Chapter 84 Kiss Your Husband, Hello 19
(recommendation ticket plus update)

"Let's go to the mall."

Tang Boss was in a good mood, and he didn't show any anger even after being bitten.

Having made up his mind to keep this little woman by his side, he couldn't help but take her to the streets childishly.

The clothes on her must have been bought by Feng Jian, no!I want to replace it with my own~~
Think about being in a good mood.

It was the shopping mall that Xu Shenshen lost.

This is all right to slap Feng Jian in the face.


the mall

Since the lost incident, no one patronizes.

The owner of the shopping mall was also clouded with gloom, for fear that Mr. Feng would crush his little shrimp to death with one finger in a fit of anger.

The boss at the top is not in the mood to do business anymore, and the employees below are even more lethargic.

"What do you see?"

Although the little girl next to her didn't say a word, Tang Ye chattered.

He picked up a Lolita-style dress and gestured towards Xu Shenshen.

Xu Shenshen is so helpless~
With tears streaming down her face, she watched Tang Ye pick out dozens of Lolita-style clothes for her and throw them in the shopping cart at the mall, feeling bad all over.

The sweet clothes are so sour that she almost doesn't want them!

There was too much movement here, and finally woke up the listless clerk.

He ran over in a hurry, and when he saw Tang Ye, his surprise turned into flattery, "Mr. Tang."

Why would Mr. Tang come to pick out women’s clothes?Oh, the woman next to him is so beautiful, but... why does she look familiar?

But I couldn't think of it for a while, shook my head, didn't think about it, and continued to flatter, if I make money, I am a boss!

"Buy clothes, take all of these to checkout."

Tang Ye pointed lightly at the clothes in the shopping cart, the satisfaction in the corners of his eyes and brows was undeniable.

Well, it definitely looks good when you wear it.

Xu Shen got goosebumps all over the ground, and couldn't agree with Tang Ye's taste.

Did you see...the clerks were shocked!
The clerk was surprised by the mountain of Lolita skirts and glanced at Xu Shenshen.

What a pretty lady, but something doesn't look right about her.

Those gray eyes seemed more like dark clothes.

"Mr. Tang, do you want to take a look at the dark clothes? This is a new model in the store, and it is also a limited edition worldwide."

Dark department?
Tang Ye and Xu Shenshen had completely different reactions.

Tang Ye expressed his ugly rejection!

Xu expresses her great love!
"No, that's all."

Tang Ye frowned and dismissed the clerk's suggestion.

But he was stunned by Xu Shenshen's actions.

He who has always been treated as air was lightly touched for the first time.

He froze, thinking he must be feeling wrong.

But the little man behind him continued to poke, his movements stubborn and determined.


Tang Ye turned around and expressed his surprise.

The look in Xu Shen's eyes was simply shining.

Xu Shenshen, who was blinded by the X-eye of the [-]-degree titanium alloy, pointed to the dark-colored clothes that the clerk had already held in his hands, and the meaning was obvious.

The dark red off-shoulder slanted pattern, lace decoration, and the fluffy curvature of the skirt, are properly dressed as a little witch.

The corner of Tang Ye's mouth twitched, but who made himself not be ignored for the first time!
A good mood!He likes even a little witch!

So he waved his hand, "Buy!"

The clerk smiled broadly. This dress cost seven figures!

"Okay, Mr. Tang, I think you and your girlfriend are a good match. Let me take a photo of you."

Tang Ye didn't intend to answer, but when he heard the word girlfriend, the corners of his lips fluttered.


Xu Shenshen was forced into the arms of someone outside the circle!
I feel resentful in my heart!

Clerk, you bastard!Girlfriend your sister!
 Say it to me~~little dirty girl
  Give the reward 120~ a big persimmon, the last update is at [-]pm, see you later~~
(End of this chapter)

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