108 Good Things I Did To Break Up My Engagement

Chapter 153 He's Chief Financial Officer

Chapter 153 He's Chief Financial Officer
Returning home in a hurry, Shen Qingyu sat down and turned on the computer, pointing to Lu's father's name and explained: "Lu Zeyang's father is Uncle Lu Yunche, so the two of them are cousins."

"I'll go." Xia Li sneered: "These two brothers are fine. One is running away from marriage and the other is cheating."

"What's the situation, why did you investigate this Lu Yunche?" Shen Qingyu only knew that Xia Li asked her to investigate, but he didn't know why.

As soon as the conversation started, Xia Li couldn't hold back anymore, and scolded Lu Junche to Shen Qingyu, and finally two people scolded together, Shen Qingyu was so angry that he wanted to take a kitchen knife and chop off his dead man: "You dog, If you still want to kill people, do you really think that our country has no laws!?"

After scolding, Xia Li felt much more at ease, and comforted Shen Qingyu like someone who had experienced it.

After both of them calmed down a bit, Xia Li touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "I think Lu Zeyang might be a scumbag just like Lu Yunche, otherwise why did he run away from marriage and why didn't he show up all the time? Responsible scumbag."

Shen Qingyu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, he must be it!"

The next day, Lu Zeyang went to work at He's. His body hadn't fully recovered, but he insisted on coming so as not to make others feel strange.

Chris immediately leaned over and saw that the corner of his mouth was blue, and asked, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

"I accidentally knocked on it yesterday." Lu Zeyang said naturally.

"That... the day before yesterday, uh, sister Ruonan...how is she?" Chris asked hesitantly.

Hearing his tone, Lu Zeyang suddenly turned his head to look at him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and observed him, wanting to see if he knew that his brother wanted to kill Chen Ruonan.

Looking at each other, Chris felt guilty and acted very guilty, dodging his eyes, Lu Zeyang frowned, and asked, "Why did you leave suddenly the day before yesterday?"

Chris bowed his head: "After listening to those words, I felt that our family was very sorry for Sister Ruonan, and I was ashamed to see her. I couldn't get through to my brother. When I came back, I saw that she was fine, so I left first. gone."

He rehearsed these words for a whole day yesterday, and before going into battle, he was still very guilty, rubbing his clothes with his fingers, and his expression was very unnatural.

Chris is not going to lie, at least in this regard, his acting skills are very bad, and this statement is too flawed, and instead of helping to make up for his brother's mistakes, he feels that he does not fit there.

Lu Zeyang lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, guessing that he had something to hide, but he probably didn't know that Lu Yunche also found a killer to kill Chen Ruonan. Otherwise, given his character, he wouldn't have agreed. Although he was a little carefree, he still had a good character. .

"What about your brother, why didn't you show up the day before yesterday?"

"He didn't answer the phone, and when he called back later, the phone was turned off. I only contacted him yesterday. He was on a business trip." Chris lowered his head and said, "He said he felt very sorry for Sister Ruonan. , I will take him to personally apologize to Sister Ruonan."

"Chen Ruonan probably doesn't want to see him. She has depression. You'd better not provoke her." Lu Zeyang said coldly.

Chris was stunned and didn't dare to look up: "I understand."

Lu Zeyang did not delve deeper into his lies and continued to implement the lurking plan. He still ate and chatted with Chris as before, but Chris was absent-minded all day long.

When eating at noon, a middle-aged man with a big belly came to meet him. He kept rubbing his neck and let out two breaths of relief from time to time. It was obvious that he looked a little uncomfortable.

He was sitting diagonally across from Lu Zeyang. Lu Zeyang was a little curious, and elbowed Chris: "Do you know who he is, and why does he feel like an executive of the company."

Chris looked up: "He is the company's chief financial officer, so he can be considered an executive."

Lu Zeyang nodded, looked at his painful expression, and preliminarily concluded that he should have a problem with his neck itself, which has become more serious recently, and he should go to the hospital as soon as possible, but he probably didn't take it seriously, or he was too busy with work, so he didn't go, but If you don't go, the situation will get out of hand and it will be over.

He squinted his eyes, and an idea popped up in his mind, the food in his mouth suddenly became tasteless.

"System, is there any special medicine to treat the neck." He asked in his heart.

If you can get in touch with this person, you may be able to learn more about when.

The system mall opened, and a row of props appeared in front of his eyes. When he walked over, he saw a capsule, which was a pain in the ass for the points marked on it.

[This thing can cure the financial director’s illness. 】

Lu Zeyang raised his lips and endured the pain to buy it.

[It has been delivered, please use it in time. 】

He was taken aback, has it been delivered?What about that thing?
Just when he was wondering, he suddenly felt that there was something in the left suit pocket. He took it out and saw that it was the medicine sachet he had seen just now. It was a small one, just like an ordinary capsule.

He squeezed the medicine bag tightly, and subconsciously glanced diagonally across, thinking about how to get rid of him, but the problem now is how to get rid of Chris without making him suspicious.

Just thinking about it, Chris suddenly said absent-mindedly: "Brother Yangyang, I'm full, I'm going back to the company first."

Lu Zeyang knew that he was probably still worried about Lu Yunche's matter. He felt happy in his heart and said calmly: "Go ahead and take a good rest while there is still some time."

As soon as he left, Lu Zeyang quickly sat down opposite the chief financial officer, and introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, my name is Lu Zeyang, and I'm a new intern. I see that your neck seems uncomfortable. I run a Chinese medicine clinic at home. If you trust me, maybe let me have a look?"

The financial director looked at him suspiciously, and because his neck hurt so much, he nodded with the intention of giving it a try.

"Excuse me, what should I call you?" Lu Zeyang said with a smile.

"My surname is Du."

"Okay Director Du, please stretch out your hand and I will feel your pulse."

Director Du held out his hand suspiciously, his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't trust him very much.

Lu Zeyang took a pulse, which was not good. Out of professional habit, he looked more serious, raised his eyes and asked, "Are you flustered occasionally, often unable to sleep, and snoring loudly?"

Typical overwork, palpitations are heart palpitations, must be well adjusted, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

When I was still working in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, many young people came to see the doctor. In today's society, there is great competition pressure, and most people are in a sub-healthy state. Some young people's hearts are even worse than those of the elderly, and they also have There is a common characteristic. They all wait until the condition is serious before coming to see them. When asked why they didn't come earlier, they all said that they thought they were young and could bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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