Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 213 The Subjugated Princess (55)

Chapter 213 The Subjugated Princess (55)

Yes, she was too selfish and did not consider his ambition.

Whether he proclaims himself emperor or not has nothing to do with her.

From then on, she was just a corpse, a passer-by in his life.

That's it.

Ming Jin's heart trembled, he never thought that such a thing would happen, she still had a place in his heart, and he was not willing to let her die.

Is this a bitter trick?
Ming Jin suddenly calmed down a bit.

She was taking advantage of her feelings for her again.


When Yu Quietly's body temperature dropped little by little, a large number of memory fragments suddenly appeared in Ming Jin's mind.

[It was dawn, and the little princess clung to the straw tightly, refusing to let go. 】

[Ming Jin, I will definitely protect you. 】

[Ming Jin, it took me a lot of effort to let you escape, how can you thank me? 】

The little princess was an insider by accident, and the incident had nothing to do with her. Coincidentally, fate made a joke for them, and all those who knew about it lost their memories.

The dream awakened Mingji's memory, and he learned that the truth he knew before was just his demons.

During those days, he was haunted by demons, how could he tell the real from the fake?

People always believe what they want to believe, don't they?

He kept saying that the little princess is not savage or willful, but in his heart, she is such a savage, willful and vicious person, isn't she?
He can continue to serve as her bodyguard and have a bite to eat because she pleaded with her father.

What right do you have to stand by her side?

Not identity.

You don't trust her at all.

Without trust, what love is there?

"Little princess..." Ming Jin escaped from the dream and said in a trembling voice.

He killed the little princess.

Even when she was desperate, she was unwilling to believe her, and regarded her suicide as a bitter plan.

Ming Jin, what have you done?
Ming could not move a step, only felt that his heart was going cold.

Little princess, do you feel pain?

I was wrong, I was really wrong.

But it's useless, isn't it?
Yu Quietly sneered, pulled out the dagger, and stabbed it into her chest again, blood was flowing, the red color of the red wedding dress no longer symbolized joy, and there was a poignant smile on her face.

If you look closely, it's terrifying.

The smiling eyes are lifeless and empty, without soul, as if they are puppets being manipulated.

Ming Jin, am I not good enough for you?
You don't need to do it, I will end my life myself, and you can complete your grand plan.

No matter what Yu Quietly does, Ming Jin can only watch without moving.

He just felt heartbroken.

Think about it sooner, if he thinks about it sooner, at least, she won't commit suicide...

Yu Qingqing sat quietly. She didn't know if it was the system's bonus or something else. The blood from the wound had not finished flowing out. If it wasn't painful, she would have stabbed it a few more times.

Even if there is a system cheat, it still hurts, from the pain in the body to the pain in the heart, everything uproots her pain.

She originally thought that Ming Jin was the most innocent, but she didn't expect that she was, not only innocent, but also stupid.

The blood was flowing quietly, Yu Qiaoqiao didn't have any expression on her face, she seemed to be a little used to it, she tore off the useless headdress and jewelry on her body, if she had known this was the case, she would not have pawned those valuables.

It's better to save it up and live a happy life with delicious food and drink.

Yu Qiaoqiao suddenly felt a little tired, she slightly curled her lips, and slowly closed her eyes.

Finally, freed...

(End of this chapter)

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