Chapter 30

"We are having a barbecue, do you want to join?" Jiang Zili spoke out first.

"Oh? What is barbecue? Can I eat it?" Bingjiao tilted his head.

Jiang Zili: "It's edible, and it's quite delicious. Do you want to eat it?"

Bing Jiao: "Really? Then I want to eat."

Jiang Zili: "There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to eat, you need that in exchange."

Bing Jiao: "Then what do you want?"

Jiang Zili: "We don't know what you have, why don't you tell us what you have and exchange it with us. If it can be exchanged, we will exchange it."

Hearing this, Bingjiao pointed out hundreds of storage rings, "I only have these and a pool of lotus flowers, can you change them?"

Jiang Zili and Yu Qinghuang looked at each other, they didn't expect this little snake to have so many treasures.

"Okay, then let's see if there is anything we need. If there is, we will tell you. If not, we will exchange lotus flowers with you. You can eat this first." Jiang Zili roasted her hands after speaking. The good hare was thrown to the ice dragon.

Then the two scanned the pile of storage rings with their spiritual sense.

Needless to say, there really are the refining materials that Jiang Zili needs and the medicinal materials that are not in the space, and Yu Qinghuang also found the refining materials that he wanted.

"We want to exchange these and your lotus. Do you think there is enough food in this storage ring?" Jiang Zili gave Bing Jiao a storage ring, which has hundreds of square meters and is full of food, and the ingredients are all Space products contain aura.

Bingjiao glanced at the food in the storage ring, and instantly felt that he was the happiest beast in the world, so he agreed to Jiang Zili's request and went to fetch its lotus after eating.

Jiang Zili and Yu Qinghuang didn't expect such a result, and felt that this little snake was really easy to fool!
Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the aura of the ice dragon was rising steadily, as if it was about to break through to the next stage.

Seeing this, Yu Qinghuang immediately pulled Jiang Zili and ran out, afraid of being locked by Jieyun.

Yu Qinghuang: "I didn't expect it to be promoted suddenly. After this thunder disaster, it should be able to transform into a dragon."

Jiang Zili nodded in agreement, but at the same time she was worried, "It was promoted suddenly, I don't know if it is ready."

"Although it can't survive the thunder disaster, we can still get the Eternal Flame Lotus, but it advanced in advance because it ate my food. If it dies, I will bear the karma."

Yu Qinghuang: "Do you have any magic weapon that can help it resist the thunder disaster?"

Jiang Zili thought for a while, and it seemed that there really was one, then waved the magic weapon to the ice dragon, "Little ice dragon, take this magic weapon, it can help you survive the thunder disaster."

The Ice Dragon was stunned by the sudden lightning calamity. According to its cultivation progress, it would take at least 50 years to break through. Why did it break through without making a sound?
Looking at the black clouds of calamity in the sky, it is very likely that they will not be able to survive.

Just when it was thinking wildly, a somewhat lazy voice came into its ears, it turned its head, and saw a dark pillar flying towards itself, without even thinking about it, it took a bite, and then Hearing that voice said to put this strange thing on top of his head.

Then it put this strange thing on top of its head, and at this moment the first tribulation thunder fell on top of its head.

A burst of lightning force was transmitted from the top of the head to the tail, and the whole dragon was chopped stiff. However, with its physique of a monster, the power of this thunder calamity was within its tolerable range.

In this way, the ice dragon survived the Nine Dao of Dragon Transformation Lightning Tribulation with a confused face. Although it was a bit miserable in the end, the scales fell off in large pieces, and the whole dragon was paralyzed there, but the victory was saved. life.

 small theater:

  Bai Jin: So. I was fooled like this? ? ?

  Li Ye: Do you think it's cheating?
  Bai Jin: No no no, how come!Obviously it’s me who wants to follow you around~~ (dog legs please.jpg)

  Yu Shen: Heh
  Thank you guys for voting~~~
(End of this chapter)

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