Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 164 The Subjugated Princess (6)

Chapter 164 The Subjugated Princess ([-])

The little princess looks so good even drinking water, her eyes are beautiful and lively, as if she can talk, her black hair is a little messy, but it doesn't affect the beauty of the little princess at all.

After Yu Quietly rested, Ming Jin squatted on the ground, and his broad back came into Yu Quiet's sight. As expected of a long-term exercise, Ming Jin radiated strength and charm in every move.

"Ah Jin, what are you doing?"

It's true that the figure is perfect, but what does it mean to show her clearly, is it mocking her for her poor figure?
Ming Jin still lowered his head slightly, "Ah Jin wants to carry the little princess on his back, so as to reduce the waste of physical strength."

What do you mean?
Isn't this talking about her, she didn't come here to show off her physical strength and waste the physical strength of the two of them?

However, Yu Quietly didn't continue to think so much, the opportunity to be lazy was right in front of her, how could she not make good use of it?
Soon, Ming Jin felt the weight of the little princess. To him, the little princess was very light.

It was like a feather, as if a gust of wind would blow her away.

Ming Jin didn't touch the little princess directly, but clenched two fists and encircled the little princess.

In order to prevent the little princess from being blown away by the wind, Ming Jin clenched his two fists tightly, and the little princess's soft body pressed against him even tighter.

Fortunately, the little princess was looking for something at this time, and didn't pay much attention to him.

Otherwise, Ming Jin's blushing face will be discovered by the little princess.

The wind in the evening is also extremely hot, which is inexplicably unpleasant.

Occasionally, the breath of the little princess would surround his ears through the veil of the bamboo hat, as if forming an invisible net around him, covering him tightly.

After a while, the little princess suddenly patted him on the shoulder, "Ming Jin, let me down."

If you have a better attitude towards Mingjin, you can't disappoint him, but if you recite it for a long time and he is too tired, will Gouzi also judge this as a bad attitude?
For things that are unclear, it is better to be cautious.

Yu quietly walked in front, and Ming Jin followed her obediently. On the sand, their shadows overlapped.

Ming Jin's shadow almost covered her shadow.

The little princess stopped, looked back at him, and said softly, "Ming Jin, you stepped on me."

Ming Jin was taken aback for a moment, and looked down, not quite understanding what the little princess meant.

It seems...he didn't step on the little princess?

The little princess smiled suddenly, that smile seemed to be more dazzling than the sunset behind them, and it reached his heart.

It is rare for Ming Jin to see such a smile from the little princess, pure and flawless, yet delicate and lovely.

Such a little princess should be loved by everyone and should have the best everything in the world.

Yu Hui reflected the little princess's watery eyes, "You have stepped on my shadow."

The little princess continued softly: "I stepped on it so hard, it hurts."

It seems to be coquettish, it seems to blame.

He clearly remembered that some people had said bad things about the little princess's domineering before, but he didn't believe it then, and he doesn't believe it now.

Ming Jin's eagle-like sharp eyes seemed to be at a loss. The tall man took a step back and separated the overlapping shadows of the two, "Then, the little princess, step on me."

The little princess stretched her eyebrows, and took a big step towards him—the long legs still had the advantage, and at the same distance, she needed to take a big step.

(End of this chapter)

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