Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 61 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (2)

Chapter 61 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty ([-])

Before Yun Qingcheng could speak, Yu Quietly stood up and answered, "Manshu, Yun Qingcheng's master."

The main reason is that he is afraid that if he reveals his identity as a pharmacist or a poisoner, others will be too surprised, so they will send things to Yun Qingcheng to curry favor with her.

Yun Qingcheng glanced at her, but did not refute.

Oh yeah, I'm the hostess boss now.

"Can you tell me your spiritual power level?"

For the curiosity of the strong, it is perfectly normal to ask questions.

Yun Qingcheng frowned. This kind of thing used to belong to her. The feeling of being looked up to by everyone clearly belonged to her.

"Taller than you."

Father Yun: "..." Isn't this nonsense?
Yu Quietly ignored him.

Here the strong are respected, since she has acquired the identity of Manshu, she should naturally be more noble and arrogant.

Besides, it has to be so noble, not everyone can be the owner of the valley, and the original owner Manshu is also a dual-line spiritual root, powerful, and has excellent control over the spiritual energy.

If you have such a powerful identity, you should be proud.

After sending the others away, Yun Qingcheng asked her, "The pill from last time...is there any more?"

What Yun Qingcheng was talking about was not the Guyuan Pill, but the Plastic Spirit Pill that Yu Quietly gave Yun Qingcheng to improve his strength.

She brought several pills from the Poison Valley!
Who knew that Yun Qingcheng took it so quickly?

She warned Yun Qingcheng.

But whether Yun Qingcheng listens or not is her own business.

This is of course one of the reasons why Yun Qingcheng practiced so fast.


Yu Quietly replied indifferently.

A moment of silence.

"Can I become a pharmacist?"

Yun Qingcheng now has spiritual power, and she believes that as long as Yu Qiaoqiao is willing to teach, she will definitely become an excellent pharmacist, and she will definitely be better than everyone else!

At that time, she will be able to look down on everyone, and let those who looked down on her know that she is a genius!

Medicine and poison are intertwined to some extent. People who can make medicine may not necessarily make poison, but people who can make poison will definitely make medicine.


She is too lazy to teach.


There was a bit of screaming and disbelief in Yun Qingcheng's voice.

This piercing sound almost made Yu Quietly unable to hear other pleasant sounds in this world.

"You are not qualified."

This is the truth, if Yun Qingcheng can become a pharmacist or poison refiner at this level, then why do you need these two professions?

Yun Qingcheng exploded in anger, but was startled by Yu Youyou's faint eyes, her face was full of panic, the air around her seemed to have cooled down, and Yun Qingcheng was so overwhelmed that she couldn't breathe.

Yun Qingcheng almost forgot that the woman in front of her was a spirit whose level even Father Yun couldn't tell!
"Instead of thinking about those unrealistic things, it is better to focus on your feet and take every step well."


Soon, the triennial entrance examination of Zhiling College came as scheduled.

The night before leaving Yunfu, Yu quietly went to find Yun Qinghe in stealth.

Yun Qinghe is still resting. These days, she is gradually not being valued by Father Yun, and she looks a little haggard.

Yu quietly scooped up a bowl of water and poured it straight towards Yun Qinghe.

Yun Qinghe woke up startled, "You, who are you?"

Accompanied by the moonlight, Yun Qinghe could see the woman's face clearly, so familiar!
She seemed to have seen this person somewhere, and when she thought about it carefully, this person stood aside when she attacked Yun Qingcheng, without giving him a single look, "Are you from Yun Qingcheng? Did she tell you something? What are you going to do to me? Come on..."

Yu Quietly snapped her fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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