Chapter 122 Blocked

I don’t know why, but this time when I tried to barbecue, I felt a bit unfamiliar, as if I hadn’t done it for a long time. But I searched my memory and couldn’t find it, so I asked Tourmaline directly.

"Zi'er, do you know why I don't feel so proficient in grilling meat?" Jiang Zili communicated with tourmaline with spiritual sense.

"That's because it's been done by the **** all the time!" Bixi's cute Zheng Taiyin answered Jiang Zili's question.

Jiang Zili:? ? ?

What the hell?Why is what Zaier said blocked?
"Xiao'er, what are you talking about?" Jiang Zili was confused, with question marks all over her head.

"It's ***." Bixi repeated again, but found that she still couldn't express it to Jiang Zili.

Could it be that the person's name was blocked by Heavenly Dao?

"Zi'er, I suspect that you are swearing, and you already have the evidence!"

"Lili, I didn't curse! I was just blocked."

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. If I bake it a few more times, my hands won't get raw again." Jiang Zili saw this and stopped worrying.

Five minutes later, Jiang Zili put the small brush in her hand back into one of the small bottles on the small table, and then looked up at the five people.

Now I see five people in front of me. They are at least 185 and above, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are handsome young men with free and easy manners, some with delicate features, gentle and elegant, some with modest and dignified gentlemen, some with tall and burly, handsome and unrestrained, some with bright eyes and smart and wise.

Jiang Zili, who is a face control person, saw her mood getting better and raised her eyebrows, wondering why these people who had no connection with the original body came back here.

"Hi, hello!" Duan Xu, who has a more eccentric personality, smiled and waved to Jiang Zili, "Do you mind if we sit here?"

The original body had these five people in his memory, and they were all influential figures in the Second Academy.

The people who greeted her first were Duan Xu and the tall and burly Chi Yu, both of whom were freshmen in the mecha combat department and were very popular with girls.

The gentle and elegant Qi Jun and the modest Xing Ziqian are the grassroots of the new pharmacy department, and the remaining Yan Shaolin, who is resourceful and resourceful, is a rare military teacher type talent, and is the grassroots of the freshman command department.

It is said that these five people and the second prince of the empire, Yu Qinghuang, the general of the First Legion, are the heirs and young masters of the top nobles of the empire.

Jiang Zili did not expect that five of the legendary group of six would appear in front of her.

"Please!" Jiang Zili replied lightly.

The five people walked over and sat down around the fire. Duan Xu saw a few small bottles on the small table and asked, "Are these condiments?"

Jiang Zili nodded, pointed to one of the small bottles, "Well, this one is honey, and the others are seasonings for barbecue."

Duan Xu, Qi Jun, Xing Ziqian, Chi Yu and Yan Shaolin:? ? ?

Duan Xu, who jumped out of the way, had a big reaction, "Honey? Does anyone still use such an unpalatable thing for barbecue?"

Jiang Zili raised her eyebrows, knowing what he meant by unpalatable.

This world evolved from the apocalypse. At that time, the planet where human beings lived was called the earth. Now the period before the apocalypse is called the ancient earth period.In the last days, many plants and animals have mutated, and basically they cannot be eaten.

But now many edible plants in this world are grown by wood-type supernatural beings, which are called cultivated ingredients.Non-mutated edible plants that grow naturally, known as native ingredients.

The tastes of the two kinds of ingredients are very different. Although the taste of cultivated ingredients is not good, they are rich in various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for the human body. Therefore, cultivated ingredients are the main materials for making nutritional supplements.

 Short story:

  Yu Shen: Why did my wife's nickname change? ? ?

  Master Li: Just as long as you are happy.
  Yu Shen: Then which one do you like?
  Li Ye: It's okay, I want to give you a nickname too!

  Yu Shen: Really? (All wishes come true. jpg)

  Li Ye: Do you have any suggestions?

  Today's update is over, thank you for your votes~~~
  Ask for votes~ask for collection~ask for comments~
(End of this chapter)

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