Chapter 134 Kidnapped

Only then did she realize that there were one or two black cars on her left, the lights inside and outside the car were turned on, and the upper body of the man stretched into the back seat, as if he was holding something.

It's now!

Xia Li gritted his teeth, raised the stick and ran over, jumped up and hit the man on the back of the head with all his strength.

The man fell to the ground in response, Xia Li was so frightened that he hurriedly threw the wooden stick away. As a doctor, she subconsciously tested the man's breathing and heartbeat. Fortunately, she just passed out.

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly saw the watch in his hand out of the corner of her eye. Isn't this Yang Yang's watch? !

She recognized this watch, and she especially liked a pair of limited couple watches before. The dial of Yang Yang's was cracked, but because it was limited, they couldn't buy it at that time, and because this watch was a gift from Xia Li, he kept watching it. I couldn't bear to change it, so I wore it.

Xia Li's heart ached, and he turned his head to look at the wooden house in despair, Yang Yang couldn't be inside, could he?
Suddenly there was the sound of fighting in the wooden house, the door was kicked open, and a gangster dressed in black ran out. When he saw Xia Li, he was startled, and then saw his accomplice lying on the ground. Anger rose from his face, and he walked straight over.

Xia Li was startled and hurriedly picked up the stick and held it. He was so panicked that he even forgot to run.

The man in front of him had a vicious expression on his face, Xia Li closed his eyes, thinking that he would die here.

The sound of a wooden stick hitting a person's head sounded, and Xia Li thought to himself, it's over.

wrong!Why didn't she feel any pain at all?

Opening her eyes, the man was less than one meter away from her, and fell straight down. When she raised her eyes again, it turned out to be Yang Yang!Yang Yang held a wooden stick twice as thick as hers.

She ran over quickly, pulled Lu Zeyang to look left and right, and worried: "Are you okay?"

When Lu Zeyang saw it was her, he was stunned, threw the stick, and hugged her in his arms, his voice hoarse: "Why did you come here, how did you find this place?"

"Leave me alone, are you alright?" Xia Li felt his heart beating so violently.

"I'm fine, not hurt at all." Lu Zeyang let go of her, held her face in both hands, and smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, a good surprise turned into a fright."

Six hours ago, he finished the map, looking forward to Xia Li's appearance when he saw this surprise, just in time to receive a call from her saying that she would leave work on time, and he made up a reason for not being in the Chinese medicine clinic and immediately took the luggage Went to the airport.

He originally wanted to scare Xia Li and didn't answer her call, but looking at the constant calls, he felt uncomfortable. He could only persuade himself that it was all for surprise and endured not answering the call.

When walking to the hotel, the phone rang suddenly. This time it was not Xia Li, but Zheng Xixue.

"What are you doing, why don't you answer your girlfriend's call? She's calling me now." Zheng Xixue scolded his head and face, "What are you doing? Don't take it."

After he finished cursing, Lu Zeyang said slowly: "Don't worry about it, I'm surprising her, and now I've arrived in city b..." He said his plan again.

All that was exchanged was Zheng Xixue's silence: "Dad is very pleased that you have grown up, but I still have to remind you that it is difficult to surprise. Don't make it a fright."

Unexpectedly, his words came true.

At that time, Lu Zeyang still didn't believe it, and said to himself: "I don't have as much experience as you, but I prepared it carefully, unlike you who use a surprise eight hundred times. Don't worry, I left a note. She can understand it when she sees it, and besides, don't call her and say that if she calls again, you can say that you can't get through to me either. "

Zheng Xixue on the other end of the phone was silent for a while: "I wish you good luck."

When he arrived at the hotel, he put his luggage in the room, hummed a song and went to the skating rink. On the way, he received a call from Xia Li, so he simply turned off his mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, he was knocked unconscious as soon as he passed an alley before the skating rink arrived.

When he woke up, he had already arrived at the wooden house, his hands and feet were all tied up, and in front of him was a big man with a face full of flesh.

"Why did you tie me up?" Lu Zeyang frowned. He couldn't figure it out. He was just one of the owners of a Chinese medicine clinic. Even if he was the heir of the Lu family, he had never been there. Few people knew his real identity.

The big man glanced at him: "We use money to do things, no matter why others tie you up."

Lu Zeyang was stunned, and quickly calmed down: "Take me as a hostage? But I really have no money."

"You don't have it, your parents have it." The big man chewed peanuts, curled his lips, and muttered loudly: "The current society is really unfair, just because you reincarnated well, you were born at the end that poor children like us can't reach .”

Lu Zeyang didn't want to talk to him, and people can't decide their own origin. Instead of complaining about themselves, it's better to work hard to improve yourself. Kidnapping is kidnapping, and crime is crime. Don't use the family of origin as an excuse.

He recalled what the big man said in his mind, so the person who kidnapped him at least knew about his parents.

His eyes widened, and he blurted out: "Second Uncle?"

"Did Lu Changcheng ask you to kidnap me?" Lu Zeyang calmed down instead, narrowing his eyes slightly: "If you let me go, I will give you twice as much as he gave you."

If it was really the second uncle, then it wouldn't be surprising to kidnap him. He was a person with an extreme personality and always felt that the Lu family owed him.

Lu Zeyang's father thought so too, and even arranged for Lu Changcheng a management position in the company with a lot of money and little work, and obviously gave him money, but Lu Changcheng didn't appreciate it, and even scolded Lu's father.

Lu's mother said these things on the phone, hated and helpless, and said: "Your second uncle is a white-eyed wolf!"

At that time, Lu Zeyang had a preliminary understanding of the second uncle, and he was naturally dissatisfied in his heart, jokingly said: "You said that, my father is so strict every day, and the relationship is to give him all the tenderness."

"Yes, he has never been so gentle to me. Yangyang, you must pay attention to your second uncle. He is in City B. You are not joking. You must remember it!" Mother Lu warned her. .

Lu Zeyang said that he didn't take this second uncle into his heart. If he hadn't suddenly thought of him when he was kidnapped today, he would have almost forgotten that he had a second uncle.

The big man threw a handful of peanuts at him and said disdainfully: "Shut up, it doesn't matter who tied you up, just stay there."

Lu Zeyang quickly realized that if it was really Lu Changcheng, his purpose was basically to use him to threaten Lu's father and mother, so he could at least guarantee that he would not die. If he died, what would Lu Changcheng do?

Thinking of this, he was not afraid of provoking the big man, and looked at him with a sneer: "It's unlucky for you to cooperate with my second uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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