108 Good Things I Did To Break Up My Engagement

Chapter 49 Zheng Xixue Was Kidnapped

Chapter 49 Zheng Xixue Was Kidnapped
"Why are you so smeared? Hurry up, Lily is going to the bar!" Lu Zeyang wanted to punch Zheng Xixue. He used to be very active when going to the bar, but now he couldn't find the key and wallet for a while.

The bar is full of fish and dragons, what if his girlfriend is taken away by other men in the bar!
Zheng Xixue, who was in ink, was finally willing to go out, and the two rushed to the bar, but the security guard stopped at the door.

"Sorry, you can't go in." The security guard's eyes were cold, and the height of 1.9 meters squinted at the two of them. His muscles seemed to burst out of the security uniform, and it was scary to look at it even more.

Lu Zeyang pulled Zheng Xixue back subconsciously for two steps, and said with a fake smile: "The bar is open for business, why can't we go in?"

The security guard glanced at him and withdrew his hand: "You can enter, but he cannot."

"Why?" This sentence was asked by Zheng Xixue: "Why can't I go in."

"It's stipulated by the boss." The security guard took out his mobile phone, flipped through Zheng Xixue's photo and stretched it out in front of him, and explained the situation that day like a machine: "On September [-], your ex-girlfriend caused a disturbance in the bar and injured a customer, and the bar was rectified for two days. day."

It turned out that it was because of that fight. Lu Zeyang patted Zheng Xixue on the shoulder, pursed his lips and said, "Boss did a good job, take your time, I will go in first."

"Hey, you can't leave. You asked me to come. Now leave me alone! Lu Zeyang!" Zheng Xixue was half a head shorter than the security guard, and his figure was relatively thin. It was extremely funny hanging on the security guard's arm.

No matter how much he shouted, Lu Zeyang would not look back. He just wanted to see Xia Lili as soon as possible.

The music in the bar was loud, Lu Zeyang looked around but didn't see Xia Li, so he sent her a text message: "Lily, I'm here, where are you?"

When Xia Li received this news, he was already drinking his third glass of wine. When Shen Qingyu saw Tick at the bar, his eyes lit up, and he completely forgot about her. The two of them chatted as if no one else was there. Like a light bulb with a broken filament.

Good guy, it doesn’t light up at all!

"Qingyu." Xia Li patted Shen Qingyu on the shoulder and showed a helpless smile: "I'll go over there and have a look. Remember to call me if you need anything."

The implication is that you must not have sex with a man you have known for more than ten days in a flash, and Shen Qingyu is not good at drinking. This is a bar again, and the most important thing is alcohol. In case she sees the wrong person, Di Ke got her drunk, and the consequences were disastrous.

Although Shen Qingyu was in love with his brain, he could still understand these things, nodded and said: "You go, I will be careful."

Tick ​​on the side also understood the meaning of their words and remained silent. After Xia Li left completely, he looked at Shen Qingyu: "Don't worry, I will never let you do anything you don't want to do."

"I believe you." Shen Qingyu said firmly.

After coming here for more than ten days, Tik wouldn't let her drink if she wanted to, and he would never talk to her about erotic topics. She believed in Tik's character.

Xia Li found Lu Zeyang at the entrance of the bar, and the two held hands skillfully, and quietly went to a more secluded place. Shen Qingyu must not let Shen Qingyu know about their relationship, it's over once they know.

"Huh? Why didn't Zheng Xixue come with you?" She looked around but didn't see Zheng Xixue.

"He was stopped by the security guards, it's very funny..." After telling her what happened just now, Xia Li laughed wildly, and gave Tick a thumbs up: "Well done! He deserves it! Let's see how many girls he can harm."

As soon as he came to this bar, Lu Zeyang could recall Xia Lili's injury that day, and pulled her arm distressedly. In fact, they have almost recovered, leaving only a scar, which will not disappear in the short term.
Then came a question, Lu Zeyang raised his head suspiciously: "Aren't you all busy in western medicine, can the director allow you to take such a long vacation?"

Xia Li was taken aback. She couldn't say that the hospital was run by her family. If she didn't want to go, she wouldn't go. She rolled her eyes and lied, "I don't dare to have any objections to the annual leave I asked for." She shifted The topic said: "What's more, he has been secretly urging me to go back to work for the past two days. I didn't want to spend more time with you, so I rejected it."

These words were impeccable, Lu Zeyang didn't even doubt it, and hugged her even tighter: "If you are too tired, come to work in the Chinese medicine clinic, I can afford you."

In a group of singles, the sweet two seem to be aliens, and of course, there are two others.

Shen Qingyu turned the water glass tangled, determined to confess, but retreated the moment he looked up at him.

Although the two of them had a good chat these days, their relationship was heating up step by step, and they were almost on the verge of establishing a relationship, but neither of them dared to confess.

"Tick, I..." Shen Qingyu bit her lips nervously, her throat was full of what she wanted to say, but a message from Xia Li interrupted her.

"Baby, how soon can we leave? How long do you want to chat with the boss?"

Yes, it was Xia Li's intention. No man was allowed to take Shen Qingyu away before the relationship was confirmed, but he didn't expect that he would send it out just when she was about to confess.

It was like pouring a pot of cold water, extinguishing the raging fire in Shen Qingyu's heart, and quickly typed a few words on the screen: "If you have something to do, go first, I want to stay with Tick for a while."

See sex and forget friends!

"Who is it?" Tick asked with a smile.

"My friend."

"Oh, okay, what did you want to say to me just now?" This was what he wanted to ask the most.

Turning around and drinking all the water, Shen Qingyu didn't dare to look at him: "No...it's nothing, I forgot too."

Disappointment flashed in Tick's eyes, and he secretly made up his mind to confess his love to Shen Qingyu.

in the deck.

Xia Li lay on Lu Zeyang's shoulder, and suddenly said: "Zheng Xixue should still be outside right now, should we bring him in?"

Although Zheng Xixue was not familiar with Shen Qingyu, he could barely establish a relationship. Tick would let him go even for the sake of Shen Qingyu's face. It was just a phone call away.

The two put down their wine glasses and walked out holding hands, but Zheng Xixue was nowhere to be seen at the door.

No, even if Zheng Xixue wanted to leave, he would tell Lu Zeyang. He took out his phone and refreshed it several times, but he didn't see Zheng Xixue's WeChat.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and he asked the security guard: "Do you know where Zheng Xixue went?"

"He was just taken away by someone who claimed to be his parents. We asked him if he needed to call the police, and he said no." The security guard pointed to the left: "Going in that direction."

Lu Zeyang was taken aback, and without hesitation, he dragged Xia Li and ran over. Not far away, he saw two men dragging Zheng Xixue into a luxury car.

If he didn't call the police when he was caught, these people must be his parents' people.

(End of this chapter)

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