108 Good Things I Did To Break Up My Engagement

Chapter 23 She Likes Shen Xingzhi?

Chapter 23 She Likes Shen Xingzhi?

Seeing her agree, Shen Xingzhi was also very happy, but the next second he heard her say: "There is a friend waiting for me over there. I'll go over first and see Brother Xingzhi again."

Facing Shen Xingzhi, she really had nothing to say, so she had to use this method to leave quickly.

Shen Xingzhi didn't even have time to say goodbye to her, he sighed and left with his assistant. There was a long way to go to chase her, and he would not give up easily.

Finally out of his sight, Xia Li looked back cautiously, and he was relieved after making sure that he got on the bus. He glanced at the ticket, put it in his bag, turned on the phone and was about to send a message to Lu Zeyang when he saw a dialog box pop up Come to a line.

"I've bought it. Are you still where you were just now? I'll come to you."

"Well, you go this way."

When the two met, Lu Zeyang looked behind her, and after confirming that Shen Xingzhi was not there, he felt relieved, took out a cigarette with a guilty conscience, and said, "Zheng Xixue is really, there is a supermarket downstairs, so I insisted on buying it for him and sending it back. "

Good brothers are used at critical moments.

"It feels like you have a good relationship with Zheng Xixue."

She still has lingering fears about what happened last time, and she must ask clearly at this moment.

"He and I are classmates in high school and best friends with each other. According to what you girls say, we are good sisters who talk about everything."

His words amused Xia Li, and the stone in her heart fell to the ground. Looking at the halo on his head, she felt better and better. Why did she doubt his sexual orientation at the beginning? She really found something to do for herself.

Lu Zeyang was also confused and couldn't figure out why Xia Li met Shen Xingzhi, and seeing Shen Xingzhi's appearance just now, he shouldn't have no feelings for her.

In terms of understanding him, Zheng Xixue is the first, then Shen Xingzhi is the second, and...

"Who was talking to you just now? I happened to look back when I was leaving."

"My best friend's brother, he must be considered a childhood sweetheart." Xia Li didn't notice his eyes at all, and told the truth, and saw the halo of light on his head become pinker after speaking, and couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, Lu Zeyang misunderstood this smile.

Just mentioning Shen Xingzhi's name and laughing, she should like Shen Xingzhi quite a lot.

But yes, Shen Xingzhi is handsome. Although he is a rich second generation, he is very hardworking and motivated. He has made a lot of achievements in business at a young age. The little girl who likes him is ranked in France. Where is this kind of person? The type that will be liked by everyone.

Man, it's easy to think wildly. The more Lu Zeyang looked at Xia Li's smiling face, the more he felt that his guess was right. He forced his smiling face to eat with her, and after saying goodbye, his shoulders drooped.

And just an hour ago, Shen Xingzhi drove by, looked out the window and saw Xia Li standing with a man talking and laughing, he quickly asked his assistant to stop, and hid in the corner to watch the two from a distance.

The man's back was facing him, and he couldn't see who it was at all. He thought the figure looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Xia Li had never smiled so brightly in front of him. For a moment, his mood fell to the bottom, and he didn't notice that the phone in his bag rang.

"Boss Shen, let's go." The assistant reminded in a low voice behind him, he had been with Shen Xingzhi for so long, he understood his intentions, and he also understood that Xia Li didn't like him at all.

Facing the feelings of not loving yourself, it is only possible to get out of it as soon as possible, and if you stick to it, you will only hope in vain, and it is not worth it.

Shen Xingzhi withdrew his gaze reluctantly: "Let's go."

On the other side, after Lu Zeyang separated from Xia Li, there was always an idea in her mind that she liked Shen Xingzhi.

It's not a question sentence, but a declarative sentence, he feels that he is sure that the woman he loves likes his friend Shen Xingzhi.

Returning home in a daze, Zheng Xixue was lying on the sofa, and when he saw him, he teased, "Hey, I came back after having dinner with your Lily."

Lu Zeyang was not in the mood to joke with him, took out the cigarettes he bought and threw them over, poured a glass of water and sat beside him without saying a word, the word "Chuan" formed between his brows.

"What's the matter with you?" Realizing that something was wrong with him, Zheng Xixue asked: "Broken in love? Aren't you two not sure about your relationship yet, are you falling out of love so soon?"

"Don't talk nonsense, she never said she liked me at all, we are just friends now."

Zheng Xixue was speechless, his eyes said: friend?You can still fool me?

"For the sake of buying me cigarettes, let's talk about the situation, and I'll see if I can help you." Sitting up and looking at him, Zheng Xixue changed his previous idle state and looked at him seriously.

Lu Zeyang put down the water glass and said disdainfully, "Can you do it?"

"I've had more girlfriends than you know, don't you think?"

This rhetorical question left Lu Zeyang speechless. It is true. Zheng Xixue is a master in love, and he has to admire him.

Feeling like a dead horse being a living horse doctor, Lu Zeyang asked: "I just found out today that she seems to have someone she likes. That person is not me, and he is very good. I don't think I can compare, and I have another An unbroken engagement."

Since ancient times, he has been a fan of the authorities, and the bystanders are clear. Zheng Xixue lay back again: "She told you that she has someone she likes?"

"Not really, but I can feel it. She kept laughing when she talked about him." Lu Zeyang was extremely distressed. He liked her and didn't want to give up this relationship, but some relationships had to be given up.

Zheng Xixue opened his mouth. He claimed to be a lover, but it was true that he couldn't do anything with his friends' feelings. He couldn't help complaining: "Young people nowadays are easy to think about things."

Xia Lili didn't like his friend, he ate the pack of cigarettes in his hand!
Seeing how entangled he was, Zheng Xixue didn't want to say anything more, so he went into the room and gave him two tickets to the exhibition: "Women, you can just like one more, this exhibition was originally intended to take girls to see, it's a pity , I'm too attractive, another girl asked me out at the same time, I can't go, it's cheap for you."

"I heard that this exhibition is very famous. There must be many beauties coming. Go and get to know a few of them then. Don't hang yourself on Xia Lili's tree."

He brushed his hair, feeling very chic.

Lu Zeyang rolled his eyes: "Brother, don't call each girl by girl. Does anyone else have a name? You just haven't found a girl you really love. When you find it, you'll understand how I feel."

He never interfered with his friends' freedom of love, but he still had to give a warning when it was time to do so.

Zheng Xixue didn't take his words to heart: "Anyway, you can see for yourself, go if you want, and forget it if you don't want to."

He didn't want to go at first, but Lu Zeyang happened to catch a glimpse of the name on the ticket - Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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