Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 184 The Subjugated Princess (26)

Chapter 184 The Subjugated Princess (26)

The emperor waved his hand and smiled to show his generosity and carelessness, and the matter passed.

But just because the emperor forgave Xiliang, it doesn't mean that other people forgave Xiliang.

The man was one of those whose family members were injured.

The words are a bit exaggerated, but they are all civilians. They don't know so many disputes, they just think it is war.

For them, home is the most important thing. Xiliang soldiers destroyed their home, and their emotions were hard to calm down for a while. Seeing the news that the Central Plains took Xiliang, they were naturally very excited.

"well done!"

"They deserve it!"

"Everyone in Xiliang deserves to die!"

Ming Jin was startled, and suddenly raised his head to look at the little princess.

The candied haws in the little princess's hand fell to the ground, and the sound of the shattering of the sugar coating wrapped in the candied haws was completely drowned out by the crowd's voices, but Mingji seemed to hear the sound clearly.

Broken sound.

Candied haws.

and heart.


Xiliang was destroyed ahead of time, which was beyond Yu Quiet's expectation, but they did arrive in the capital ahead of time, from this point of view, it was normal.

Of course, Yu Qiaoqiao is not a bright pearl, no matter how much she feels sympathy for Xiliang, she will not show it.

But there is a reason why Tanghulu got rid of it.

The dog has been barking since just now.

[Injected into the emotion of the original owner...]

[Injected into the emotion of the original owner...]

[Injected into the emotion of the original owner...]

After Yu Quietly broke free, the mechanical sound of the dog subsided, and she hadn't forgotten the feeling of the original owner just now.

The despair and pain welling up from the depths of my heart are dissatisfaction and complaints from the soul: why? !Why should the people of Xiliang Kingdom die? ?
Yu Quietly is not very good at comforting people, especially in this situation, what she said is superfluous, but she still thinks that Mingzhu still has reason, she said: "Xiliang is destroyed, this is an undeniable fact, you can't Accept it, and you can’t escape it. It may be difficult to accept it. In this case, it’s better to try to cherish the present. The past can’t be changed, but the future can’t be changed.”

Mingzhu still shouted unwillingly: "It's easy for you to say!"That's my country, that's the pain I really feel!How can you, a tasker, know that!

Mingzhu shouted until her voice became hoarse.

Yu Quietly felt a little complicated.

For her and Gouzi, these are just plots.

For them in the story, all the pain is real.

In this complicated parallel time and space, Yu Quietly can't fully understand Mingzhu's feelings, but for her own benefit, Yu Quietly can only choose to persuade Mingzhu from the perspective of a bystander.

She is actually very selfish.

Mingzhu's interests are gone, but as long as Mingzhu wants to, Yu Qingqing will try his best to protect or even recapture Mingzhu's interests, but all the protection or recapture is based on her own interests.

As Gouzi once said, the original owner also has what he wants, so he will actively provide the system with the right to use the body, and once provided, the system and the tasker will be allowed to use the body to complete the task, and the system and the tasker will also obtain benefits ... Otherwise, how unfair.

[Of course, the injection of the original owner's emotions is to prevent the design from collapsing. How could the real original owner be indifferent at this time?Isn't this for better profit. 】

Yu Quietly said seriously to the Pearl hidden in his heart: "You are not wrong, no one should die for no reason, so I will definitely let those damned people die."

(End of this chapter)

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