108 Good Things I Did To Break Up My Engagement

Chapter 120 Qin Huafeng's Original Family

Chapter 120 Qin Huafeng's Original Family
Qin Huafeng's eyes were a little loose. He knew that he had hurt someone, and it was Zheng Xixue who was hurt. The Zheng family and the Zhao family were powerful, and they would never let him go. He would definitely be in jail. If he took the opportunity to change things after he was released from prison, The conditions seem to be good.

Qin Huafeng stared at her for a while, and finally agreed.

After getting his assurance, Qian Xiaoxiao was relieved that she couldn't stay here any longer, for fear that Zhao Ming'er and others would find something unusual, so she finally ordered "can't confess me" and left in a hurry.

As soon as she left, Xia Li and the two of them stepped into the police station. They also found them based on Qian Xiaoxiao's idea.

To visit, you need to register your ID card. The two held the ID card tightly and quickly handed it to the front desk.

The policeman typed a few times on the keyboard and asked who they were visiting. When they learned that it was Qin Huafeng, the policeman's sister took another look at the two of them and muttered, "Why are you here to see him today?"

Xia Li was taken aback, but before he could react, another policeman took them to see Qin Huafeng.

The man who was once so gentle and gentle sat there like a scoundrel, even wearing handcuffs did not hinder his arrogance.

Xia Li frowned, first he was angry, attempted rape, stabbed someone, how could he be so peaceful, is he still human?
After thinking about it again, the anger turned into joy, and the joy came from my heart. I crossed my arms and said sarcastically: "You can't be proud for two days. From now on, just stay in jail and stay in jail. The future is so bright, and you will be loved by me all my life." If you destroy yourself, your parents, all your relatives and friends will be ashamed of you, and your five years of studying medicine will be in vain. Do you think the hospital will accept a doctor with a criminal record?"

Suddenly, Qin Huafeng's whole body twitched, and when he raised his face, his face was pale, his eyes were a bit pitiful, and his attitude was no longer the same as before, as if he had changed: "I, I..."

He "I"ed for a long time, and finally slapped his thigh and sighed deeply: "Hey, how did I end up where I am now."

He looked up at Xia Li, with tears in his eyes: "Doctor Xia, would you believe me if I said that what I did was involuntary?"

Xia Li was at a loss for a moment, he was locked up and still acting?
"Can't help yourself? Qin Huafeng, if you can be honest with yourself, I will respect you as a man. Now...heh." Lu Zeyang said disdainfully first: "Can't help stabbing Zheng Xixue? Can't help but rape Zhao Ming'er? You can't help yourself."

Qin Huafeng, who was separated by glass, was about to cry, but couldn't explain it, so he could only murmur, "It's really not me, it's really not me..."

Suddenly, his eyes widened, his body trembled, he opened his mouth and cursed in a low voice, looked up at Xia Li with the disdain just now, Erlang raised his legs and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

this change...

Xia Li narrowed her eyes slightly, and something flashed in her mind. After thinking about it carefully, she didn't know what it was. Lu Zeyang's question came from her ear like a baseball bat was thrown over her, completely knocking her out of her thoughts.

"What is your relationship with Qian Xiaoxiao? Did she ask you to do those things in the cave?" Lu Zeyang said solemnly.

"I don't know her." Qin Huafeng replied without thinking, squeezed the muscles on his face, and said viciously: "Besides, are you a policeman? Why are you asking me?"

"Although I am not a policeman, I am a friend of Zheng Xixue. As a family member of the victim, am I not qualified to ask?"

Remembering that he said no, Lu Zeyang sneered: "It must be that you negotiated some terms with her, so you don't want to tell her the truth, and she promised you a lot of money?"

His guesses were all correct, Qin Huafeng narrowed his eyes, but still said stubbornly: "There are no conditions, it's none of her business."

"Okay, if you don't want to close it, then you can close it." Lu Zeyang took a deep breath, and said lightly: "Qin Huafeng, 27 years old, her mother is a mistress who destroys other people's families. She is an illegitimate child and a chess piece. I want to use this The chess piece killed the biological father's original partner, and Xiaoshan took the position, but the plan failed. The biological father threw a sum of money to the mother and took the original partner away. The mother did not love his child. After squandering the money, the son abandoned him when he was three years old. "

Lu Zeyang stared at him intently, obviously speechless, but Qin Huafeng's pupils widened, and he continued: "Later, he was sent to the orphanage by kind people. He stayed in the orphanage for two years, and his biological father took him back, but it was just Guaranteed that he will not starve to death or freeze to death, I have no feelings for him at all, but he also strives to be admitted to the medical school, and when Qin Huafeng grows up, his mother has no money and comes to tell her mother and son, but he refuses."

Qin Huafeng was furious, the veins on his head were bulging, his eyes were red, as if he wanted to eat people: "Stop talking!"

It was also the first time Xia Li heard about it, and he was shocked. He really didn't expect Qin Huafeng to encounter such a thing.

"You have very low self-esteem about your family of origin and don't dare to face it, so you never mention it to anyone. If someone asks you, you make up a story about family happiness. In fact, it's just what you expected." Lu Zeyang Xu Xu said: "I can't blame you for the unhappiness of my family, but I don't believe you if you harm others!"

Through the glass door, no matter how furious Qin Huafeng was inside, Lu Zeyang and the two of them just looked at him calmly, as if they saw a tiger in a cage in a zoo. No, the tigers were looking up to Qin Huafeng. He's just a crazy wild dog.

"How do you know this?" Xia Li asked in a low voice.

"My friend is a hacker, and I asked him to help me investigate." Lu Zeyang said.

Qin Huafeng glared angrily, "You killed me, if you have the ability, kill me!"

He didn't expect Lu Zeyang to investigate his background in such detail, and the secret he had hidden for many years was revealed lightly by him, just like stripping his clothes and hanging them outside the city wall for people to visit, which was even more shameful.

"We are good, law-abiding citizens. We will only punish you as you deserve and will not kill you." Lu Zeyang smiled: "If you want to break out of the vicious circle of your original family, you should become a better version of yourself, because you have endured , if you know the pain, you won’t let your children have the same experience, instead of going crazy like you.”

"Your parents owe you, but others and we don't owe you."

Xia Li also shook his head: "You are so pitiful, from all aspects."

She knows that many children from bad native families have very strong self-esteem and don't like others to pity them, but Qin Huafeng is different, he deserves it.

Opposite the glass door, Qin Huafeng's face turned red and he smashed the chair he was sitting on in anger. Two policemen heard the sound and immediately broke in and took him hostage.

Xia Li looked at him, squinted his eyes, and looked up at one of the policemen: "Officer, looking at him like this, he should be suffering from some kind of mental illness. I think a doctor can diagnose it."

(End of this chapter)

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