Chapter 40

Mu Chen brushed away the broken hair in front of Yu Youyou's forehead, revealing a smooth forehead.

What the hell is this guy trying to do?
Pushing her hair back to make her go bald?
Why is this family so weird?

She used to feel guilty about riding on two boats, but now she just wants to throw away these two weirdos and find the next boat.

[Quietly, points. 】

Fool, you must not know about the debts, and want to strike every now and then, hey!


Forget it, bald is bald, it's not her hair anyway.

[You have no bottom line.If the original owner knows your thoughts, he will definitely die of anger. 】

Hmph, who told her to meet me.

Mu Chen quietly picked up Yu Youyou who was wrapped in a blanket.

Yu Quietly, who was chatting with the single dog system, was taken aback by the sudden sense of suspension.

Didn't you tell someone to send me to the guest room? !

Can't you keep your word? !
Man's mouth, liar ghost!
Yu Qiaoyou's head was a little out of the way, giving people a feeling that they were about to fall if they were not careful.

Mu Chen pressed her head back with his right hand.

? . ?
What to press?
What is my head?
If you are angry, you will be angry, why do you want to attack my head!

Yu Youyou's face was pressed against the man's chest, and she took the opportunity to take a sneak peek.

Mu Chen's black shirt is of good texture and comfortable fabric. It would be great if there was such a pillow. Thinking of this, she rubbed her exclusive pillow like a cat.

[? . ? 】What kind of mess does my host care about every day?

The girl's hair hung on Mu Chen's exposed half of his arm, and there was a slight itchiness. The girl's restless search for a pillow made Mu Chen walk faster.

The distance was too close, Yu Qiaoqiao seemed to be able to hear the man's heartbeat.

Plop plop.

One click, firm and powerful.

It seems to be accelerating.


Why did it stop? ? ?

Oh, she was left in the room.

Why did you lose it?

Can you be more considerate!
Mu Chen has already walked away.No wonder the warm feeling disappeared all of a sudden.

Yu quietly opened her eyes, rolled around on the bed, and instantly found the feeling of a rich man again.

【Munan is chatting with his father. 】

"Eavesdrop and eavesdrop!"

Generally speaking, Gouzi would not give her any hints like this, so there must be something special about it saying this.

In just a moment, the picture appeared.On the big glowing screen was Mu Nan and his father. The two were chatting about something, and the scene looked harmonious.

Father Mu sat on the sofa, not with a fierce face as imagined, but a kind face, smiling from time to time.

Standing there, Mu Nan could see that he was a little nervous, but he still did not lose his demeanor.

"My son is so good."

【…】Why do you treat the nephew of the raid target as your son?It's so complicated.

"Dog, what's the sound?"

She could only see images, but not hear sounds.

[Is it free to open a cheat for you?Hmph, you stinky woman, you're all in debt. 】

What are you kidding?Didn't complete a task, but still owed?

"You didn't say anything!"

【You didn't even ask! 】

"how could I know?"

[How do I know you don't know? 】

"Then you still encourage me to eavesdrop and watch... Forget it, how many points do I owe?"

[No more, no less, exactly one thousand points. 】

Yu Quietly was so frightened that she immediately got up and put on her slippers.

【What are you going to do? 】I don’t see it like this when I should be energetic.

"Grab points."

One thousand points is equal to Mu Chen.

Grabbing points is equal to grabbing Mu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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