108 Good Things I Did To Break Up My Engagement

Chapter 19 Are Your Parents Alright?

Chapter 19 Are Your Parents Alright?

Xia Li held his arm, and his body was almost clinging to him: "I didn't expect you to cook medicinal food. I underestimated you before."

His face was so red, Lu Zeyang swallowed his saliva, and was reluctant to push away: "My grandfather is a master of Chinese medicine. I have been with him since I was a child, and it will become familiar to me. If you like it, I will often do it for you in the future."

"Then Zheng Xixue can't be jealous?"

"He is tired of eating every day, how could he be jealous."

Xia Li nodded his head and frowned slightly: "Then I can rest assured."

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted the chat between the two of them. Looking at the words "Shen Dabao" on the screen, Xia Li picked up the phone.

"Honey, where are you?"

"At..." Looking up at Lu Zeyang, who was still busy in the kitchen, she said, "Dining at a friend's house."

For him, it should be regarded as a friend, right?Anyway, lovers definitely can't do it.

There was a "tsk tsk" sound from the other end of the phone, Shen Qingyu didn't believe it, and pointed it out directly: "How long have we known each other, can you still fool me? It's only been a long time since you returned to China, how many friends can you have, say, how many friends do you have?" Do you have a new lover?"

Sure enough, she couldn't be fooled through the phone.

"Oh, it's not a new love, it's really just a friend, we just met for a short time."

"Xia Li, how can you be like this, if you don't tell me if you have a new love, am I still your best friend!"

There was a rascal over there, Xia Li took the phone away, rubbed the center of his brows, and looked up just in time to see Lu Zeyang walking towards him.

"Lily, the porridge is ready, do you want to try it?"

Before the phone was hung up, Shen Qingyu caught the man's voice with his ears, but couldn't hear what he said, and shouted at Xia Li: "You still said you didn't lie to me! I heard the man's voice! "

The phone was held far away and without speakerphone, Xia Li could hear Shen Qingyu's voice. Worrying that Lu Zeyang would notice something was wrong, Xia Li hurriedly hung up the phone and walked towards him.

Lu Zeyang was taken aback, why did he hang up the phone as soon as he came, did he not want him to hear it?
People, once you have someone you like, you tend to think wildly, even if the other party's just a random action can be over-interpreted, and then you fall into a vicious circle that you can't escape.

Xia Li guessed that Lu Zeyang's sexual orientation was like this, and now Lu Zeyang just saw her hang up the phone.

He misunderstood that Xia Li didn't like him. He was very depressed and didn't show it on his face. He served her a bowl of porridge and tried to smile: "Try it and see if you like it. If you don't like it, we'd better order takeaway." Bar."

The medicated diet has a lingering taste of traditional Chinese medicine, but Xia Li is a doctor, and although he is a western doctor, he has also been in contact with Chinese medicine for a while, and he is a little kind to the taste, his eyes lit up, and he praised seriously: "It's really good! "

Not much Chinese medicine is used, and it blends with the flavor of the chicken to create a strange harmony. Adding a mouthful of glutinous rice enriches the taste. This bowl of porridge won't be worth selling for 20 yuan a bowl!

She ate happily, and Lu Zeyang's mood also improved. He let go of the previous disappointment and served all the dishes on the table.

The two sat facing each other, each hiding something in their hearts, and they didn't show it on the surface before. It was really like friends eating and chatting together. Xia Li told him something about the hospital, and Lu Zeyang also introduced Chinese medicinal materials to her.

Seeing that more than half of the food was settled and the meal was coming to an end, Xia Li looked sideways at the goldfish in the fish tank, pursed his lips and said, "You live with him, don't your parents say anything?"

While being gay isn't such a big deal these days, can the older generation really agree?
Lu Zeyang frowned slightly, a little puzzled, but answered honestly: "They don't know that I live here."

Didn't even know he was still in the city.

Xia Li nodded thoughtfully. It turned out that his parents still disagreed. If the relationship between the two of them could not be blessed by his parents, he would probably feel very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, they will understand one day, parents love their children, don't be discouraged." Patting him on the shoulder to comfort him, Xia Li decided not to talk about this topic, so as not to make him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Zeyang was stunned for a moment. Before he could figure out why she said that, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Your father, I met true love. I won't be back tonight. You should seize the opportunity and don't thank me."

Every girlfriend of Neptune is said to be true love, but each of them has been together for no more than two weeks.

He shook his head helplessly. He had long been used to Zheng Xixue's situation and had nothing to say.

"Who is calling?" Xia Li asked curiously.

"Zheng Xixue, said he won't be coming back tonight."

Is the relationship between the two of them so good that they have to make a phone call every meal.

On the other side, Shen Qingyu was lying on the sofa eating French fries, looking at the hung up phone, his eyes rolled around a few times, he patted the dirt on his hands, and hurried to the door of Shen Xingzhi's study without even putting on his slippers.

"Brother, brother, I have something to tell you, open the door!"

It took a while before Shen Xingzhi's voice came from inside: "What do you want to buy again?" He opened the door while speaking, leaning on the door frame, and couldn't help rubbing Shen Qingyu's head: "Go buy whatever you want to buy." , I didn't stop..."

Interrupting him directly, Shen Qingyu was very anxious: "No, it's related to Xia Li!"

Shen Xingzhi stood up straight when he heard the name, frowned and asked, "Did something happen to Xiao Li?"

"I called just now and heard a man's voice from her. She lied to me that she was having dinner with friends. Brother, since you like her, you have to seize the opportunity. In the past, she had a marriage contract, but now the groom has run away. Hurry up."

The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. Shen Qingyu is the witness of Shen Xingzhi's feelings for Xia Li. Ever since she knew that her brother likes her best friend, she feels that the two of them are the best match. A sister-in-law.

Hearing this, Shen Xingzhi was silent for a while, as Shen Qingyu said, he had taken into account that she had a marriage contract before, but the groom ran away and the marriage contract was invalid, he should really seize this opportunity.

He said thoughtfully: "I know, I won't miss her again this time."

It's time to take action.

Shen Qingyu had always believed in Shen Xingzhi's strength, and gave him a "come on" gesture, then sat back on the sofa with satisfaction and continued watching TV.

Her brother is handsome and capable, and he has always been infatuated with Xia Li, even if it is a stone, he should be fascinated, and she does not believe that she can bear it.

So, it can only prove that Shen Qingyu still doesn't understand Xia Li well enough in her relationship. She has never been a person who has to be moved because the other party treats her well.

(End of this chapter)

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