Chapter 124

Chi Yu quickly disposed of a plate of barbecue, and kept looking at the rest of the barbecue, "This is really delicious, it is the best barbecue I have ever eaten, bar none!"

Duan Xu and the others nodded in agreement while eating. They sometimes cook with native ingredients and prepare barbecues during family dinners or family gatherings, but the taste is really incomparable to this!
They thought it was delicious before, but now they realize that what they ate before was just garbage!
Jiang Zili's body doesn't eat much, and she can't eat too much. Seeing Chi Yu staring at the barbecue, she said directly: "You guys take it easy, I'm full."

Hearing this, Duan Xu immediately took the dagger and shared the rest of the barbecue with the rest of the people, "Then we will not be polite!"

After Xing Ziqian asked Jiang Zili what he meant, he added honey, cumin powder and chili powder according to the taste of several people.

Jiang Zili saw that several people really liked this barbecue, and checked the memory of the original body again, and found that this world is really not friendly to foodies!

Fortunately, she has her own space, and she can have delicious ingredients and seasonings for whatever she wants to eat, otherwise, when Xiao Jiujiu comes back, she may ask to leave this world immediately!
Xiao Jiujiu, who was in the system space, looked at her boss's current appearance and knew that the boss's memory was missing again, and what was missing was all the memories related to that one!It seems that it is not easy to remember!
I don't know if that person will go to the Space-Time Management Bureau to make trouble when he finds out!
Alas. I am trapped here and can't get in touch with the boss at all, and I don't know when I will be released.

Sang heart.
Jiang Zili had no idea what Xiao Jiujiu was thinking at this time, she just wanted the assessment to be over quickly, she wanted to go back and clean up the scum that killed the original body, inherit her father's title, put an end to aunt scum's schemes, and the most important thing was to have a Place to enjoy good food!
Although the taste of the food made from the cultivated ingredients in this world is not very good, the taste is not bad, but some recipes have been lost in the last days.

Existing recipes are the result of chefs experimenting with cultivated and native ingredients over the years.

"Do you still have this honey? I want to buy some back." Xing Ziqian looked at the almost empty bottle of honey and asked.

Hearing this, the other four people stopped eating barbecue and looked at Jiang Zili. Their little eyes seemed to say, I want it!
"There's only one bottle left now. If I can find it in the future, I'll let you know." Jiang Zili refused directly, as if he couldn't accept the desire of a few people.

Although there is still a lot of honey in the space, but there are too many monks and too little porridge!This time, only these five guys bought it back. It is not ruled out that other people will come to them in the future. This deal is not very cost-effective.

Xing Ziqian smiled: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

Several people chatted one after another, and during the period, the topic would turn to Jiang Zili. Jiang Zili would chat with them a few words out of politeness.

"I don't know how the boss is doing," Duan Xu said suddenly.

Qi Jun: "What? Are you worried about the boss? Don't you believe in his strength?"

Qi Jun has delicate features, although he is tall, his figure is a little thin, he looks like a little shou!But if you really treat him as a small subject, you must be prepared to be beaten up!
It is said that when he was just in high school, he was treated as a petty slave by a dandy from a newly promoted aristocratic family, who wanted to use force to make him submit.

As a result, his leg was broken, and he sent a message directly to the elders that if the person's leg recovered within a month, he would be beaten every time he saw him, until the month was over!

(End of this chapter)

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