Chapter 19
At this moment, the mountains and forests were as quiet as death, without the things created by the illusion, she was the only living person in the huge forest.

Zihua continued to walk into the darker depths, and the noise became more and more noisy. There seemed to be many people talking loudly in front of her. She was very curious about what illusion was waiting for her this time.

She kept walking forward following the source of the sound, as if passing through some barrier. Then the surrounding scenery lit up, and there were several more people in the huge forest, and she was no longer the only one.

Those people had more or less scars on their bodies, and their clothes were a little tattered. They looked like they had fought fiercely with something.

"Zihua! It's really great that you're fine."

Jing Rong appeared out of nowhere and looked at her with joy.Apart from a few torn clothes on his body, there was no external injury.

Zihua's expression was indifferent, and her eyes were like calm lake water, not affected by his joyful mood at all.

She was wondering whether all this was an illusion created by the illusion, or whether she had passed the first round of trials and returned to reality.

"Zihua, why is your face hurt? I have medicine here, do you want to apply it?"

Jing Rong took out a bottle of golden sore medicine from his pocket as he spoke.

Zihua took the medicine but was not in a hurry to apply it on his face, but glanced at the mouth of the bottle, the powder inside was less than half a bottle.

She returned this golden sore medicine to Jing Rong this morning. She knew exactly how much medicine powder it contained. It seemed that everything in front of her was real. She had passed the first round of the test.

She returned the medicine, "Thank you! Brother. It's just that this small wound on my face can heal quickly whether I apply it or not, so don't waste the medicine."

Jing Rong was not as calm as her, he looked at her face worriedly, "Will you leave any scars like this?"

Zihua smiled and shook her head, she didn't expect him to be more concerned about scars than she was, but thinking about the scene where he had yellow stickers last night, she felt relieved.

Maybe this senior brother loves beauty more than she does.

The first round of trials seems to have wiped away a lot of people. They waited in this mountain forest until the sunset, and suddenly a monster in ragged clothes, with one big and one small eye appeared out of thin air. One person comes out.

Everyone didn't have much emotion for the people who had disappeared, and the second round of trials followed. They didn't know their own life or death, and who had the time to care about the lives and deaths of others.

And as the last ray of light in the sky gradually disappeared, the sky had completely darkened, and the rare normal night made everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

Zihua took out a flint and lit the pile of branches in front of him, and the flames became transparent for a moment, driving away the chill of the night.

Her fire burned brightly, and immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone imitated her to use fire to bring light and drive away the cold.

Zihua smiled at their unprofessional fire-making skills, took off the cloth bag on her shoulder, and took out the food that Agua gave her.

Seeing the so-called jerky and flatbread in Agua's mouth, she thought she finally understood what wool came from the sheep.

She originally thought that the jerky was made by Agua himself, but when she saw the two small holes in the jerky, wasn't this the meat she marinated back then?
At that time, she saw that Agua and Adai were born thin, and wanted to make them grow stronger, so she marinated a lot of dried meat and gave them to them, and the big pancake was also what she gave them last month.

She didn't expect that they would have the habit of storing food. Fortunately, the climate in the Demon Realm was special and food did not spoil easily.Otherwise, when they take it out when they want to eat it, they will be surprised by the little mushrooms on it.

The shocked expressions of Agua and Dumb appeared in her mind, and she smiled unkindly.

Under the light of the fire, her smile was so bright and charming that Jing Rong, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but stare.

Zihua Nian treated her kindly in Jingrong, and gave him half of the jerky and three flatbreads.

Jing Rong seemed to like jerky and flatbread very much, and even picked up the crumbs of the flatbread that fell to the ground and ate them.

It was night, Zihua was leaning on the tree trunk with her sword in hand, staring at the fire in front of her. Like everyone else, after eating and drinking, she was waiting for the second trial to arrive.

The theme of the second trial is to stay in the secret place for one night.

It seems simple, but it is actually more difficult than the first round of trials. It tests the psychology.

Unknown things make people fearful. No one knows what will happen that night, whether something will suddenly emerge from the darkness.

Or nothing will happen, just let them defend for nothing all night, consume their energy, and make it more difficult to lick the seal in disguise.

Zihua looked at the other people in the forest, thought again and again, and finally decided to close his eyes and rest, tomorrow there will be the difficulty of seal licking, if he doesn't recharge his energy, he may not be able to.

Besides, if something happens, there are so many people here, some people who can't sleep will find something abnormal, and then wake everyone up.

Zihua had a good idea. In the middle of the night, a series of screams woke up all the sleeping people.

Everyone was sleeping soundly, and they all had expressions of displeasure at being disturbed. They frowned and looked at the shivering people. When they saw clearly what was coming towards them, the sleepiness in their eyes instantly dissipated, replaced by panic and uneasiness. .

Surrounding them are not strange monsters, but people who have not returned from the last round of trials.

There were more or less two fatal wounds on their bodies. They were dressed in black, and the blood on their bodies was not obvious.You can only see that their clothes are damaged in many places, and the weapons they were carrying were still stuck in their bodies.

Their walking posture is also very strange, not the walking posture of normal people, nor the walking posture of people with disabilities, but walking in a very uncoordinated posture of limbs.

Not only was the body of the monster that was supposed to disappear intact, but it was also walking toward them from the depths of darkness. Coupled with the wind blowing for no reason and making the leaves rustle, this scene was really weird.

Zihua looked at the scene in front of her and felt very familiar. Isn't this the same as the zombies she saw on TV?
To be honest, they are much better-looking than the zombies she saw on TV. The zombies on TV had veins bursting out, and some of them dropped maggots while walking, or kept their mouths wide open to eat wind. To show the public the appearance before death.

At least there is no piece of meat missing from his body.


A shrill scream in the distance tugged everyone's already sensitive nerves.

Everyone looked in horror, only to see that one person was bitten by two mutated monsters, and he was completely gnawed before the spell could be released.

Those who return will eat their flesh.

This information quickly rushed into everyone's mind.

Everyone immediately gathered at a central point, and used spells to form an enchantment where the mutated monster hadn't approached.

(End of this chapter)

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