The full-level boss became a cannon fodder female supporting role

Chapter 13 Little Xingxing, You Don't Love Me Anymore

Chapter 13 Little Xingxing, You Don't Love Me Anymore

Playboy Wang Haiyang looked at the conversation between the two in front of him, and felt very strange. You must know that Brother Yu has always been indifferent to female creatures other than his family.

A bluffing voice sounded behind the two of them: "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, who is this little loli, and how do you know each other?"

Yu Qinghuang put away the smile on her face, and said coldly: "I'll talk to you later in the private room."

Wang Haiyang looked at the two faces of Yu Qinghuang, covered his face and leaned on Fu Xingchen's shoulder and wailed: "Brother Yu treats me so coldly, I am no longer Brother Yu's favorite cutie, huh"

Yu Qinghuang said indifferently: "I have never loved."

Fu Xingchen smiled warmly, and patted Wang Haiyang away: "Okay, Dahai, stop playing tricks, and be careful that Brother Yu will cut you."

"Little Xingxing, even you don't love me anymore~~~" Wang Haiyang continued to hum.

Leng Xiao looked at Wang Haiyang with a cold face, and a cold voice sounded: "Believe it or not, I punched a monster!" Then he turned to Jiang Zili and nodded, "Leng Xiao."

"Hello, I'm Fu Xingchen," Fu Xingchen greeted with a smile, pointing to Wang Haiyang beside him: "This showman is Wang Haiyang."

Jiang Zili clenched her lips and signaled: "Hello seniors, I am Jiang Zili."

Wang Haiyang bluffed when he heard the words: "You are the freshman."

Yu Qinghuang glanced at him coldly, and Wang Haiyang choked back the words that followed.

At this time, the waiter came back after paying the bill: "My dear guest, the procedures have been completed. This is your card, please keep it." The waiter handed the bank card back to Jiang Zili with both hands, "Do you need a calculus?"

"Understand, junior, let's do it here." Wang Haiyang immediately agreed.

Jiang Zili thought about it, then nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, please follow me." The waiter ordered Jiang Zili's rough stone to be transported to Master Jieshi, "Master Chen, please interpret the stone for this guest."

Master Chen laughed when he heard the words: "May I ask if the customer wants to draw the line by himself or just cut it in the middle?"

Jiang Zili asked the master for a marker pen, and drew a range on the rough stone: "Master, open it according to this."

Master Chen looked at the little loli in front of him, and replied with a good temper: "Okay, no problem, please wait a moment, guest."

"Jiang Xuemei chose this rough stone well." Yu Qinghuang looked at Jiang Zili and sighed.

"That's right! It's a good thing I bought it first, otherwise it would have belonged to Senior Yu." Jiang Zili held her head high and said airily.

Yu Qinghuang looked at the arrogant little girl in front of her, like seeing a proud little milk cat with her head raised, her eyes were full of doting: "Jiang Xuemei is right." She raised her hand and rubbed it again That fluffy little head.

Jiang Zili patted that restless big hand away with one hand: "Speak as you speak, don't move."

It looks like a little cat with fried fur waving its paws, so cute.

The other three looked at these two people fighting and fighting, and they didn't look like strangers they just met today.

Jiang Zili is also very strange, she herself is not the kind of person who easily messes with strangers.It's just that Yu Qinghuang gave her a very familiar feeling, like a sense of familiarity carved into her soul, but Yu Qinghuang didn't exist in her memory.

It's a strange feeling.

Master Chen cut off all the places where Jiang Zili drew the line and asked: "Guest, is the next step to be world cutting or polishing?"

"This place is starting to be polished." Jiang Zili said, pointing in one direction.

Then Master Chen changed a tool to polish the rough stone.

Another 10 minutes passed, "It's green! It's green!" Master Chen's assistant shouted excitedly.

Seeing this, Master Chen and his assistants worked harder to polish the rough stone in their hands.

Another half an hour passed, and a piece of purple jadeite the size of a basketball was pulled out. Master Chen said happily: "Extreme glass purple jadeite, congratulations to this guest."

"This should be the best quality and largest piece of purple jadeite in recent years, right?"

"Who says it's not? This is a huge increase!"

Intense discussions erupted from the onlookers.

 small theater:

  Yu Shen: I finally got to talk to my wife, Kaisen~~~
  Dahai: Brother Yu, you don’t love me anymore, huh.
  Yu Shen's indifferent face: Never loved!
  Dahai: Brother Yu, did you forget that you slept with me that night~~~
  Yu Shen was thinking: Not at all (hesitating to answer)
  Master Li cast a small glance

  Yu Shen hugged his wife tightly: Daughter-in-law, he is talking nonsense, you believe me! (panic.jpg)

  Dahai: Brother Yu, you are indifferent, ruthless, irresponsible, huh.
  Master Li: I punch a monster!
  The sea crosses the sky in a perfect parabola
(End of this chapter)

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