Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 806 The Way of Farming (7)

Chapter 806 The Way of Farming (Seventeen)
Yu quietly frowned, she felt that the snow was not right, from all aspects.

A figure passed by the door.

"come out."

Yu quietly raised her eyes and looked over.

The figure seemed to be tangled there for a while, and then came out from behind the door dawdly.

When Yu Quietly saw that face, she was really taken aback.

...Shen Shiyu?Cubs?
No, to be more precise, that is Shen Yingjun from the first plane.

Although he introduced his own name at the time, Yu Qiaoqiao is more used to calling him Shen Yingjun.

He wears modern clothes that are incompatible with the ancient surroundings.


Shen Yingjun hesitated and called out her name.

"Why are you here?"

Yu asked quietly, and she took a few steps forward.

"I don't know either," Shen Yingjun showed confusion, "I seem to have passed out, and when I woke up, I was here."

This description sounds like you have experienced time travel.

"Why did you happen to be at my door?"

Yu quietly played with her fingers, "And, where did you know that I am not Su Qin's?"

Shen Yingjun seemed to be recalling something painful, his expression was not good-looking, "There is a mechanical voice in my mind saying, you are here, saying that you are not the owner of the original body, although your appearance and voice have changed." , but the first time I saw you, I knew you were Yu Qingqing."

It's pretty well edited.

The reunion of the old people in the ancient plane, and the reconnection of the previous relationship, this kind of thing, she is not cold at all.

What's more...

"Have you pretended enough? Haven't you played enough of this trick? Can't you think of some novel tricks?"

Yu quietly placed the dagger on "Shen Yingjun"'s neck.

Her expression was indifferent, with a murderous look on her face, "Abusing the text system, your master is really mentally handicapped. Before I directly possessed you, maybe I can still trust you for a while, now fabricate someone out of thin air for me. Is it time to praise your progress in human-making technology?"

Shen Shiyu didn't know Yu Youyou's real name at the time, and if it was Zai Zai from the first plane who met her again, his first reaction would definitely be to hug her tightly.

"Quietly... what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Shen Yingjun" tilted his head with doubts on his face.

"Imitate people, at least you should study a little bit? You are too unprofessional. If you put it in our system, it is called collapse."

Yu quietly smiled, because she didn't believe "Shen Yingjun"'s nonsense at all, "Look at you, you have the same appearance as my cub, but in temperament and speech, the difference is not one star and a half. This can also give me Come up with a fake product? Huh?"

"Shen Yingjun" seemed to be stuck in action, very stiff, like a marionette being manipulated.

Yu Qingqing didn't bother to talk nonsense with the fake "Shen Yingjun", so she raised her dagger and killed him neatly.

"Shen Yingjun" didn't resist at all, it seemed that he suddenly lost consciousness, his eyes were empty.

The dagger sealed his throat, but there was no blood on his body. Instead, it was like a machine, sending out a sizzling electric current, followed by a strange sound, and the top of his head began to smoke.

Yu quietly heard the soft, digital countdown sound.

She frowned and pushed the "corpse" a little further away.

"Shen Yingjun" exploded after a "beep".

The range of the explosion was not small. If she didn't get away in time, she might be blown to ashes as well.

(End of this chapter)

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