Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 151 Concubine in the Cold Palace (45)

Chapter 151 Concubine in the Cold Palace (45)

"Su Ke, have you ever had a dream? In the dream, you killed my ten-day-old daughter by drowning her after she arrived safely."

Su Ke was surprised, she did have this dream, but it was not she who harmed others, but Yu Qiaoqiu who harmed others, just like tonight, "So what if you have it? So what if you don't have it? It's all a dream, unrealistic. "

Su Ke was about to admonish Yu Qiaoqiao, but it suddenly occurred to her that maybe Yu Qiaoqiao didn't want to ask her if she had such a dream, maybe Yu Qiaoqiao just wanted to treat her child in the same way!

When Su Ke realized it, Yu Qiaoqiao had already made that move, and Su Ke rushed over, trying to save her child.

Yu quietly hugged the child and avoided it gently, Su Ke jumped into the air and fell into the water magnificently.

Su Ke was not used to water, so she choked on a few mouthfuls of ice water. No matter how good her physique was, she was still a person who had just given birth, and suddenly became weak like a leaking balloon. She struggled desperately to get ashore.

Yu quietly squatted down, holding Su Ke's head with a cold expression, preventing her from breathing above the water.

Soon, Su Ke lost his strength.

During this period, Lu Hong kept shouting uselessly.

After tidying up Su Ke, Yu quietly walked towards Lu Hong with the child in her arms. Instead, Yu quietly smiled at him, but Lu Hong instantly had goosebumps all over her body!

He saw Yu quietly drowning Su Ke to death with his own eyes, and the reason was that there was no one at all!

Lu Hong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth to scold her.

Yu Quietly dodged to the side calmly, she was almost sprayed with saliva.

When Lu Hong said that his mouth was dry, Yu quietly said, "Are you finished? Gossip."

She never forgot these three words.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, which way of death do you like? Do you need a set meal for two?"

Crazy, this woman is crazy!

Lu Hong called the guards hoarsely.

"You shouted, even if you broke your throat, no one came to save you."

"Usually those guards have already run away. Who wants to follow a leader who has no future and no ability?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. As the protagonist, how can you miss the exciting scene later?"

Lu Hong wanted to resist, but he couldn't make a sound. All the grievances could only be hidden in his stomach.


Hearing the familiar voice, a smile appeared on Yu Qianqian's face.

Lu Hong recognized that it was Lu Ji, but he didn't know how he got into the palace.

Lu Ji's face was stained with blood, presumably the fight was over.

His coming is also the coming of light.

Yu Quietly held Lu Ji's hand naturally, Lu Hong could only watch them helplessly, but could not express his emotions.

How could these two people do such an obscene thing?

Ministers in the court, concubines in the harem... Heh, heh, he has thought of how to deal with Yu Qiaoqiao, and he will make Yu Qiaoqiao completely unable to turn over!

Seeing Lu Hong's eyes, Yu Qingqing felt unhappy all over, "What are you looking at? Who do you think you are? This world has changed hands!"

Lu Hong couldn't believe it, he looked at Lu Ji, who showed him the jade seal.

The so-called usurping the throne meant that she lured Lu Hong away without anyone noticing it, making him forget that there was such a thing as usurping the throne when Lu Hong had been being more careful.

Then Lu Ji was ordered to attack the line of defense and usurp the throne without Lu Hong's knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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