Chapter 16 Qi Gathering Pill

"Not yet, I think I have a way to solve this problem." Jiang Zili looked thoughtfully at the silent Leng Xiao.

"Senior Leng, can I trouble you to take a look at this temporary item that can be auctioned?" Jiang Zili covered it with a backpack, and took out a small porcelain bottle the size of a palm and put it on the table.

Leng Xiao didn't expect Jiang Zili to cue him, so he picked up the small porcelain bottle and opened it without saying anything, and a faint medicinal fragrance wafted out of the small porcelain bottle.

A small round black lacquered pill was poured out of the small porcelain bottle, and the medicinal fragrance was even stronger. The four of them unconsciously took a deep breath, feeling a slight increase in the energy in their bodies.

"Xuemei Jiang, is this a pill?" Leng Xiao was a little excited.

Jiang Zili nodded, "This is a Qi Gathering Pill. It is very helpful for the warrior stage. Taking one can advance to the first level."

Jiang Zili was not stingy either, because the system was malfunctioning, so his understanding of the world was limited to that novel, and there was no mention of knowledge about the Four Arts of Comprehension in the novel.

Just a blind guess, the inheritance in this area has either been cut off or few people can learn it.

However, the four major families have the inheritance of the four arts, so it is very likely that few people have learned it because of problems with the inheritance. Therefore, the supply of elixirs, weapons, formations, and talismans should exceed demand.


There was a sound of inhalation, and I saw Leng Xiao, Wang Haiyang and Fu Xingchen staring at the small pill in Leng Xiao's hand.

"Jiang Jiang, are you planning to put this elixir up for auction?" Wang Haiyang asked stammeringly.

Jiang Zili nodded: "Hmm, I'm very interested in that scepter, but I don't have enough gold coins, so I can only take some things and put them up for auction."

Fu Xingchen also came to his senses at this moment, glanced at each other with the others, and said, "Sister, how much of this elixir do you have?"

Jiang Zili: "Not much, what do you want?"

Wang Haiyang nodded hastily, "Yes, who doesn't want pills? Although Bing Cube's family is a family of alchemists, but now the cultivation has declined, and alchemists have to rest for ten and a half months to recover after refining a batch of pills. Medicines are in short supply."

No way?Has the world fallen to the point where it’s hard to find a single pill?
In other words, if you run out of money in the future, you can still sell pills!Just like in other comprehension worlds before, I'm doing my job~~
"Okay, let's sell these to you." So Jiang Zili took out three more small porcelain bottles.

Yu Qinghuang was also taken aback when she looked at the little porcelain vase in front of her. What is the little girl's family heritage?Actually took out so many pills at once.

"Well, let's take this pope's scepter for you, and treat it as an exchange with these pills. If the price of the scepter is not high, how about we make up for gold coins or find what you need for you?" Yu Yu Qing Huang said to Jiang Zili after making eye contact with the other three.

The other three also nodded in agreement.

Jiang Zili looked at the four beautiful men in front of him and chuckled, "No problem, anyway, Qi Gathering Pill is not very useful to me, and I earned it in exchange for what I want."

Wang Haiyang patted his thigh, and said familiarly: "Sister Li is straightforward! I like to make friends with such a straightforward person like Sister Li! In the future, if you encounter problems, just come to brother, and brother will solve it for you."

Jiang Zili also had a good impression of these four people, so she agreed.For a salted fish girl, hugging her thighs is simply not too comfortable!

"However, regarding this elixir, I ask the four seniors to keep it a secret for me. I only have so much." Jiang Zili also asked politely.

Seeing this, several people also nodded and said that it should be, after all, medicine pills are very rare now, and each person got a bottle of ten pills, which probably emptied the family of the primary school girl.And bringing these pills back to the family is already a great achievement.

 small theater:

  The sea: big ice cube, little star, these two people are in trouble~~~(wink.jpg)

  Big Ice Cube: (eyes indicate: Who is the Big Ice Cube)
  Little Xingxing: (eyes indicate: who is Little Xingxing)
  Dahai: Hey, what are you doing, stop!Don't slap me in the face!Don't slap me in the face!Ben Shao relies on his face for food!Ah, don’t fight (mouse holding its head and running away.jpg)

  Thank you guys for voting~~~
(End of this chapter)

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