Chapter 33
"Ye Xing, I know you love me very much, right? I love you too, let's go together..."

Over there, Tian Rui saw that the fire had not diminished but increased, her body was tired and her heart was dead.In the dim light of the fire, he saw a dying face, and he didn't know what he thought of, but he wanted to drag Ming Yexing to die together.

Ming Yexing backed away in astonishment, he knew that Tian Rui didn't know how to save himself, so she leaned over now, was she trying to drag him to death together?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he was instantly shocked to the spot, staring wide-eyed at the face that was once familiar but now unfamiliar.

Taotian watched this scene with great interest, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he pushed forward with his big hand, sending Ming Yexing, who was standing still, into Tian Rui's fiery embrace.

Although Tian Rui was tortured by resentment, as long as Ming Yexing was with her, it was all worth it.She hugged him tightly, showing a very happy smile.

Based on the instinct of the body, Ming Yexing reacted quickly and opened a barrier, wrapping himself and Tian Rui with a complicated expression.

But at this moment, the birthmark of the Bianhua flower seemed to have a premonition, and it turned into a ball of red light and flew out of the fire of resentment as if saving its life.Regardless of Zihua's dodge, it randomly found a foothold and landed on her neck.

I have to say that this flower is very smart, because just when a coquettish Bianhua flower grew on the side of Zihua's neck, Tian Rui's soul died, leaving only Ming Yexing alone in the barrier.

Ming Yexing watched this scene in astonishment, not even noticing that Tian Rui behind him had died.

It turned out that the birthmark was really alive and could be transferred at will.

So who is his sister?
He turned back to ask Tian Rui, but found that there was no one behind him.

Ming Yexing suddenly felt weak, he let go of his hand, and let the resentment burn his fine clothes.

He kept thinking about who was his sister.

It's a pity that he is destined to never get the answer to this question. It's not that he can't think clearly, but the answer is destined to be different from what he expected.

Zihua watched all this indifferently from the beginning to the end, like a bystander.

There was still bright resentment on the ground, and the blood on Tian Rui's body had solidified, and she still maintained the posture of being hit by the sword and falling to the ground.

She lightly raised her bare hand, and transferred the light from the fire on the ground to the empty lamp, and then put the lamp back to its original position.

"Congratulations to Mozun for finally getting his wish and winning the title of Pluto."

Tao Tian knelt down on one knee, his face was full of joy, and he didn't feel guilty at all for pushing Ming Yexing into resentment and stepping into the path of reincarnation.

Zihua put back on the purple robe that had been thrown on the ground, and just about to help Taotian up, he felt a wave of heat rushing towards his five possessions and six mansions without warning.

Beads of sweat began to form crazily on her forehead. She tried her best to bury the heat, but was swept into darkness by a huge dizziness.

It was late at night when I woke up again.

Zihua glanced at the candles in the room, it was completely dark outside, and the presence of night proved that this is not the demon world, as there is no night in the demon world, so this should be the underworld or the human world.

She rubbed her temples, and walked out of the room with only a coat on.

There was not a single person outside, it was quiet and windless, the lights were dark, and there was only a faint light for people to see the reflective marble pavement.

She moved her hand, and a bunch of fireflies landed high in the sky, and then there were dots of light flickering all over the sky.

With the help of these green lights, she looked up at the plaque on the door, and the words 'Dongli Hall' clearly came into view.

Since it is the Dongli Hall, it must be the Underworld, because this is the main hall where she used to live.

It seems that after she fainted, someone gave her directions and placed her here.

Recalling what happened during the day, Zihua covered her chest with her hands with lingering fear. She still hasn't figured out why she feels hot all over her body. It's not because of the return of the birthmark, nor is it because of the increase in power...

But why this is so, it seems that there is no need to care too much.

She glanced at the missing piece of scenery in the distance, and the surrounding area that was getting darker and darker, and finally decided to go back to the room and get dressed.

After everything was ready, she flew towards the Demon Realm.

Zihua didn't know whether her resentment had disappeared now, or the afterimage was about to end, or she had no thoughts now. After entering the secret realm, she didn't hit a single illusion, and walked all the way from a dense mountain forest to another. Meadow woods.

The venue for the second round of trials when the demon king was selected, the place where countless mutated monsters were encountered.

In fact, she has always been very concerned about that setting, the setting that the monster will not leave a physical body after death, and the scene where the mutant monster gnaws on the monster's corpse.

Is it a flaw in the setting of this virtual world, or is it that the venue for the second round of trials has the ability to turn monsters into humans?

These are all she wants to verify.

She found a place at random, leaned against the tree trunk like this, waited for the surrounding scenery to disappear, and began her verification.

But before the objects in the secret realm showed signs of disappearing, there was a heart-piercing shout from afar.

Zihua clenched the sword next to her and didn't stand up in a hurry, but closed her eyes and focused on searching for the general direction of the sound source.

There were sounds of many people crushing dead leaves. They were walking east by south, very regularly, without stopping for a second, and their goals were clear.

And to the east and south, there is a very heavy breathing sound.

Zihua slowly raised her eyelids, and her originally indifferent and clear eyes were filled with a smile.


She wanted to see who it was, but she broke into the secret realm without her asking for instructions.

A scream that pierced the silence sounded again.

She didn't dare to delay, she got up from the ground as if she was afraid of missing some exciting scenes, and flew towards the east and south.

There are several flashes of fire ahead.

Zihua's flying body landed on the ground, and quietly walked to a tree and pushed aside the dense branches.

Through the branches, she could see a group of people lined up in the open space in front of them as if they were being trained. They hunched their backs and stood next to each other, as if they were avoiding something.

Standing in front of them was a man, different from those monsters who were being oppressed, he was imposing, and he didn't look like a monster at all, but a human being.

But Zihua didn't believe that he was a human being, because he was Taotian, who was sealed by the old Pluto before he was an adult.

She pressed the branch down a little more to widen her view.

This time she finally knew why those monsters were trembling, because there was a group of mutated monsters heading towards them right in front of them.

And every time the mutated monster took a step, they shrank back.

They are afraid.

However, Taotian turned a blind eye to their fear, and pulled out one of them casually, then stretched his hand forward, and forced him to approach the first mutated monster that came.

(End of this chapter)

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