324 - The final test 12
The two of them left the movie theater. There were quite a lot of people coming and going outside, most of them were couples. They had a drink together outside the dessert shop. Wearing the same headband.

Every pair is very harmonious, unlike Zihua and Xu Haojie, although Zihua has agreed to associate with Xu Haojie, the distance between them is still the same as before, with an empty person in between, they look like a pair of brothers and sisters or Friends come out to play.

Xu Haojie looked at the brightly dressed women, and wondered if Zihua was already half his own. He looked at her wearing the knee-length skirt and black canvas shoes. There is a messy hair on the head that doesn't look very good anyway, and the worst thing is the thick glasses with unknown prescriptions.

Anyway, none of Zihua's current attire satisfied him.

Xu Haojie frowned and looked at the tall man in front of him. He suddenly felt like asking her to renovate, or take her to dress up properly, which would have unexpected results. He still remembered the eyes that stunned him last time.

If she was dressed up a hundred times more beautiful than she is now, then she should have even more affection for him!

Based on selfish desires, Xu Haojie stopped the figure who was walking towards the ice cream shop, "Zihua, wait."

"What's the matter?" Zihua turned her head in confusion, almost hiding the anger in her eyes, and no one could stop her from wanting to eat ice cream.

Xu Haojie didn't notice the hidden anger on her body, and now he only thought about how grateful Zihua would be to him when he saw that he had become beautiful.

He took a step forward and took her hand, "Can you go with me to a place first?"

"Can we eat the ice cream before going?"

"Uh..." Is she a pig?Didn't I just eat something just now, why would I have to find something to eat again?There was disdain in his eyes, but his face was kind, "Yes, of course."

Zihua withdrew his hand from him, turned around and entered the ice cream shop.

After about half an hour, they came out of the ice cream shop and rushed to the destination Xu Haojie wanted to go to - a shop for styling.

The staff in the store seemed to be very familiar with Xu Haojie, and they all greeted him warmly.

Zihua watched this scene in a TV series, and sighed in his heart, those women brought here by him probably thought they had met some kind of Cinderella and were pushed by the rich and young to the stylist for a big makeover, A lover who amazes the rich and the young with the image of a white swan.

But they would never have thought that the reason why the stylist was very familiar with Xu Haojie was because he often visited him and brought different women with him.

Of course, the stylist who has already received a large commission will not tell them these facts. He will only praise Xu Haojie for his good eyesight, and say that they are the first ones he brought to the shop, and wish them all the best. love between them.

What Zihua hears now is these words against her will. It is obvious that she has a good foundation, but she is praised by the stylist as Xu Haojie's unique vision.

"Young Master Xu, you really know how to find a girlfriend. Where did you find such a beautiful fairy? Tell me the address and let me go and get it too."

The male stylist twisted his slender waist, dangling the comb in his hand, and spoke in a very exaggerated tone, so exaggerated that it made Zihua regret that he had such a good craftsmanship, but his character was not very good.

Xu Haojie was very impressed by his praise. He tilted his head and said, "You can't find this just by looking for it."

He supported the back of Zihua's chair with both hands, leaned over to look at her beautiful eyes in the mirror and said, "You have to look for it with your heart. Only when you look for it with your heart can you find what you like the most."

Zihua's rosy mouth opened slightly, her eyes popped out once obviously in shock, and then she lowered her head a little shyly.

Xu Haojie looked at the effect of the love words he just said with satisfaction.

The stylist on the side rubbed his arms in support, "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm about to die of acid."

Xu Haojie didn't refute him, but just showed a very happy smile.

The small theater of the three people in front of the makeup mirror instantly became joyful, and even the aunt who was doing makeup nearby couldn't help casting envious glances at them, but who would have thought that all of this was just a superficial appearance.

As long as a woman walks in from the outside who knows Xu Haojie and has been brought here by him, everything will be shattered into pieces in an instant like a mirror hit by a shot put.

But where should a woman come from?

Some of those people are still waiting for the return of Xu Haojie, who is seriously ill, while others accept their fate and think that it is a beautiful love dream created by God for her.

So in the end, there was no woman who suddenly walked into the store, and no one slapped Xu Haojie. Zihua and Xu Haojie finally got into the car with the love envied by all the customers and staff.

Inside the car, Xu Haojie was a little agitated. He knew before that Zihua was a piece of jade in the rough, and it would shine brilliantly just waiting for others to carve it with care.

But he never thought that the brilliance is so dazzling. Looking at Zihua now, compared with the previous Tu girl, one is like a stone buried in the soil, and the other is flying on the clouds. Fairy.

What surprised him the most was the envious eyes of everyone, as if he had created the most beautiful goddess in history. This sense of accomplishment was incomparable to how many women he cheated. He had never felt like this before. Such a great sense of accomplishment.

This sense of accomplishment may not be surpassed until the day they officially get married and he holds half of her assets.

Keep coming, don't stop, Xu Haojie wanted to get more sense of accomplishment, so he took Zihua to the clothing store again, intending to choose a dress for her that would amaze everyone in the audience.

Zihua noticed that Xu Haojie was in a very high mood after he changed his clothes. Looking at the journey towards a more prosperous place, she smiled with a smile on her face and a sarcastic look on her eyes.

bring it on!Keep going forward! How proud you are now, how happy you are laughing, how painful and embarrassing you will be when you fall off the stage when everything is finally about to kick off.

She folded her hands and looked at the gorgeously decorated clothing stores outside the window.

"We're here." Xu Haojie said with a higher level of emotion. The smile on his lips showed how eager he was to take her to change clothes.

Zihua got out of the car gracefully, her long silky hair fluttering in the wind. Several aromas were scattered in the air, and one after another penetrated her nostrils.

Her long hair is very soft and exudes a healthy luster.

(End of this chapter)

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