Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 735 Cangming Necklace (33)

Chapter 735 Cangming Necklace (33)


Do not eat Bentong!
The host is crazy!

Have you forgotten the slaughterhouse incident by Daming Lake? !

Scum host!
This system is tired and does not love.

Yu quietly held his hand and looked disgusted, "Being loved by you is a burden."


I was also rejected by the host today.

[Wait, host. 】

"What are you doing? Selling it to the top?"

[No, I think there is something that you may need to know, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not. 】


What's the matter, the system will notify you personally?

Could it be that the abuse system has started to go to a dead end again?

[Host, you didn't use your heart language just now.It is the phrase "being loved by you is a burden". 】

"so what……"

Yu quietly froze.

No heart words.

Doesn't that mean I have spoken out?

She looked at Ye Xian suddenly.

Yexian lowered her eyes and couldn't see her expression clearly, but there was an air of resentment all over her body, as if her little daughter-in-law had been abandoned.


Don't make up your mind, young man!
Brains are deceptive!
This, this is like going dark.

_(:з ∠)_
Yu quietly admitted her mistake online, "I'm not talking about you."

"Then who are you talking to?"

Yexian pointed casually, "That stone?"

His thin white fingers rested on his chin, "Or, that seaweed?"

Yu Quietly: "..."

Nothing is right.

Seeing that Yu Youyou didn't respond, Ye Xian thought he had hit the mark, and couldn't help but feel even more annoyed. He thought it was just being affectionate, so he averted his eyes lightly.

Yexian didn't know why he was angry.

What she said really made him uncomfortable.

But why are you sad?
She just said something to him from beginning to end——


As it stands now.

Not necessarily true.

Maybe just a casual mention.

It’s just that he believed it.

So, what position is he going to be angry with?
Yexian really wanted to say something, but he felt stuffy in his heart, which was different from the dullness when he purified the Cangming Necklace just now, but the energy was not enough.

It's so boring that it even hurts.

Like a thorn stuck in the heart.

The more I think about that sentence, the deeper the needle goes.

Not only was it the initial tingling, but the needle was still grinding in the heart, drawing one scar after another on the heart.

It's nothing more than a thousand cuts.

Ye Xian is a beginner emotionally, he is slow, but the highly developed system of the mermaid does not allow him to be unaware, he has to be sensitive to everything.

The senses are infinitely amplified.

including pain.

He will feel ten times, even a hundred times more pain than ordinary people.

"Purification finished?"

Hearing the words, Ye Xian suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and said indifferently: "Yes."

He turned to leave, but Yu quietly held his hand.

"Now that one important thing is done, shouldn't we do another important thing?"

Yexian didn't react, and asked in a daze, "Huh? What?"

Yu quietly held his chin, pretending to think seriously, "In the words of you mermaids, it should be about reproduction..."

She leaned close to his ear and said softly: "Mate, match, question, question."

Yu Quietly paused every single word deliberately, with an inexplicable ambiguity in his tone, which aroused Yexian's random reverie.

Yexian said: I...understand.

But understanding is the scariest thing.

He was at a loss.

Not sure what reaction to give at all.

She... she likes herself, right?
And it's a blatant liking, without hiding it.

Simple, straightforward, and mesmerizing.

(End of this chapter)

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