Chapter 47
Yu Qinghuang nodded in agreement, and didn't care if she made fun of herself, "I'm wondering if we should leave a substitute puppet when we go to the teleportation array at the bottom of the lake. If we can't come back there, there will be substitute puppets, grandparents You won’t be sad because we’re not here.”

Jiang Zili nodded in agreement with his proposal. "That's fine, then I'll put two stand-in puppets out to serve our grandparents instead of us."

The two returned to Jiang Zili's apartment near Imperial University, and after washing up, they entered the space, and they got tired of it for a while before continuing to practice.

The next day, because Yu Qinghuang had something to do, Jiang Zili drove to school by herself.

When Jiang Zili came out of the school parking lot and walked towards the teaching building, she was blocked by a person.

"Jiang Xuemei, can I interrupt you for a few minutes?" Although it was a question, Jiang Zili could not refuse in that posture.

Hearing this, Jiang Zili's gaze shifted from the phone in his hand to the other person's face.

In front of him, he could only be regarded as a handsome boy, but his nostrils were upturned in the way he looked at people. He must have gained a lot of superiority from other people.

"Xiao Jiujiu, what's the matter with this plot? Something went wrong? The male lead shouldn't have come to me at this time." Jiang Zili saw Fan Xin's head full of question marks.

[Boss, although the male protagonist’s time to open the trading system was delayed, the items he opened the space this time earned more points than the Tourmaline Space, so he exchanged several more advanced technologies for them. Recently, his company made a profit A lot of money. 】

"So he came to me to find a sense of presence? Who gave him the courage?"

【Maybe Liang Jingru】


【I did not say anything】

"Have you set any restrictions on his system?"

[Set up, technology higher than this plane cannot be redeemed. 】

"Okay, let's see what he wants to do here."

It only took a few seconds for Jiang Zili to communicate with System 99, and she asked the person in front of her with a sense of superiority, "What can I do for you?"

"Jiang Xuemei, I like you. You should leave that Yu Qinghuang. I will give you whatever he can give you." Fan Xin acted as if you would suffer if you didn't come with me.

"Senior Fan, I told you very clearly last time that I don't like you!" Jiang Zili was disgusted by his tone, "And I have a boyfriend, we have a very good relationship, and we won't be separated."

"You won't have a future with him, you'd better dump him and come with me." Fan Xin seemed to have not heard the sentence that he didn't like you, and said to himself.

"Senior Fan, let me reiterate that my boyfriend and I have a very good relationship and will not be separated. Please don't pester me again, thank you." After speaking, he left without looking back.

Fan Xin looked at Jiang Zili's leaving figure, a little aggrieved, just like the original plot, and did not intend to give up.

"Xiao Jiujiu, in which area is the male protagonist's company mainly developing?"

[Boss, the hero, the main development direction of the company is mainly games and film and television.He exchanged the holographic projection technology for game technology in the system, but due to the limitations of this plane, all the exchanged technologies were immature.

In terms of film and television, a few scripts and songs were exchanged for the heroine. These were created by people from other planes, so they are not available here.By the way, the female lead has already switched to the male lead's film and television company. 】

"Is it a holographic game? Does he have the technology of a holographic helmet and a game chamber?"

[No, he doesn’t have enough points, nor does he have enough vision. He just wants to focus on the present, so he uses other technologies to embody the holographic game, which cannot be called a real holographic game. 】

"But it is undeniable that this is the most technologically advanced game at the moment."

(End of this chapter)

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