Chapter 76 Another Cannon Fodder
The original owner was born in one of the production teams below a county town. There are grandparents, parents, brothers, and younger brothers and sisters, but there is no patriarchal concept in the family. The team belongs to a relatively different family.The family sincerely farms the land to earn work points. If anyone in the team is in need, they will do their best to help.

However, in this era of lack of food and clothing, everyone is in difficulty, how much help can be provided?

The catastrophe of the original owner started when the heroine saved a person.

When the hostess went up the mountain to cut pigweed, she found a man lying in the grass. Since the family taught the four children to be kind to others, they helped as much as they could.

After the man was rescued by the hostess, he fell in love with the original host at first sight. Although he was grateful for the hostess' life-saving grace, it was the original host who promised him his body.

The hostess and the original owner's sisters have a deep relationship, and they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this. During the short time they got along, the family members also thought that the person was good, so they married the original owner when the person proposed marriage.

Unexpectedly, within a few years, news of the original owner's death spread back home. The reason given by the man's family was that the original owner was pregnant and gave birth prematurely, and died of hemorrhage after childbirth, and the newborn child did not survive.

Although the original owner's family is grieving, the deceased is already dead. Under the current low level of medical care, giving birth to a child is like going through a circle of hell, so the original owner's family does not know the inside story.

For the only daughter left in the family, the whole family put all their love for the original owner on the heroine.

The heroine has always been very smart. When she was studying in the county, she found out that her brother-in-law married another wife.Occasionally, I heard the neighbor woman gossip, only to find out that the original owner was often subjected to domestic violence during the years in that house, and even the premature child was beaten by the man.

Next, the heroine didn't tell her family, she studied hard while collecting evidence everywhere, was admitted to university, met the hero, and under the escort of the hero, she finally sent the scumbag to prison, which was regarded as revenge for her sister.

Later, under the love of grandparents, parents, brothers and the heroine, with guilt towards the original owner, the heroine devoted her life to the cause of fighting criminals.

The reason why Jiang Zili woke up at the bottom of the hillside was because the original owner wanted to collect some medicinal materials for home use while cutting hogweed, but was pushed from behind and rolled down.

Since he was pushed from the back, the original owner didn't know who pushed him, but Jiang Zili, who was from the perspective of God, had a guess and almost confirmed it.

After checking the injury, the injury on his body was basically knocked by a small stone when he rolled down the hillside. His right ankle was dislocated, so Jiang Zili rubbed it directly and reset it for himself.

Holding on to the stone, I stood up and tried to move my ankle. It was okay, but it hurt a little, and it was still within the tolerable range.

Carrying the pannier that was lying not far away on his back, according to the memory of the original owner, he found a suitable tree branch and slowly moved it back home.

"Oh, girl of the Jiang family, what's wrong with you? Did you fall down the mountain?" A middle-aged woman in a black padded jacket saw Jiang Zili limping, and ran over to help her.

"Aunt Wang, I accidentally rolled down the hill and twisted my leg." Jiang Zili replied.

"Oh, that's terrible. Fortunately, the weather is getting cold and you should wear thick clothes. Auntie will take you home." Auntie Wang lives next door to the Jiang family, and usually receives the most help from the Jiang family, so He is also the first to stand up when he sees his family members in need of help.

"Thank you, auntie." Jiang Zili smiled gratefully.

"Aunt Jiang, Aunt Jiang, come out quickly, your eldest girl is injured." Aunt Wang helped Jiang Zili to the door of Jiang's house and greeted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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