Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 762 Primitive Tribe (4)

Chapter 762 Primitive Tribe ([-])
Teng Zhe was embarrassed for a while, but it didn't show on his face. His eyes fell involuntarily on the extremely weak Lin Xianxian, guessing that this person should be the reason for Kasyapa's bad mood, "Kasyapa? Who is she? Here? Let me introduce?"

Yu quietly looked at him silently, "Don't you have a long mouth? Wouldn't it be better to change the question you asked to a personal name and ask her directly? If you insist on me introducing her, why, can I tell you what the flowers are like?"

She spoke like a gun, obviously not wanting to get involved at all.

However, when these words fell into Teng Zhe's ears, the meaning was different. He couldn't control the excited expression on his face, "Kasyapa, are you angry because I am curious about her? Don't be angry, I am. Ask, I am not interested in her at all, I, Teng Zhe, am still your loyal suitor."

"But I didn't expect you to be unhappy because of this kind of thing. I was quite surprised. I thought..."

Teng Zhe continued talking in that small mouth by himself.

Anyway, Yu Quietly stopped listening from the moment he opened his mouth.

No matter what he said, it was probably some boring and confident speech.

Lin Xianxian, who was barely in the center of the topic, couldn't help but twitched her lips.

How can there be so many orcs who talk too much and don't have much to say.

But she was quite surprised that Teng Zhe liked Kasyapa so much.

Although Kasyapa seems cold and indifferent, as long as Tengzhe can persist, Kasyapa will definitely be moved.

At that time, Kassapa might thank her!

With this thought in mind, Lin Xianxian ignored her current embarrassed appearance, stepped forward, and took the initiative to shake hands with Teng Zhe, "Hello, I'm Lin Xianxian. I'm new here. Please give me some advice."

"Uh, hello." Teng Zhe stretched out his hand.

The heroine has taken the initiative, so there is no reason for the supporting role not to respond.

Teng Zhe quickly replied: "What is your race...? It's hard to tell from the surface."

"I'm just an ordinary human, not as powerful as you orcs." Lin Xianxian smiled and waved her hands modestly, "But I came from modern times, and that place is much more advanced than here. Can't understand."

Yu quietly picked up the bucket on the ground and threw it into the heroine's arms, almost hitting Lin Xianxian's face.

She didn't apologize at all, and even smiled smugly, reminding kindly: "Don't forget to return the bucket of water."


After speaking, Yu quietly left.

I just want to get away from this right and wrong place where demons and ghosts gather as soon as possible, okay?


Teng Zhe yelled from behind, and was about to catch up, when Lin Xianxian grabbed his hand, he looked over displeasedly, his eyes showed some cold characteristics of the snake clan, "What are you doing?"

Lin Xianxian was startled, and quickly let go, explaining: "If you go now, she won't pay attention to you. I am a modern person, and I still know more about things between men and women than you orcs."

"Really?" Teng Zhe looked at her suspiciously, "You don't look like you can lie either. Then tell me, what should I do?"

"Jasyapa's current state is obviously jealous! At this time, you can't lick your face and get close to her. You should let her be tortured by the emotions in her heart for a while. When she realizes that you are no longer so enthusiastic After pursuing her, her heart will be empty, and she will start to reflect on her own mistakes, and it's your turn to act here."

Lin Xianxian spoke at length quite proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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