Chapter 201
Zhao Ming'er did have a document that needed Xia Li's help. When she talked to Zheng Xixue, Zheng Xixue felt that it was just right to lay it out, and told Lu Zeyang his initial thoughts. Together, they planned to make a fake move to make Ke Reese came too.

Xi Rui bumped into it entirely by himself and got into the game by mistake.

And Chris was still complacent, thinking that he had broken into the Zhao family. In the past two days, he had been brainwashed by Lu Yunche again, telling him that Lu Zeyang and his parents were all bad, bullying his father, so vividly said, Chris believed it, He was hostile to Lu Zeyang, and didn't even say hello at this time, standing next to Zhao Ming'er all the time.

Please enter the urn. The layout of the game is ready, and the next step is to let the players into the game. Zhao Ming'er took out an "important contract" and said anxiously: "This company wants to invest in the Zhao family. You also know that the Zhao family has encountered difficulties. Help Let's see if this can be trusted."

Xi Rui was taken aback, then took two steps back quickly, and pointed to himself: "Can I listen too?"

Can he know this kind of business secret?He didn't know Zhao Ming'er well, so it shouldn't be his turn.

"Didn't you also start a company? You should know these things very well. You have cooperated with Lily. I trust her, so I trust you. I also ask you to help me find out. I really have no choice." Zhao Ming'er was about to cry.

Xi Rui knew her situation and felt sorry for Zhao's current situation. Since she trusted herself, she would help her.

So, he looked at the contract carefully, and Chris naturally paid attention to it, his eyes almost grew on the contract.

Although Xia Li had never heard of it before, he understood everything after seeing the state of Lu Zeyang and others, and decided to continue acting.

"He said it was a life-saving straw that could save Mrs. Zhao, what do you think?" Zhao Ming'er sped up.

"Just believe what he says? I've said that there are big problems with this contract. Why do you just think about going to the sky step by step? Wouldn't it be better to go steadily step by step? I've been helping you all the time. You! I really don't understand, you trust an outsider and don't trust us?" Zheng Xixue entered the play, and according to the plot, he had to contradict Zhao Ming'er, so as to highlight the climax later.

Neither Xi Rui nor Chris expected that they would suddenly quarrel. They looked over blankly, not knowing how to break up the fight.

"Don't you know the current situation of the Zhao family? The Zhao family does not belong to your family. Of course you are not in a hurry, but I am in a hurry! You said you are helping me, what is the result? I want to see the result?! I really don't want to Understand, there is a shortcut, why do you insist on letting me take it step by step, you say there is risk, which shortcut has no risk? I am not weighing it. "

The two of them were arguing so hard that Xia Li almost thought they were really arguing, but she quickly got into the mood and was very anxious on the sidelines.

"Aren't you trying to persuade me?" Xi Rui walked up to Xia Li and asked in a low voice, not even daring to disturb the two of them.

"What can we persuade?" Xia Li sighed: "Since Mrs. Zhao's accident, the two of them have often quarreled. Zhao Ming'er wants Mrs. Zhao to return to the previous state as soon as possible, and Zheng Xixue wants to walk steadily step by step. , no one is wrong, as outsiders, we are even less qualified to persuade."

"It seems to be the same." Xi Rui's air pressure dropped.

And Chris lowered his head, he should be happy, after all, the purpose of his coming is to bring down the Zhao family, internal fighting is the result he is most happy to see, but when he thinks that the Zhao family will be inseparable from their family today, I feel a little depressed, especially when I see the two of them getting more and more noisy.

The quarrel between Zhao Minger and Zhao Minger was still going on, and they were so red-faced. Zhao Minger said: "Zheng Xixue, sometimes I can't figure out whether many of your things are for me or for yourself? Zhao's situation is getting worse every day. You still let me take it step by step slowly, no matter how slow I am, the company will be gone!"

"Zhao Ming'er, have you reached menopause? I know you've been very busy recently. Am I more relaxed than you? While helping you with work, I also need to take care of your emotions. What do you get in return? It's your dissatisfaction with me. Trust me! I'm really convinced."

Zheng Xixue, with one hand on his hips and one hand on his forehead, paced back and forth with a hint of disgust on his face.

"Zheng Xixue! How did you talk?! I'm in menopause? It wasn't like this when you were chasing me. It's only been a while now and it's changed. I really shouldn't believe you!" Zhao Minger trembled with anger, pointing at the door: "Get out, get out!"

At this time, of course, Xia Li is going to act. Xia Li helped Zhao Ming'er over and stroked her back: "Calm down, don't be as knowledgeable as him, he just can't speak his mind sometimes, but he really cares about you." of."

Zhao Ming'er raised her eyes, tears welled up in her eyes, her expression of grievance made Zheng Xixue panic subconsciously, but fortunately, she reacted quickly and was not noticed by Xi Rui and the other two.

"But he actually said that I'm in menopause! I can't eat or sleep well these days, it's all because of the company, and he knows how to make sarcastic remarks. Finally, a company is willing to help me, but he doesn't agree." Zhao Ming Son choked up.

"When did I make sarcastic remarks, Zhao Ming'er, can you show some face when you talk about these things, haven't I helped enough? You are indeed a woman with long hair and short knowledge, and you still feel hurt by helping you, Mrs. Zhao It deserves it to be like this!"

Xi Rui's eyes widened at these words. She never expected that he would say that.

Zhao Ming'er pointed at him, unable to speak clearly: "You, you are going too far!"

She shook her head in disbelief: "My mother suspects that you, Mrs. Zheng, did something to me, Ms. Zhao. Otherwise, why would you hinder me? You're still making trouble, gloating!" After she finished speaking, she ran out.

Xia Li yelled, and looked at Zheng Xixue with disappointment in his eyes: "Your words are indeed too much." Then he chased him out, calling Zhao Ming'er's name while chasing.

In the office, Zheng Xixue seemed to have come to his senses, and realized that what he said was wrong, but he was unwilling to admit his mistake. He looked at Lu Zeyang: "Obviously she was the one who got angry first, but I just got angry."

Lu Zeyang sighed deeply and pushed Zheng Xixue: "It's really wrong for you to say that even though you know she's been under a lot of pressure recently. Chase her quickly. Do you really want to break up with her?"

"I don't want to chase. The more a woman chases, the more tempered she becomes, so she should get angry and let her know what will happen!"

"You are sick. You should apologize for doing something wrong. That's fine. If you really don't want to be forgiven by her, then don't chase after her. Anyway, the worst is to break up, and the worst is that she hates you. You, Mr. Zheng, don't care about these things." .”

"How do you say sarcastic words?"

"Then why don't you go after him!" Lu Zeyang got angry, kicked him directly, and dragged him out.

Immediately, only Xi Rui and Chris were left staring at each other in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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