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Chapter 66 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (7)

Chapter 66 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty ([-])

If the strength of the two sides is equal and the stalemate persists, and the battle lasts for twelve hours, there will be a half-hour rest.After the break, the two sides continue to compete!Until one party admits defeat or is exhausted.

Throwing in the towel is actually very common.

For example, one party wants to get a higher ranking, but they lack strength and luck, and when they choose someone who is much stronger than themselves, they have to choose to surrender.

In another sense, it is also a wise choice.When confronting other losers, you can save some stamina and gain some advantages.

Yu Qiaoqiao and Yun Qingyi won almost lying down. When the others met them, they first lamented how bad their luck was, and then surrendered as if they had agreed.

There were also a few desperate souls... or rather courageous souls who challenged them, but the result did not change.

The game lasted for more than half a month, which was a waste of time and energy, but the cheers on the field did not diminish, and the audience seemed to be living in Zhiling Academy.

High-level spirits don't need to eat, and other spirits need to supplement some. Yun Qingyi also eats. Every time she eats, she will look at Yu Qiaoqiao curiously, probably wondering why she doesn't eat.

The ruling elders will give everyone a rest time, eating, sleeping, practicing... almost everyone's heart is pounding with tension.

Then, the Final Four finally came.

The top four are undoubtedly Yu Qingqing, Yun Qingyi, Nangong Ao and Yun Qingcheng.

The latter two were really lucky.

According to the game mechanism, Yun Qingyi's opponent is Yun Qingcheng, and Yu Quietly faces Nangong Ao.

Yun Qing entered the stage according to the request, but Yu Qiaoqiao had no objection, so she tidied up her clothes and entered the stage.

For more than half a month, some people forgot to sleep and eat or even take a bath for the competition, and not one or two.

Every time she thinks of these things, Yu Qiaoqiao is very incomprehensible.

Not eating is okay for her, but for other people, it is easy to cause disease, and then the medicine and poison valley will make money again.

If you don't sleep, you will have skin problems.

Not taking a shower... more impossible.

Yu Quietly is wearing light blue clothes today, even the hem of the clothes is obviously fairy-like, her temperament and appearance are still outstanding.

The people who eat melons said: Sure enough, no matter how you look at the beauties, you will never get tired of looking at them!
Nangong Ao frowned with some annoyance. Of course he knew that the opponent in front of him was impossible for him to defeat, so he already had the mentality of losing.

After all, after he loses, Yun Qingcheng will definitely lose, and he is confident that he can win against Yun Qingcheng. In this way, No.3 is his.

However, the question is, how can we lose in a decent way without embarrassing the royal family?

The referee rings the bell to signal the start of the game.

Nangong Ao sent an eye message to the woman in front of him: Give me some face and let me lose more slowly.

It's a good way to reflect the stalemate of the situation!

Yu Quietly expressed that she didn't understand, why is this person blinking?Is there something wrong?Cramp?

No matter what, Yu Qiaoqiao didn't intend to waste time.

So he attacked mercilessly, even before the opponent could react, he fell to the ground, almost...

a momentary thing.

Even the extremely quick-responsive ruling elder was stunned for a moment before ringing the bell to signal the end of the game. He has been here for many years. In the top three competition, he has never seen such a short game except for one party admitting defeat. !

This, this game should be recorded in history!
Let the spirits never forget!

(End of this chapter)

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