Chapter 101 Continue Cultivation
Jiang Zili rubbed her cheek against his shoulder, "Okay, where shall we go later?"

Yu Qinghuang: "Is there any place you want to go?"

Jiang Zili: "No, you can arrange it."

"Okay." Yu Qinghuang chuckled, took her hand, and led her out.

Next, Yu Qinghuang took Jiang Zili to a more romantic place in the capital for a date. Although they often went on dates in similar places in those small worlds before, the two of them would have different feelings every time they went on a date. The only thing that remained unchanged was It's the two people who are dating.

After dinner, Yu Qinghuang took Jiang Zili home, entered the space directly in the room, and began to ask about things in this world.

Jiang Zili told Yu Qinghuang the reason why she traveled through the three thousand small worlds to do tasks.

"So what is the mission of this world?" Yu Qinghuang asked after a moment of silence after listening.

"Basically, more than half of it is done. The only thing left is to let Linlin not live in hatred and let the Jiang family live well. In fact, the plot should not start in two years, but I brought them to Linhai City and Beijing, basically Nothing like the original plot will happen again. As long as the life of the Jiang family gets better and better, then my mission will be completed."

"Now the assets in my name can ensure the life of the Jiang family, and Jiang Xi, Jiang Xu and Jiang Zilin are living better than in the original plot. They can do what they like, as long as they find a way to leave here."

Yu Qinghuang nodded, "But there seems to be no information about the world of cultivation in this world."

"Yes, it's not mentioned in the plot, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The aura of this world is stronger than that of the last world." Jiang Zili pointed out the key points directly.

Yu Qinghuang thought for a while, "I'll go back and look for the family history of the Yu family to see if there is any relevant information."

Jiang Zili nodded in agreement, "But even if you can't find the teleportation array to leave, you should be able to leave here if you ascend."

Yu Qinghuang's eyes lit up, and he lowered his head and kissed Jiang Zili, "Li Bao is really smart."

After three years, Jiang Zili has broken through the late stage of Nascent Soul. Yu Qinghuang's cultivation base has no progress because he has no memory, but Jiang Zili believes that he will soon catch up with her. This is the benefit of single spirit root.

"Then let's go into space to practice when we have time." Jiang Zili glanced at him. She didn't know this man's true identity for so long. He had hidden it so well!Hum!

Yu Qinghuang saw the little look in her eyes and thought she disliked him for holding back. He touched her nose and didn't dare to speak. He kissed her again before going to the side to practice cross-legged.


In the past two years, Jiang Zili and Yu Qinghuang have met their parents and got engaged.

The relationship between Jiang Zilin and the male lead Gu Haoran has also developed smoothly, and they have decided to make the same career plan as in the original plot. However, because Jiang Zilin said that she would not fall in love prematurely, the two are currently in a state of unfulfilled love.

Jiang Xi established his own technology network company when he was a freshman. Jiang Zili wrote several programs for him, including firewalls, blogs, chat software, games, etc. With the popularity of computers, the company has grown steadily.

Jiang Xu also skipped a grade and was admitted to the Faculty of Law at Peking University. He plans to set up a law firm by himself in the future. After all, his brothers and sisters have so many companies, and the fat water does not flow to outsiders. It is perfect to be their legal consultant!

When everything was going in a good direction, Jiang Zili was stopped by an unexpected person to confess her love.

"Sister Jiang, I like you!"

(End of this chapter)

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