Chapter 181 Playground

"Lily, the person I sent to follow Qian Xiaoxiao came back and said that he lost her!" Qian Xiaoxiao's anxious voice was on the other side of the phone: "What should we do now, she won't run out of the country, right?"

Xia Li frowned when he heard this, and instantly said: "Don't worry, you probably won't run away right away, let your people look around again, you can continue to contact her, but you must not expose it."

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, she tilted her head annoyed, she should let her own people follow, this step was indeed a miscalculation.

"Who called? Zhao Ming'er?" Fang Ling asked softly.

"Yes, her people have lost Qian Xiaoxiao. Qian Xiaoxiao should still be in the country. There is still a chance for everything."

Fang Ling thought of something, lowered her head, took out her mobile phone and found the chat history with Qian Xiaoxiao, and handed it to her: "Why don't you go to this place and look for it, it's the secret residence she told me."

Xia Li looked up at her, she is still useful!Xia Li asked: "Can I see your chat records?"

"Okay, you can look at it as you like."

Based on the context, Qian Xiaoxiao meant that he wanted to cooperate with Fang Ling, so this address should not be fake. Xia Li immediately took a photo and sent it to Zhao Ming'er, saying in a voice: "Qian Xiaoxiao's secret residence, you Get someone to look for it quickly!”

Zhao Ming'er, who saw the news, hurriedly posted the screenshot in the group, and asked people to rush there immediately, and drove out the door by herself.

Qian Xiaoxiao must be found as soon as possible, otherwise when she leaves the country, it will be the same as finding a needle in a haystack, and he will always worry about whether she will retaliate against him, like a thorn in his body that cannot be removed.

Zhao Ming'er's people were still a step late, and the building was already empty, as if they were about to run away.

His subordinates quickly contacted Zhao Ming'er. Zhao Ming'er was heartbroken. She sent Qian Xiaoxiao a lot of messages, and she still replied occasionally yesterday, but she didn't reply at all today. blocked.

It is estimated that Qian Xiaoxiao already knew that the matter was exposed, and that Zhao Ming'er was fishing, so she dared not reply.

She stopped the car on the side of the road, flipped through the chat records of the two of them and various social software such as her Weibo, found a few places where she was most likely to go, and posted them in the group for her subordinates to find.

After finishing everything, she leaned on the steering wheel. Until now, she still can't imagine why two people who were so close before have come to this point. Qian Xiaoxiao has excellent academic performance and many specialties. Why did she become such a demon.

What happened to her? !

The car couldn't be parked on the side of the road for too long. Zhao Ming'er restarted and searched aimlessly in the huge Jingcheng. During this period, he also received a call from Zheng Xixue and told him about his situation. Zheng Xixue was afraid that something would happen to her, so he immediately Drive here.

The car accidentally drove to an amusement park, rolled down the window and looked in, and a memory came to my mind.

Ten years ago, she and Qian Xiaoxiao were still in junior high school. They just met at that time. The playground here had just been built. On the first day it opened, her parents took her to play in the playground. When Qian Xiaoxiao mentioned it, she was full of envy.

At that time, Zhao Ming'er was just sharing her happiness with good friends, but she didn't know that in the eyes of Qian Xiaoxiao, who had low self-esteem, these words turned into showing off.

And Qian Xiaoxiao's envy has always been in her heart. After a few days, she said that she would bring Qian Xiaoxiao to play after school. The two had a good time at the playground. Good friend.

The friendship between children is so innocent and cute. At that time, Zhao Ming'er really thought that they would grow up together, marry and have children together, be godmothers to each other's children, grow old together, live in a nursing home together, and be good friends for life.

Now look at the happy world when I was a child. The facilities are outdated, leaves are everywhere, and there is a fence around it. A warning sign next to it says that this place is deserted.

At that time, you could spend a day here and play all the rides. I always felt that the amusement park was so big that it was endless to visit. But now, looking back, the amusement park is not as big as a high-end hotel, and there are only a few rides.

She stepped on a yellow fallen leaf under her feet and made a crushing sound. Zhao Ming'er came back to her senses with tears on her face. She looked at the abandoned playground as if she saw herself and Qian Xiaoxiao at that time, and murmured: "At that time You really want to be my friend, don't you?"

No matter what, Qian Xiaoxiao has to pay the price for what she has done. She wiped away her tears and drove normally again. As soon as the car started, she suddenly saw a figure that looked like Qian Xiaoxiao, dragging a suitcase and driving on the side of the road. After getting out of the car, he looked around anxiously, with disheveled hair.

Squinting her eyes, Zhao Minger followed her. She could tell that even if it was just a profile of her friend who had been with her for more than ten years, she could tell that it was Qian Xiaoxiao. Zhao Minger called her subordinates and sent her real-time location to let They will come right away.

During the period, Zheng Xixue called, Zhao Minger answered the phone and said, "I seem to have seen Qian Xiaoxiao, I'll send you an address, come here now."

"Okay, I'll be there right away, you must not confront her head-on, you have to wait for me to arrive, you know?" Zheng Xixue was afraid that Qian Xiaoxiao would hurt Zhao Ming'er.

Zhao Minger agreed.

The taxi stopped at a small hotel in the suburbs. Zhao Ming'er saw Qian Xiaoxiao get down in the car, and her heart sank. When the taxi left, she got down too, and shouted at her, "Qian Xiaoxiao!"

Qian Xiaoxiao turned around in surprise: "How do you know I'm here?"

Zhao Ming'er walked towards her slowly: "Do you still remember the playground we went to when we were young? Where did I see you? I followed you all the way. Xiaoxiao, if you do something wrong, we will admit it and turn ourselves in. Don't Run away, you can't run away."

"Surrender yourself? Why do you ask me to surrender? Who are you to ask me to surrender?" Qian Xiaoxiao broke down instantly and took a few steps back: "Don't come here, I don't want to see you, get out!"

"Xiaoxiao, it's still too late to look back now." Zhao Ming'er paused, she still couldn't treat her like an enemy, recalling all the past, the other party had been with her for more than ten years.

"I don't need you to be fake here!" Qian Xiaoxiao roared angrily: "Isn't it thanks to you that I became what I am today, don't be fake here! I hate you the most! "

Hearing her utter these words, Zhao Ming'er's heart hurt like a knife, and she couldn't help crying: "Xiaoxiao, how can I be sorry for you? Why do you hate me? Aren't we good friends?"

"Good friend?" Qian Xiaoxiao snorted coldly: "I'm just a loyal lackey by your side, when did you treat me as a friend?! You never!"

(End of this chapter)

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