70.00%?

Everyone was still struggling with this question about probability, but the hostess over there looked at Qi Chrome in panic, and ordered someone to carry him down to see if he could be saved. After all, this game doesn't really want to kill people, what about poison? It's all a lie.

Zihua put the paper on very calmly, picked up the cake, and ate it.

"Host hostess, I've eaten the sixth cake, am I the winner?"

The hostess regained her senses and nodded, feeling that the situation was a bit weird, but she still insisted on hosting.

"Player No. 10 has eaten her sixth cake, becoming the winner, and entering the next round of the game. There are [-] minutes of game time left. No. [-], it's your turn now."


Being called out suddenly, No. [-] couldn't help being surprised, in fact, it was more surprised by the fact that Zihua had already eaten the seventh cake.

When did this happen? Why didn't he see it? Could it be that everyone was still focusing on No. [-]?

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help but his pupils trembled, this is too cold-blooded!

"Number two, it's your turn. If you don't eat any more, it will be regarded as abstention and you will be included in the elimination list."

The hostess couldn't help urging him when she saw that he hadn't made a move.

No. 50 panicked when he heard the word "elimination". Are you kidding me? This elimination will result in a debt of [-] yuan, and isn't No. [-] all right?

That being the case, he should be fine after eating this cake, after all, he was fine after eating it before, and what happened on the tenth should be just an accident, it's just that he was too unlucky.

No. [-] kept comforting himself like this, but in fact, he was more reluctant to bear the victory in front of him. After all, if he had another piece of egg candy, he would win.

Moreover, the probability of these cakes being poisoned is also wrong. Number ten died after eating only four yuan, number one was fine after eating seven yuan, so he should be fine after eating six yuan, right?
No. [-] naively thought so, but the antidote Zihua gave him had expired, and he was "poisoned".

Number Six covered his mouth sadly.

No one noticed the difference between the poisoning of Qi Chrome and No. [-]. Everyone only remembered that two of the seven people had eaten the poisonous cake, and they were all hesitating whether to give up or continue later.

Except Song Tiannan.

From poisonous cakes, choose cakes to eat, but they are not "poisoned".

This kind of strange victory, this kind of excitement of remaining alive after a catastrophe, gave Song Tiannan a pleasure that he had never felt before.

Even though he had already seen number ten and number two, his desire to try this kind of pleasure again remained unchanged.

Song Tiannan began to raise his right hand, holding the cake in front of him tightly with four fingers.

He never thought that one day, he would love this cake with such a simple appearance, and he would be filled with joy before he even put it in his mouth.

With this joy, he ate the cake for the third time, the antidote had worn off, and he fainted like No. [-].

Seeing that they didn't vomit blood, the hostess secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now there are 2 minutes left in the game, and the order will no longer be followed. Whoever eats the last portion in these 2 minutes without being poisoned will be considered a winner."

Number [-] sat unmoved.

If No. [-] was okay, they would definitely finish the last portion, but now let alone No. [-], even No. [-] is gone, so how can they talk about it.

The 500 million is indeed very attractive, but life is more important than money, they are not stupid, they will not think that their luck can be so good, so they struggled again and again, until the host counted down to one moment, they did not make a move.

In the end, Zihua won the game, and No. 40 ended up with a debt of [-] yuan.

After hearing the result, Zihua stared straight ahead indifferently from the beginning to the end, without any joy on her face.

Because of this result, she had expected it a long time ago.

The antidote in the lollipops she gave them was only effective for 10 minutes at most, and those 10 minutes had already passed the moment she ate the sixth piece of cake.

Whether they had their cake or not, she was the only one who won.

The sun is just right.

Although the hostess felt that what happened earlier was too weird, she still handed over 500 million in cash to Zihua as she said before, deducted the money she had spent before, and arranged for a driver to escort her away.

It's just that if things were that simple, Zihua wouldn't have to change into light clothes in advance.

The operator of this game is really stingy, they never thought of giving her the so-called bonus.

Fortunately, the "driver" they arranged for her was not a master. She couldn't beat her, who trained as a killer every day, and was easily beaten by her. She tied the "driver" to a tree.

Afterwards, Zihua drove the broken car to the edge of a cliff, left all the luggage, including the mobile phone, in the car, and then pushed the broken car forward.

After seeing the broken car scrapped at the bottom of the cliff, she walked to the side of the road to stop the car without looking back.

This place was uninhabited and there was only a big road. It was unrealistic to walk back to the city on her own two legs.

Fortunately, there are a lot of vehicles on this main road, so she can easily stop a truck, and she doesn't worry about the truck driver's bad intentions. Anyway, if he wants to do something, she just needs to knock him down and grab him. His car will do.

But she thought too much, not everyone in this world is as insidious as the game operator, the delivery driver did what she said, took her to a bank and left.

There are still two hours left before the bank closes. She has roughly turned over the money just now. The game operator estimates that she will not be able to get the money. Those red tickets are not consecutive numbers, which is just enough for her to deposit with peace of mind.

Just like that, she took the 500 million and went to four different banks. After depositing all the money, she came to the hospital to pay off the medical expenses she owed before and paid an advance payment of 200 million.

The younger brother was transferred from the double ward to the advanced ward, and the source of his heart was found very quickly, and the operation could be performed in about two days.

Zihua didn't care about his surgery. With a huge sum of money, he stayed in a high-end hotel for a night and had a luxurious meal. It was like a vacation. He spent money and wandered around in this world, wherever he wanted to go. You can go wherever you want to play and buy whatever you want.

Anyway, she can't take the money with her, so don't worry about it.

The happy time always flies so fast. When she just got on the [-]-degree vertical roller coaster, ready to fly into the sky and enjoy the unprecedented pleasure, the afterimage of the roller coaster disappeared.

Just disappeared...


Qi Chrome's room was a mess.

There is a double bed in a room of less than [-] square meters. Half of the bed is used to push clothes. A few heavy down jackets.

A few socks fell randomly to the side of the bed.

The beige sofa for two is also covered with all kinds of clothes, but the hangers that are actually used to put clothes are empty, and they are as light as a swallow.

Needless to say, there are all kinds of sundries on his computer desk, such as dip pens, pencils and newspapers all over the desk, and various instant noodle seasoning packs and disposable chopsticks also come to join in the fun.

Most of the ground is a ball of white paper.

At a glance, the cleanest thing in the room is the bookshelf except for the empty clothes hanger.

Countless comic books are arranged on it by year, and the top shelf is particularly neatly placed.

The scores for "Lost Eden" are exactly the same, with the same level.

It would be more aesthetically pleasing if there wasn't a cockroach lying on it.


A tissue took the roaches away.

With experience, Qi Chrome threw the paper towel into the toilet, pressed the flush button, and sent the cockroaches into the sewer.

After doing all this, he stared sleepily at his comic book.

It turned out that being poisoned to death was so uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it was all just a dream, a painfully real dream.

In fact, he didn't want to design such a dark ending, but most of the comics back then were light-hearted and funny, and because he didn't have those humorous jokes, he had a whim to set the plot of the comics in a dark style, intending to expose The ugliness of human nature.

With this dark style, unique painting style and his exquisite storyboarding, this work quickly became popular after it was serialized on the Internet until the fourth episode. The editor who originally said that his painting style was strange also came to visit.

After a full year, "The Lost Garden of Eden" ended, and then began to be animated, and even adapted into TV series and movies.

For two consecutive years, he was selected as the most popular cartoonist of the year.

It's just that with the emergence of a large number of dark wind works, his limelight was gradually annihilated.

And after this work, his talents were exhausted, and he could never draw better works.

The money he earned at the beginning has already been spent on the life experience system. With a small savings, he barely makes ends meet by relying on the occasional royalties and helping people draw storyboards.

It's just that life like this is really boring.

He wants to have more inspiration to help him draw better works.

A pair of clear eyes suddenly appeared in my mind.

Qi Chrome couldn't help but think of the murderous intention he saw in his dream before he died. He felt like falling into an ice cellar in an instant, and the numbness began to spread from his heart to his whole body.

Do you think about it during the day and dream about it at night?
Because he changed the plot, let the hero live and the heroine died, so he felt ashamed in his heart, and dreamed that the heroine changed the plot.


This anti-killing plot seems to have been changed quite well.

Qi Chrome suddenly felt something sprouting in his brain...

(End of this chapter)

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