Chapter 4 Making the hero a pauper 3
Zihua laughed, waved her hands carelessly, and sat down gracefully.

Qian Laoer looked at her posture, Mo Ming felt that there was a kind of nobility in this person, so he tried his best to be elegant and decent to cater to her uncomfortably.

Akito didn't say any secret words. After the two of them sat down, Zihua asked him for the contact information of the people on the HK killer list.

Qian Er Er was startled, and tried to keep his face as calm as possible, "Hey! Those are killers that only big shots can afford, and news about them is not cheap."

He picked up the pipe again to inhale, and tapped the table rhythmically with the other hand, creating a cloud of smoke.

Zihua understood, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and she took out a bulging envelope from her bag and pushed it in front of him.

A glimmer of light flashed in Qian Laoer's eyes immediately. He picked up the envelope and looked at the seal. The inside was pink and exuded the scent of new banknotes.

He closed his nostrils, exhaled intoxicatedly, then wrote an email address and login password on a post-it note at hand, and handed it to Zihua.

"Within three days, wait for a reply in this mailbox. If you haven't received the letter for more than three days, come to me and refund the full amount."

Zihua took the note with a smile. Qian Er Er likes to challenge himself by digging up news, betting on his favorite money and stipulating to complete the task within a limited time.

The character is quite charming.

After Zihua left Qian Laoer's stall, he didn't leave Wudu immediately. Instead, he wandered around, buying things he was interested in, and didn't leave until he had almost used up all the money in his bag.

It was four o'clock in the morning when we got home, looking at the dazzling array of things, Zihua comforted himself that these things were all useful.

After standing still and nodding to give herself affirmation, she went into the bathroom to wash up, and threw herself onto the big soft bed.

After a dreamless night, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon when I opened my eyes again.

After waking up, she began to place the things she bought last night in the expected place, like a formation.

During the period, Li Chengze called and said that he wanted to stay at her house tonight, but she flatly refused on the grounds that he was uncomfortable.

She will do her best as a secretary, but don't think she will continue to perform her job as a mistress.

After everything was packed up, Zihua put on a white tube top skirt, revealing her beautiful straight collarbone, flipping her curly hair, and looking out the window with deep meaning.

The vacant room facing her on the opposite floor seemed to have found a tenant.

With a curl of her lips, she picked up her car keys and walked briskly downstairs.

As soon as the car drove out of the gate of the community, she was followed.

While looking at the rearview mirror, Zihua made a sudden and sudden brake on purpose. Of course, she tried her best to show that she was a novice on the road instead of doing it on purpose.

She is indeed a novice on the road. This car was a gift from Li Chengze a few days ago.As for her driving skills, after awakening all the memories of this life, she is naturally top-notch, even slipping like a racing driver.

Seeing the black car in the rearview mirror stop for a while and restart for a while, Zihua thought it was very interesting, Zhou Yuanhai must really hate her now.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to."

Zihua frantically picked up the warm water on the table and rinsed the man's thighs.

The man didn't appreciate it, and after a howl, he jumped up from his seat.

His eyes widened, staring at her like an idiot: "You stupid woman, don't you know that after being scalded by hot water, you have to wash it with cold water? Rinsing it with warm water will only make it hotter. You really have big breasts and no brains. "

The man cursed and threw the towel used for wiping at the dining table and walked towards the bathroom.

Zihua looked around in embarrassment, and the spectators around started pointing at her, but no one noticed that there was a pair of cold eyes under her embarrassing expression.

The same is to accidentally scald someone with hot coffee and then wash it with warm water. Jiang Ying did it innocently, but she did it with big breasts and no brains.

But that's okay, in order for Zhou Yuanhai to completely let go of his guard against her, what she has to do now is to portray herself as a stupid woman with big breasts and no brains.

For several days, Zihua showed his low IQ all the time, and Zhou Yuanhai was also hooked. He, who was always cautious, didn't use any detectors, so he let down his guard and rummaged through her house without any scruples.

At this time, Li Chengze was reviewing documents in the office. She put her mobile phone in front of the computer openly, and watched Zhou Yuanhai's live broadcast at her home with great interest, like a cat watching a mouse.

The photos she posted before seemed disgusting not only to her, but also to him.

I saw him staring at the photo with disdain, and taking several pictures with his mobile phone as if to extract some evidence.

Those photos were all intimate photos of her and Li Chengze, and several of them were taken while Li Chengze was asleep. Presumably, even a simple person like Jiang Ying should know the relationship between her and Li Chengze after seeing those photos.

As for whether Jiang Ying can see those photos, it depends on Zhou Haiken's willingness to hurt his angel.

In the camera, after looking at those photos, he looked through her wardrobe, and then seemed to have no interest in her home, and turned over the window without even bothering to open those drawers.

Zihua compressed the photos taken in the Shengyuan hall that day together with the video of his entry into the room, and compressed them together into a folder, and sent them to a mailbox beginning with HE using the mailbox given by Qian Laoer.

This email is the contact information of the killer on the HE list that Qian Laoer helped her find out, but it only belongs to one person, and it is the least favored person in the mission of chasing and killing Zhou Yuanhai, ranking tenth on the list killer.

Zhou Yuanhai is No.1 on the list, and the difference between No.10 and No.1 is quite big.

The disparity in strength is hard to describe.

Fortunately, so far, what happened now is completely consistent with the previous time line, which gave her more or less time to prepare.

For example, today is Li Chengze's birthday, and now he is telling her to book a double room at Shihai Restaurant, saying the same words as in the previous life.

Today in the last life, Li Chengze specially asked Jiang Ying to accompany him on his birthday. She was so heartbroken that she got drunk at home and gave Zhou Yuanhai a chance to do something. She was tied up in a room for a bondage play, and she was terrified.

She can still remember what he did at that time, but those things are nothing compared to her tragic death experience.

That night, after telling the killer to come to her house to arrest people tonight, Zihua pretended to be like in the previous life, lying on the bed drunk like mud.

Zhou Yuanhai arrived as scheduled, and when she heard the sighs of someone walking around in the room, she clenched the dagger tightly in her hand, and maintained a steady breathing, but her heart was so nervous that it was about to jump out.

There is only one chance to get rid of Zhou Yuanhai, success or failure depends on it.If she succeeds, she will be one step closer to avoiding a tragic death smoothly; if she fails, she will take a big step back from avoiding a tragic death smoothly.

The night is always so quiet, the breath approaching her is getting closer and closer, she can feel the bed on the left collapsed, she opened her eyes, the color of her pupils matched the cool moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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