Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 754 Primitive Tribe (6)

Chapter 754 Primitive Tribe ([-])

What's more, Teng Zhe actually jumped out and beat him up, saying that he accidentally witnessed the whole process of Kasyapa lighting the fire.

At that time, there was no other person present to testify, so the orc would rather believe Teng Zhe's one-sided statement than listen to Kasyapa's justification.

There was something about the orcs receiving gifts before they moved out, which added fuel to the fire.

The leader is Kasyapa's elder and has always been very kind to Kasyapa. He has always been proud to have such an outstanding tribesman as Kasyapa.

But he couldn't find a reason to keep Kasyapa, and under pressure, he had no choice but to expel Kassapa from the tribe.

And Lin Xianxian hasn't appeared since the night of the full moon.

Kasyapa was so disappointed in all the orcs that she didn't even have a chance to try to be believed.

Especially Teng Zhe, Kasyapa did not understand why he gave false testimony.

Just before Kasyapa left the tribe, Teng Zhe told her what had happened.

Kassapa, who was used to being arrogant all his life, felt aggrieved for the first time, the kind of grievance that he couldn't justify, even if he had done nothing wrong.

Go back and explain?

But what's the use?
Who will believe?
No, it should be said, who will listen?
She was expelled from the clan, wandering all the way, and came to the root of the wolf tribe by mistake.

At that time, Aitu had become the leader admired by thousands of people, and Lin Xianxian was the only one by his side. Their love story was a good story in the tribe.

Kasyapa was poured cold water on reality, she felt ridiculous.

She did nothing and lost everything, even her identity.

How to talk about the glamorous Kassapa from the past.

Now she is nothing.

But the root of the evil, Lin Xianxian, is enjoying her original life.

With the last bit of kindness in mind, Jiaye thought that Lin Xianxian might not have done it on purpose, so she proposed to the tribal guard that she wanted to meet Lin Xianxian.

In order to survive, Kasyapa was even ready to give up her dignity and ask Lin Xianxian to give her a way out.

She doesn't want to live a good life, she just wants to live.

The guard sent a letter, and it didn't take long for him to write back, saying that Lin Xianxian was missing.

Kasyapa was still stubbornly standing there, she wanted to know how long she would have to stand before Lin Xianxian would come out to face herself and face those guilt.

Instead of waiting for Lin Xianxian, Kasyapa waited for Aitu.

As Kassapa imagined, Aitu was perfect.

The first thing Keitu said to her was.

"Execute this orc."

Kassapa did not know whose order it was.

But it doesn't matter.

Just before he died, Kasyapa was thinking.

If Lin Xianxian had been kept away thousands of miles from the beginning.


Will it be better?
It was the first time Yu Quietly saw such a shameless person.

The heroine this time - Lin Xianxian, among the weirdos she has encountered in her career, in terms of shamelessness, she must be ranked among the top few.

Probably because of the different environment, if it was Yu Qiaoqiao, she would never make such a humble choice as Kasyapa.

When it comes to that kind of desperation, no one can tell what decision they will make.

But Yu Qingqing thought that there were only two ways he could do it.

The first one is the most acceptable to the public and is also advocated. To maintain dignity, one would rather starve to death than beg for anyone.

In fact, this is the nature of the Lion Clan, so it is not difficult to imagine what kind of situation Kassapa had fallen into at that time before he abandoned his nature.

But Yu Quietly prefers to choose the second option.

Do whatever it takes to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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